Create Shortcode For Responsive HTML Tables!

HTML Table ShortcodeAn HTML Table is the most important part of a webpage design that helps you organize content in rows and columns. If you have large HTML Tables then they can barely fit in small Mobile screens and if you try to squeeze it up, the tables either crash or becomes unreadable. Today we will help you create dynamic and Fancy Mobile Responsive HTML Tables using Shortcodes that are naturally fluid and responsive by nature. Instead of squeezing the Table we will let your mobile readers to horizontally scroll Table data using their Thumbs. Responsive Tables are touch sensitive and they can be scrolled to left or right, thus making your content both viewable and readable. All these thanks to Blogger Shortcode Plugin that helps you create amazing design tools with a simple one line code!

You will be able to insert HTML Tables inside your Blog Posts, widgets and guess what? You can even add Tables inside your blogger comments!

What is HTML Table Shortcode?

The table shortcode is a simple textual shortcut code that lets you create fancy Tables without using complex HTML. You can create tables directly from your Blogger Editor composer without needing to switch to the HTML mode.

You all know that a table consists of three important elements which are:

Element Definition
Row In HTML syntax we call it the <tr> tag but in our Shortcode we renamed it as [row]
Column In HTML DOM it is known as <td> which is the data container or data cell. You can insert text, images, lists, other tables or shortcodes here etc. In our shortcode we simplified it to [col]
Heading This tag is written as <th> In our shortcode you will call it [heading] which sounds much more readable.

Instead of using a complex ugly HTML code to design a table you can use a human readable shortcode that does wonders. Our Shortcode is not platform dependent. You can use it anywhere you like, may it be Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Blogger or a simple Static HTML webpage. It works great everywhere.

For The Record

So far this is the first Shortcode for HTML tables that does not uses the complex method of passing data as a long sequential array.  Instead you will construct the layout for your HTML Table using rows and columns to clearly organize data. Lets create one instantly!

1. Install Blogger Shortcode Plugin

In order to use Table shortcode you must first install the shortcode plugin for your blogspot blog by following 7 easy steps shared in the link below:

Skip installing it if you have already added it in your blogger template

2. Add Color Themes

We have created 4 Color Themes.

  1. theme1 - Default Black

  2. theme2 - Blue

  3. theme3 - Green

  4. theme4 - Red

Add them to your templates by following these steps:

1 Go To Blogger > Template > Backup your Template

2 Click "Edit HTML"

3 Search for this code ]]></b:skin>

4 Paste the following Code just above it

/*----------HTML Table Shortcode--------*/

#theme1, #theme2,#theme3,#theme4{width:100%;font-family:sans-serif,arial; block;border-spacing: 0;}

#theme1, #theme2,#theme3,#theme4,#theme1 th, #theme2 th,#theme3 th,#theme4 th,#theme1 td, #theme2 td,#theme3 td,#theme4 td{border:1px solid #ddd;border-collapse:collapse}

#theme1 td, #theme2 td,#theme3 td,#theme4 td{padding:10px}

#theme1 th, #theme2 th,#theme3 th,#theme4 th{padding:12px 10px;text-align:left;font-family:oswald;font-weight:400; font-size: 17px;}

#theme1 tr:nth-child(odd){background-color:#f1f1f1}

#theme1 tr:nth-child(even),#theme2 tr:nth-child(even),#theme3 tr:nth-child(even),#theme4 tr:nth-child(even){background-color:#fff}

#theme1 th{background-color:#333;color:#fff;border:1px solid #333}

#theme1 th:nth-child(even){background-color:#555}


#theme2 tr:nth-child(odd){background-color:#d3ecf2}

#theme2 th{background-color:#42b0c9;color:#fff;border:1px solid #42b0c9}

#theme2 th:nth-child(even){background-color:#4bbad3}


#theme3 tr:nth-child(odd){background-color:#e2f2d3}

#theme3 th{background-color:#a3e264;color:#fff;border:1px solid #a3e264}

#theme3 th:nth-child(even){background-color:#85c942}


#theme4 tr:nth-child(odd){background-color:#efddda;}

#theme4 th{background-color:#ef4832;color:#fff;border:1px solid #ef4832}

#theme4 th:nth-child(even){background-color:#de1f05}

@media only screen and (max-width:768px) {#theme1,#theme2,#theme3,#theme4 {overflow-x: auto;display: block;}}

5 Save your template and all done!

Finally Create HTML Table Shortcode

HTML Table Layout

  • The above image shows a Responsive Table with 7 Rows and 3 Columns.

  • Where each row contains three columns.

  • Columns are vertical and Rows are horizontal.

Headings are created using the following shortcode


Data inside table cells is inserted using the following shortcode



Now when you wish to add a Table inside your blog post, you will add the full shortcode in this format.

