Outlook.com on a Custom Domain

Are you looking for free better email services for your domain? I suggest Outlook.com is the best option to setup your custom domain email service. This provides 50 member accounts free with all Outlook features like communicator, file storage etc. take a look this post follow the steps and setup your free Outlook account for your domain.

Outlook.com on a Custom Domain
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Understanding Regular Expression

Regular expression is the most important part in form validations and it is widely used for search, replace and web crawling systems. If you want to write a selector engine (used to find elements in a DOM), it should be possible with Regular Expressions. In this post we explained few tips that how to understand and write the Regular Expression in simple way.

10 Reasons To Get A .BLOG Name Now

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10 Reasons To Get A .BLOG Name Now

Blogging has become more than just a way for people to express themselves over the internet; it has become a way for people to connect over shared interests. With the relative ease of setting up a personal blog, many people from all ages and backgrounds have started blogging. Choosing what domain extension to use for your blog is one of the most important steps to creating a successful blog.

10 Reasons To Get A .BLOG Name Now

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Customizing Google Maps

Do you know Google is providing an awesome feature, that you can create a totally customizable personalized Google Maps for your website based on theme colors. Today I want to explain how to customize and style Google Map from the scratch, just very few lines of code, this helps you to enrich your website design.

Customizing Google Maps

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