Alexa widgets for blogger

Alexa widgets for blogger
Alexa widgets for blogger
hello every one how are you hope you are fine today i,m going to tell ou about alexa widgets in my last post about alexa rank i told you about how to improve alexa rank .this is one of the trick i tell you in my last alexa post. adding alexa widgets in blogger is another way to improve your visibility in alexa so when when people click on these alexa widgets alexa get more concentrate on your site so they improve your ranking day by day so i,m going to tell you that how to add these widgets in your blogger blog there are two ways to adding these widgets in your blog 1st method that you directly add widgets from alexa and another method is that which i,m going to tell you.


  • Go to blogger > dashboard > layout
  • add a gadget and select html/javascript
  • now paste alexa widget code in it and save it 

Alexa widget codes

alexa rank widget

<a href=""><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script></a>
<a href=""><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script></a>

<a href=""><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script></a>
 Now replace with your blogs link and save it
thank you very much

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