[table color="theme3"] 

[row] [heading]Title 1[/heading] [heading]Title 2[/heading] [/row] 

[row] [col]Cell 1[/col] [col]Cell 2[/col] [/row]


The above Shortcode will create a Green (theme3) Table with 2 rows and 2 columns as shown below

2 rows 2 columns

  • To choose a different theme color simply replace theme3 with theme4 or theme2

  • The default theme is theme1 for which you can use simply [table], no need to mention color attribute.

To Create a Table with  4 Rows and 2 columns you will use the shortcode in this format

[table color="theme3"]

[row] [heading]Title 1[/heading] [heading]Title 2[/heading] [/row]

[row] [col]Cell 1[/col] [col]Cell 2[/col] [/row]

[row] [col]Cell 3[/col] [col]Cell 4[/col] [/row]

[row] [col]Cell 5[/col] [col]Cell 6[/col] [/row]


4 rows 2 columns

Lets Create a table with 4 Rows and 3 columns.

[table color="theme3"] 

[row] [heading]Title 1[/heading] [heading]Title 2[/heading] [heading]Title 3[/heading] [/row] 

[row] [col]Cell 1[/col] [col]Cell 2[/col] [col]Cell 3[/col] [/row] 

[row] [col]Cell 4[/col] [col]Cell 5[/col] [col]Cell 6[/col] [/row]

[row] [col]Cell 7[/col] [col]Cell 8[/col] [col]Cell 9[/col] [/row]


4 rows 3 columns

Wasn't that easy? You just need to keep care of the pattern in which you organize the cells. The table will take the shape of the pattern you create using the shortcode. You can insert images, text, lists, videos, other shortcodes and almost any HTML you want!. Sky is the limit with Table Shortcode =)

List of Blogger Shortcodes

Need Help?

If you need any further help do let us know. You can also join our 24/7 Free help and support forum to ask for further technical assistance.

Blogger shortcode Plugin have been our biggest contribution to Blogspot blogs. We hope to bring and introduce more such amazing plugins and tools to make your blogging journey worthwhile. Peace and blessings buddies! =)

5 Things to Consider Before Hiring a Graphic Designer

No matter how big the industry or how specialized the product, every business needs the expertise of a graphic designer eventually. Even if the entrepreneur in charge has the skills necessary to bring a brand image to life, more often than not these men and women are driven to other goals such a increasing sales or the overall management of the business. There comes a time where you can�t do everything on your own, and that�s the time a graphic designer needs to be brought onto the team�even if only for a short period of time. Today we will tell you, the 5 things to consider before Hiring a graphic designer,
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How to Add Whatsapp Share Button in Blogger

Blogger gives you the opportunity to promote your content via many social networks. Back in year 2009, when WhatsApp was launched, no one knew that it would challenge the graph of Facebook. In the year 2013, WhatsApp was declared as the most used social network, leaving Facebook behind. Today in this article, we will show you how to add whatsapp share button in blogger.
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How To Safely Hide AdSense Ads using "Display:none" ?

hide Adsense ads using "display none"AdSense new policy allows publishers to only hide Responsive Ads using CSS media queries. You can choose to control the display of your Ad visibility on different mobile devices. You can now choose when to show or hide an ad unit. All these is now possible thanks to the Responsive Ad units. We recently shared a tutorial on how to create responsive ad spots and how to stop AdSense from serving blank space on Responsive ad units by fixing the blank space error. Today we will take a step ahead and share the trick of hiding AdSense Ads  on any screen size you want using simply CSS "Display:none" property.  Note that Google only allows you to hide the content using the CSS property of display and it does not yet allow using "visibility:hidden" property so we will only follow techniques which goes in accordance with AdSense Program policies. Sites which are hiding the AD code using "visibility hidden" are surely not following recommended methods and pose a serious thread to your accounts so always follow authentic methods to manage your monetization strategies.

In this tutorial we will share how you can set a parameter with CSS media queries for smaller mobile devices so that no ad request is made and no ad is shown. We have applied it on our blog and have set ads not to display on small screens.

Isn't it illegal To Hide AdSense Ads?

Yes it is but only for synchronous ads but not for asynchronous which is the new code AdSense creates to render responsive ads on your blogger blog or website.

The official support site of Google says that it allows publishers to modify the Ad by hiding it using CSS3 Media queries for responsive Ad units (asynchronous) only but it disallows it for synchronous ads. Here is the block quote for verification:

Techniques to avoid

Here are some techniques you�ll want to avoid:

  • Hiding ad units at anytime (e.g., display:none), unless you're implementing a responsive ad unit.
  • Implementing AdSense ad code in a way that covers content
  • Using any means to force the display of more than three AdSense ad units on a page
  • Manipulating the ad targeting using hidden keywords, IFRAMEs, or any other method
  • Distributing ads in emails or software
  • Floating ads or units that slide to attract unwarranted attention

Google has suggested itself the technique of using display:none on one of its support page

If you want to only show ads for certain screen sizes you can use CSS to accomplish this. The following example shows you how to modify your ad code to use CSS3 media queries to hide ads for specific screen sizes..

