Ajax Select and Upload Multiple Images with Jquery

Very few days back I had posted an article about Multiple ajax image upload without refreshing the page using jquery and PHP. In this post I have updated few lines of code that allows to user can select and upload multiple images in single shot, thanks to Lakshmi Maddukuri for sending me a useful piece of code. Just take a quick look this live demo.

Multiple Ajax Image Upload without Refreshing Page using Jquery and PHP.

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AngularJS Tutorial Two Way Data Binding

This post is the continuation of my previous AngularJS tutorial, I had explained JSON parsing using AngularJS. In this we are going to explain how to do two way data binding with Angular JS. Data binding is the most useful feature in AngularJS, It will help you to save from writing a lots of regular code.

AngularJS Tutorial.

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Add Custom Favicon To Your Blogger Blog

Suggested Post: Add Nice JQuerry Effect To Your Blogger Labels .Many new bloggers face this problem that how to change default FAVICON in blogger.So today i will show you how to add custom favicon to your blogger blog.By default there is an orange favicon in blogger blog which looks very ugly and un proffessional, there fore custom favicon is must and you can add one which you like.In this tutorial we will insert a simple HTML code in our blog code.
After Inserting the code your favicon will look like image below:

Follow The Steps Below For Adding Custom FAVICON in Your Blogger Blog

STEP 1: First goto Blogger Dashboard >> Template 

STEP 2: Now click on Edit Html

STEP 3: Now a window will open with HTML code.Find <head> code in your blog by pressing ctrl+f

STEP 4: Now paste the below code just after <head>
<link href='YOUR-FAVICON-URL' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/vnd.microsoft.icon'/>


<link href='YOUR-FAVICON-URL' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/vnd.microsoft.icon'/>

STEP 5: Now change YOUR-FAVICON-URL with your desire favicon url in the code.

STEP 6: Now save your template.

NOTE: You must clear your browser cache to see the changes.After clearing your browser cache data, just reload your blog and see the changes.

TIPS: You can find many favicons by searching in GOOGLE.
          Use 16x16 dimension favicon.

Last Words: If you face any problem while inserting the above code , just comment below and i will be there.Its a most simple way to add custum favicon to your blogger blog.There is also another way to add custom favicon by going to LAYOUT and uploading there.
Inshallah! i will soon publish that tutorial.
Keep visiting for more tutorials and widgets.

Create Custom Facebook Application

Facebook fan page is the most required thing for your brand or website to reach more people via social. Facebook Pages by default applications for Photos, Videos and Events, if you would like to add custom pages with other information like product Look Book, Offers, etc. This post explains you to how to create an application for Facebook Fan page, take a quick look at the following steps.

Create Custom Facebook Application

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