Now when we have learnt that the method of using CSS display:none is completely Safe, allowed and legal, we can then proceed towards our tutorial.

Hide AdSense Responsive ADs

I assume that you have read our tutorial on creating responsive ad units, if not kindly read it first

You just need to make a slight modification to the CSS code of your ad code and mention on which Screen Size would you like to hide displaying ads. All code is same that we shared earlier except the yellow highlighted section

<style type="text/css">
.adslot_1 { max-width: 300px; height: auto; margin:10px 0px; }

@media (max-width:99px) { .adslot_1 { display:none; } }

@media (min-width:100px) { .adslot_1 { width:125px; height:125px; } }
@media (min-width:180px) { .adslot_1 { width:180px; height:150px; } }
@media (min-width:200px) { .adslot_1 { width:200px; height:200px; } }
@media (min-width:250px) { .adslot_1 { width:250px; height:250px; } }
@media (min-width:300px) { .adslot_1 { width:300px; height:600px; } }
@media (min-width:336px) { .adslot_1 { width:336px; height:280px; } }
@media (min-width:468px) { .adslot_1 { width:468px; height:60px; } }
@media (min-width:728px) { .adslot_1 { width:728px; height:90px; } }


<script async src="//"></script>
<ins class="adsbygoogle adslot_1"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});


The above code has no changes except the yellow highlighted section where I have set ads not to display for screen sizes less than 99px. For sizes greater than 99px, ads will display normally. I have chosen 99px because normally all smart phones today have a wider screen size and day by day screen sizes are getting bigger except for some old sets which have an extremely small size and it makes no sense displaying ads on smaller screen sizes.

Hiding them will block the ad from rendering and loading. The JavaScript will not load this time unlike in synchronous where the JS still loads despite setting display:none. This is one extra benefit of using async codes. So you are not actually setting Ads to not show or disappear you are actually telling AdSense not to load Ads for a specific screen size.

You can also set a custom width to hide ads on a specific screen size. Suppose you wish to Hide ADs on a screen size between 250px but wish to display it for other screen sizes  so you will edit the code as shown below

PS: I am just sharing the CSS code here for simplicity:

<style type="text/css">
.adslot_1 { max-width: 300px; height: auto; margin:10px 0px; }

@media (min-width:100px) { .adslot_1 { width:125px; height:125px; display:block; } }
@media (min-width:180px) { .adslot_1 { width:180px; height:150px; display:block; } }
@media (min-width:200px) { .adslot_1 { width:200px; height:200px; display:block; } }
@media (max-width:250px) { .adslot_1 { display:none; } }
@media (min-width:300px) { .adslot_1 { width:300px; height:600px; } }
@media (min-width:336px) { .adslot_1 { width:336px; height:280px; } }
@media (min-width:468px) { .adslot_1 { width:468px; height:60px; } }
@media (min-width:728px) { .adslot_1 { width:728px; height:90px; } }


The code above will hide ads for a screen size 250px or less than 250px but will show ads for 200px, 180px and 100px or for screen sizes greater than 250px.

Note that we are using max-width to hide ads and not min-width condition. This is important because Ads are hidden and no AD request is made only when you use the max-width condition.

That's it!

Need Help?

Hope this tutorial may help you understand how to better control the display of Ads on your web pages. I am open for as many questions as you may wish to ask. Feel free to post your queries in the comment box below.

Peace and blessings buddies! =)

MyBloggerLab Added to DMOZ Directory - How to Get Listed?

Getting your website listed in DMOZ directory is considered as one of the biggest achievement of a webmaster. Luckily, last night is successfully added to DMOZ Web design / Development Weblogs category where only 30 other blogs are listed out of millions. It is indeed a great achievement for team and readers who supported us throughout these 3 years. But the question is, how MyBloggerLab made it to DMOZ, what are the factors to get your website listed in DMOZ?
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AdSense Responsive Ad Units Showing Blank Space in Blogger - [Fix]

Adsense Ads show blank spaceIt is almost a year since Google introduced Responsive Ad units for Mobile friendly weblogs and sites. Previously the Ads were synchronous which had a fixed ad size and were slow too in loading but now all responsive Ad units are  asynchronous in nature which means they will render and load seamlessly without effecting other elements from loading on your web page, this immensely reduces your blog load time.  One of the problems linked with Responsive Ad units is that most bloggers found it difficult displaying the async code on their blogspot blogs. For many users the responsive Ad unit shows a blank space or gives an error on browser console.

Many blogspot users contacted us how we managed to show responsive ad units on all our sites So today we will share the solution that will help you display responsive AdSense Ads in Blogger that is the only Fix to avoid the vacant space issue  (no Ad being displayed) and you will also learn how to hide AdSense ads using the display:none property which is now amazingly allowed only for asynchronous ads by Google.

Update : Safely Hide AdSense Ads using "Display:none"

DEMO: All Ads that you see on this blog are Responsive. Due to Low CTR we have reverted back to Synchronous
Tutorial Series
3. Hiding Widgets & Scripts in Mobile Templates [1], [2]
6. Create Mobile Responsive AdSense Ads and Safely Hide AdSense units
7. Make Blog Sections Responsive: Header Widgets, Posts + Sidebar, Footer

Why Should You use Responsive Ad Units?

Just like how a Responsive web design allows you to dynamically control the presentation of your webpage according to the properties of the screen size that it�s being viewed on similarly a responsive ad unit allows you to control the ad size on your page. You can choose which Ad size to display on your iPhone, Samsung, Tablet or iPad. You can also decide when to display ads and when to hide it for small screen devices.

Following are reasons why you should use responsive units

  1. Your Ads load asynchronously, thus making your page load faster as opposed to the Old Adsense Code which slows down web page loading.
  2. Automatic sizing based on the space available, shows high resolution ads to your visitors thus increasing overall CTR. Your ads will not look chopped or cut from edges on small screens.
  3. You can now Hide Ads! Google now allows users to use the display:none CSS property to hide Ad units. This is only allowed for responsive units.
  4. Mobilegeddon Penalty punishes sites that are not mobile friendly and which do not load fast. Responsive Ad units makes your ads fluid and flexible and make pages load faster, thus providing the best user interface.

The only drawback is that Adsense responsive Ads do not change size on device orientation unless page is reloaded. So same ad will be displayed in both landscape and portrait view when the user rotates the device without page reloading.

Why Do you See a Blank Space?

If you are seeing a blank space or empty Ad spot with no ad being displayed then you are probably making one of these mistakes:

Popular Reasons

  1. The Parent container has no width set: Async Ad code won�t load if you have not mentioned a width to the container where you placed the ad. You must define a class for your Ad code to control its display using CSS Media Queries.
  2. You didn't remove the data-ad-format tag: You will see the following error on your browser console when you forget to mention a width to the Ad container or when you have not removed the smart-sizing tag i.e. data-ad-format="auto" This tag is the major reasons for Ad not being displayed. Google need to work on it to make it work better.


  3. If ads are displaying fine on your sidebar widgets but not working inside blogger template then the only reason this is happening could be that you did not encode the HTML code correctly. We will discuss below how to do it.

Less Popular Reason

Your site uses third-party JavaScript: If you are using scripts to hide ads until all page content have loaded then Async Ad code won't load because it will not be able to calculate the required size for the responsive ad unit.

In both these cases, you will see a blank space and no Ad being displayed. We will guide you how to fix the first reason and for the 3rd-Party JavaScript thing, I am sure this does not apply to most users because rarely would anyone use such a script. So lets go straight to the solution!

Create a Responsive Ad Unit

Note: The method described below abides by the Google AdSense Program Policy rules and is safe and tested.

You will Create an ad unit in the usual way:

  1. Go To your Adsense Account
  2. Click My Ads tab
  3. Click "New Ad unit"
  4. Choose �Responsive� from the Ad size options
  5. Fill other details and click Save and get code.

select responsive Ad size


Your code will look quite similar to this:

<script async src="//"></script>
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

From the above code you just need your data-ad-client alpha-numeric code and your data-ad-slot numeric code as shown bolded in the code above. Copy these two codes from the Adsense code you generated and keep them safe inside a notepad because we will need them later.

Add Responsive Ad Units inside Blogger Widgets

If you wish to add AdSense Content unit inside a widget on your sidebar then follow these steps:

1. Go To Blogger > Layout

2. Click "Add a Gadget"

3. Select "HTML/JavaScript" Widget

4. Paste the following code inside it

<style type="text/css">
.adslot_1 { max-width: 300px; height: auto; margin:10px 0px; }

@media (min-width:100px) { .adslot_1 { width:125px; height:125px; } }
@media (min-width:180px) { .adslot_1 { width:180px; height:150px; } }
@media (min-width:200px) { .adslot_1 { width:200px; height:200px; } }
@media (min-width:250px) { .adslot_1 { width:250px; height:250px; } }
@media (min-width:300px) { .adslot_1 { width:300px; height:600px; } }
@media (min-width:336px) { .adslot_1 { width:336px; height:280px; } }
@media (min-width:468px) { .adslot_1 { width:468px; height:60px; } }
@media (min-width:728px) { .adslot_1 { width:728px; height:90px; } }


<script async src="//"></script>
<ins class="adsbygoogle adslot_1"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Make these changes:

  • Set 300px equal to your sidebar width. If your sidebar is 400px in size then set width to 400px. Suppose If you want to display ads on Footer or Header where you may even display large Leaderboard ads then you may set the width to 800px.
  • Replace xxxxxxx with the alpha-numeric code of Client ID that you saved inside a notepad.
  • Replace xxxxxx with the numeric code of your Ad slot that you saved inside a notepad.

5. Save your widget and you are all done!

The code above will display a Half Page Ad, Squares and Rectangles for small, medium and large sizes based on the Mobile Device Screen size.

The above code will display best performing Adsense ads on your sidebar. I have assigned the best performing Larger Ad units to the code above to give a higher CTR. The table below shows how great larger ad units perform compared to smaller units.

best performing AdSense ad units

The above chart was shared by the AdSense optimization team in an online webinar.

Want to Add more Ad units?

If you want to add another Ad unit on your sidebar then you can use the same code as I shared above with a slight change.

  • You will replace adslot_1 with adslot_2 everywhere. To add a third unit replace adslot_1 with adslot_3 and so on..

Add Responsive Ad Units inside Blogger Template

To ad responsive Ads inside the blogger template you need to make a slight modification to the code above. We need to encode the JavaScript code which renders the ads. I have made all changes for you. You just need to use the code below instead:

<style type="text/css">
.adslot_1 { max-width: 300px; height: auto; margin:10px 0px; }

@media (min-width:100px) { .adslot_1 { width:125px; height:125px; } }
@media (min-width:180px) { .adslot_1 { width:180px; height:150px; } }
@media (min-width:200px) { .adslot_1 { width:200px; height:200px; } }
@media (min-width:250px) { .adslot_1 { width:250px; height:250px; } }
@media (min-width:300px) { .adslot_1 { width:300px; height:600px; } }
@media (min-width:336px) { .adslot_1 { width:336px; height:280px; } }
@media (min-width:468px) { .adslot_1 { width:468px; height:60px; } }
@media (min-width:728px) { .adslot_1 { width:728px; height:90px; } }

&lt;script async src=&quot;//;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

<ins class="adsbygoogle adslot_1"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

The yellow highlighted region shows the encoded code. You will make same changes to the above code as you did for the sidebar. No extra steps involved here. Simply copy the code, make changes as guided and start enjoying a better Mobile revenue thanks to Google Adsense Responsive Ads!

See them in action!

The ad in the footer of this blog is responsive so I am sharing some screenshots from iPhone devices to show how the ads auto adjusts itself based on device screen size.

Actual size on laptops and Tablets (728 X 90 Ad Size)

Adsense ads on ipad mini


iPhone Portrait view  (300 X 250 Ad Size)

Adsense ads in portrait view


iPhone Landscape view (468 x 60 Ad size)

Adsense ads in landscape view

Need Help?

This is the first and only tutorial which guides you properly on how to setup Responsive Ads on blogspot blogs, if you need any help or further assistance then please feel free to let us know by posting your question in the comment box below or by joining our 24/7 Free Help forum.

In our next tutorial, we will discuss how to use display:none property to hide Adsense on small screen devices. Till then do experiment with the code above and do let us know your feedback. Peace and blessings buddies! =)

How to Add Voice Search Widget in Blogger

A good blog is the one which is not only saturated with good content but also it eases the difficulties of its fans by providing them alternative ways to make their work easier and quicker. Being a blogger, you should have enough potential to keep your fans in your hands and not letting them to wander for other blogs. Never letting your fan base decrease has been the greatest achievement of everyone�s bright career. Be it blogging or music, your work or speech, one should never let the people, who adore them, slip out of their hands. A fully customized blog is the foremost recommended way to keep your fans stick to your blog.
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Custom Audio Player with Jquery Audio Controls Plugin

Introducing the new jquery AudioControls plugin for custom web HTML5 audio players, this helps you to make fastest audio player system for your web projects. This plugin actually works with HTML5 <audio> tag, create your own player design and just apply plugin data attributes to the HTML elements. First version supports basic audio controls, we are going to improve this in future Thanks!

Custom Audio Player with Jquery Audio Controls Plugin

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How Telecommunications Have Changed Over The Past 20 Years?

growth of telecommunications

With rapid changes in Google's algorithm for mobile devices and the boom in mobile telecommunication, we thought why not share some historical background to give our readers some highlights of some of the biggest changes in Mobile technology specifically Telecommunication Industry because internet and of course blogging would have been never possible without the advent of telecommunication. 

The development of electronic telecommunications goes back as far as the early nineteenth century and the telegram, while the first commercial telephone service was established in 1878. The twentieth century saw the development of radio and television and by the 1970s the precursor to today's internet was already established.

After Motorola's demonstration of the first handheld cell phone in 1973, the internet and cell phones as we know them would become widely adopted by the public during the 1990s, and arguably the past 20 years have seen the most far-reaching and dramatic revolution in telecommunications since the original invention of the telephone. Moreover, this pace of change and development shows no sign of slowing down.

The growth of the internet 

internet traffic growth

The World Wide Web and the HTTP protocol were invented in 1989, and revolutionized communication over the internet when they were made available to the public in 1994. While email predated the internet, in 1996 Hotmail launched the first web-based email accounts, meaning you could now access your messages on any web-connected computer, which led to the growth of internet cafes around the globe for backpackers and tourists. The same year the first Instant Messaging service was launched, and the late nineties saw the launch of familiar names like Amazon, Ebay and Google. 

Social media 

social media trend

The advent of 'Web 2.0' in the early 2000s allowed ordinary internet users to take control of the medium and to use it as a platform for their own creativity and communication. Web 2.0 applications included blogging, YouTube, Myspace, LinkedIn and Twitter. In 2006, Facebook expanded from universities to anyone with a valid email address and would soon become the definitive social media network, transforming communications and relationships around the world. In 2011 social media was used to organize protests in Egypt, resulting in sites being shut down by the government. 

Mobile phones 

mobile phone evolution

Mobile cell phones gradually became more widespread and sophisticated throughout the late nineties and early 2000s. 2007 saw Apple's first iPhone appear; the smartphone era was upon us, liberating internet connection from the desktop. The advantage of the smartphone is most apparent in developing countries, where previously isolated people are able to not only communicate with family and friends over long distance, but are able to connect with the web and a whole world of cultural and commercial possibilities.


The telecommunications network in the Middle East was slower to develop than in many western countries, but is now experiencing something of a boom. Afghan Wireless modernized Afghanistan's outdated telecommunications sector and launched the country's first mobile phone network in 2002. Founder Ehsanollah Bayat also established Ariana radio and television which now reaches an audience of millions in Afghanistan and beyond. Look at Ehsanollah Bayat on XING to find out more. 

The future of telecommunications will come in the form of billions of new smartphone users, and most of them will be in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. As the technology becomes cheaper and faster they will use their phones not just to keep in touch but to connect with the commercial world and to improve their fortunes. The telecommunications revolution isn't over yet.

Tell us what you Know!

Let us know what you know about telecommunication and how it has changed your life over a decade? I hope this interesting info may help you better understand how life changed with changes in Telecommunication systems. :)

How to Add Facebook Page Plugin in Blogger

Do you want to attract more and more subscribers to your blog? Here, we will tell you how to do that by just adding a simple Facebook widget to your blog. Since Facebook is one of the most used social networks, it helps your subscribers to get recent updates of your blog via their Facebook accounts. Once they log in to their account they are able to know all about the recent activities of your blog which is twinkling on their newsfeed. Recently, Facebook released a new page like box widget. In this article, we will show you How to add Facebook Page Plugin in blogger.
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Create Shortcode For CSS3 Tooltip in Blogger!

shortcode for CSS3 TooltipCSS3 Tooltips are Fancy balloons or boxes that are used to show your blog readers some extra information on mouse hover. They can be used in different ways for example, to provide captions for images, or longer descriptions for hyperlinks, or any useful info by simply hovering over the element containing the tooltip class. Thanks to Blogger Shortcode Plugin now you can create colorful animated Tooltips to enhance your blogspot user interface. This new Shortcode for Tooltip will help you display balloons at top or bottom of your hyperlinks on mouse hover. You can add them inside your blog posts, widgets and even inside your blog comments! You will also be able to display Images inside the tooltip box and display a custom message using HTML. See the demo first!

1. Install Blogger Shortcode Plugin

In order to use Tooltip shortcode you must first install the shortcode plugin for your blogspot blog by following 7 easy steps shared on the link below:

Skip installing it if you have already added it in your blogspot template

2. Add ToolTip Color Theme Skins

I have created two theme skins for the tooltips. One is yellow and second is with black background. You can customize the tooltip background colors as per your choice by following the instructions below:

1 Go To Blogger > Template > Backup your Template

2 Click "Edit HTML"

3 Search for this code ]]></b:skin>

4 Paste the following Code just above it

/*------ CSS3 Tooltip Shortcode -------------*/
.tooltip{outline:none;text-decoration:none!important;border-bottom:2px dotted #0080ff;position:relative}.tooltip:hover {border-bottom: none;}.tooltip strong{line-height:30px}.tooltip > span{max-width:300px;width:290px;padding:10px 20px;opacity:0;bottom:170%;margin-left:-120px;visibility:hidden;z-index:10;position:absolute;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #999;-webkit-transition-property:opacity,margin-top,visibility,margin-left;-webkit-transition-duration:0.4s,0.3s,0.4s,.3s;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out;transition-property:opacity,margin-top,visibility,margin-left;transition-duration:0.4s,0.3s,0.4s,.3s;transition-timing-function:ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out}.tooltip > span img{float:right;width:110px;margin:0 0 30px 10px;padding: 0;border: none;}.tooltip:hover > span{opacity:1;text-decoration:none;visibility:visible;overflow:visible;display:inline;margin-left:-90px}.tooltip span b{width:15px;height:15px;margin-left:20px;bottom:-9px;display:block;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);-moz-transform:rotate(-45deg);-o-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg);display:none\0/;*display:none}.tooltip > span{color:#fff;background:#222222 url(;border:1px solid #ffffff}.tooltip span b{background:#222222 url(;border-bottom:1px solid #ffffff;border-left:1px solid #ffffff} .tooltip:before {content: "\f05a";font-family: FontAwesome;padding:0px 5px;}
.tooltip > span{background:orange;border:1px solid #ff0}.tooltip span b{margin-top:-19px;top:10px;background:orange;border-top:1px solid #ff0;border-right:1px solid #ff0;border-bottom:1px solid orange;border-left:1px solid orange}


Make these Customizations if you want:

By Default the tooltip background is black and it pops up at the top of the hyperlink. If you want to display the tooltip at the bottom of the link instead then make this simple change to the CSS code above:

yellow theme tooltip

  • Replace bottom with Top
  • Remove the yellow highlighted symbols /*   and this */
  • To change the orange background replace orange with a color of your choice or its hexadecimal code. Replace it 4 times
  • To change the border color of the orange tooltip replace ff0 with a hexadecimal color code of your choice. Replace it 3 times

Tip: Use our Color Code Generator to pick colors of your choice.

If you like to change background colors of the black tooltip then follow these steps:

black theme for tooltip

  • To change the black background replace 222222  with the hexadecimal color code of your choice.
  • To change the border color replace ffffff with your prefered hexadecimal color code
  • To change the color of the dotted underline that appears below link then replace 0080ff with your color code.

5 Save your template and all done!

Finally add Tooltips Shortcode

Now whenever you wish to add some information to a link then use the shortcode in this format

[tooltip url="ADD LINK HERE" title="ADD TITLE HERE"]Add HTML Text Here[/tooltip]

Lets create a simple tooltip with title "Blogger Shortcode Plugin"  as shown below:

[tooltip url="" title="Blogger Shortcode Plugin"]
Blogger Shortcodes is a Plugin developed by that helps bloggers embed widgets and tools anywhere in blogger with
a simple one line code




Tooltip with Text


Now lets create a tooltip which contains a header, some description and an image. You will create the shortcode in this format:

[tooltip url="" title="Blogger Shortcode Plugin"]
<strong><u>What is Blogger Shortcode Plugin?</u></strong><br/>
<img src="">
Blogger Shortcodes is a Plugin developed by that helps bloggers embed widgets and tools anywhere in blogger with
a simple one line code


You can insert any html (except a hyperlink) inside the tooltips square braces.


Tooltip with image and headline

That's it! Have fun adding any stuff to the tooltip box :)

Update: An info Icon has been added that will prompt readers that the link contains some info.

Need Help?

This shortcode was developed based on the User request posted by Shivansh on our forum. You can also request us to create a shortcode of your choice.

Do let us know if you need any help if needed. I hope this new shortcode may add a new life to your blogspot blogs. Peace and blessings buddies! =)

Aweber Tutorial #6 How To Create Email Broadcast

Creating email broadcasts in Aweber is extremely simply. Email broadcasts are email blasts that are sent on specific time/event to the followers to notify them of something important.

In our last post in the Aweber series, we saw how we can create email follow ups that help build a strong bond with the subscribers. This time around. email broadcasts can be send on any particular occasion.

For example, I sent an email broadcasts to my email followers letting them know of my presence on Kay2 TV Channel recently. Lets get right into the simple steps that we can take to send email broadcasts in Aweber.

How To Send Email Broadcasts in Aweber?

Once you're in Aweber Dashboard, navigate to Messages >> Broadcasts >> Create a Broadcast.

create email broadcast in aweber

messages broadcasts aweber

One time broadcast also works just like email follow ups where you'll have an option to write the email in plain text or use an advance template.

You can also use personalization codes such as 'First Name' / 'Last Name' , 'Sign Up date' etc to have more personal touch to your email.

email broadcast editor aweber

How To Effectively Use Short Codes?

What I do is, and I got this idea from Pat Flynn of, that we can add some signup information of the user in the footer of the email and let them know where and why they are signed up for and why they are getting this specific email in first place.

When in the footer you would mention, you're getting this email because you  signed up to BloggingeHow and then mention his personal data like:

Your Name: {!name_fix}
Your Email: {!email}
Sign Up URL: {!add_url}
Sign Up Date: {!signdate long}

This way, the subscriber would get reminded as to where and when he signed up for your newsletter.

Once you hit 'Next', you'll be taken to more sharing options where you can connect your social profiles like Facebook/Twitter. This would also publish your broadcast on web too. Aweber would host a copy of your email on a web page and share it's link on your social profiles too. So that more of your followers could get to see it.

Though in our case, as we only wish to send the broadcast to the email subscribers, we would not like to connect it at this point. Though you can always do that if you would like.

email broadcast sharing options

Once you hit 'Next', it would take you to the publishing options where you  can set the email lists you wish to send this broadcast to, and set any scheduling if you wish i.e to make the broadcast publish in any time in the future.

publish emails aweber

Once you have selected the lists you wish to send, simply hit 'save' in the bottom. At this point after hitting 'save', it would NOT start sending the broadcast. There is one more step to manually send them.

Now when you'll click 'Send Now' as shown in the image above, Aweber would start sending your email broadcast to the list you've selected in the previous step.

So that's pretty much it. I hope it was easy to follow.

You can now read:

Till next time, take care.

Allah Hafiz :)

Google Phantom - Worst Google Penalty Ever For Bloggers!

Google Phantom Update

According to unconfirmed reports, Google is rolling out a new algorithm update for its search results. Dubbed as "phantom" - named after its ghost-like appearance - this new update is primarily impacting tutorial and "how-to" content. A significant number of large and important websites have seen a significant drop in traffic over the past couple of weeks. Since Bloggers are first to write HowTO tutorials, this penalty is the worst of its form and will massively effect traffic of blogs which are involved in tutorial writing. So what is this update and is it significant?

HubPages is a large collection of almost a million mini-blogs containing informational content about a wide variety of topics. Since May 3, it has seen its Google search traffic drop by 22 percent within a week. Websites like eHow, WikiHow, and are other sites that have seen significant drops in traffic over the past couple of weeks.

Although Google has not yet acknowledged this update, experts believe that this update is not related to Panda or Penguin. However, similar types of �thin� content targeted by Panda are also being targeted by this update. Sites with an abundance supplementary information, pages of stacked videos, and pages difficult to navigate have all lost visibility in recent weeks.

This update is said to be �ruthless� in its approach - apparently having no problem punishing entire domains for a few instances of thin content.

�When you have a domain-level algorithm update or ranking change, it can impact the whole site� Pages that should be drawing well could also be pulled down in the results.�

Google has not formally commented on this update, although at SMX Sydney this week Gary Illyes, from Google�s Webmaster Trends team, alluded to there being a recent change that�s part of a core algorithm update.

With Google�s Knowledge Graph being notorious for detracting traffic from sites for �how to� searches, coupled with this �Phantom� update, being a content publisher is more challenging than ever. Experts admits to not being able to predict what business will look like tomorrow, next week, next month, etc.

Have you noticed a significant change in your traffic since the beginning of May? If so, what types of content do you believe was targeted? Let us know in the comments section below!

Aweber Tutorial #5 Creating Email Autoresponder Follow Ups

follow ups aweber

In our last post in this on going Aweber series, we discussed how we can manage our email subscribers. Today, we'll be creating email follow ups messages that would be sent to the subscriber with a set interval between them. Such email follow ups play a key role in building a solid relationship with your subscribers.

Your readers subscribed you as they were thirsty for more information from your end and you as a blogger need to do your best to provide them with valuable information over the period of time.

I personally have about 15 email follow ups messages that are sent to the subscribers with a week interval. With every new email follow up, I share my experiences, what I learned over the time, and some useful tips that I feel would be valuable for my email subscribers.

The same way, you can setup a series of email follow ups using Aweber. The frequency totally depends upon you and your niche. Some bloggers don't send email follow ups at all. I notice them sending blog broadcasts to the subscribers weekly or bi-weekly.

Though we'll discus blog broadcasts in our future post in this Aweber series, just to give a brief idea, these bloggers aim to drive traffic to their blog using their email list by sharing their latest blog posts with their subscribers.

While there is nothing wrong with this strategy, I personally don't like to do this now. I tried it early on but realized that I wanted my email subscribers to feel more premium. I wanted to share exclusive information with them that I don't publish on my blog. They could always visit the blog and look for latest blog posts if they would be interested.

We don't need to push our blog posts to their faces. They subscribed us for valuable insights and information that we must provide them in concise easy to digest manner. Which I am aiming to do at the moment.

As I mentioned, I currently have about 15 follow ups messages which I am to increase up 40-50 messages so that they cover the entire first year.

Sending valuable information to the subscribers on consistent basis would convert them into your loyal followers and what not. That's what we need at the end of the day.

So without further due, lets get right into the steps that would help us make an auto responder email follow up series in Aweber.

How To Create Email Follow Ups in Aweber?

Navigate to Aweber Dashboard >> Messages >> Follow Ups.

email follow up aweber

Next, it would take you to follow ups page where you can manage, create and set the order of the follow ups that you have.

The One Very Important Follow Up

There can be tons of follow ups you can create, though it's vital to have an introductory email follow up that would introduce you and your blog to the subscriber in detail. This is like building the first impression and it must be that good as we aim it to be in real life.

In my introductory email, I speak my heart out as to how I started blogging, my passion behind it and what I aim to do in the future. Also, I share my plans of what the subscriber can expect in their future emails so that they should be looking forward to them once they see it in their inbox.

Make a strong connection with the subscribers in your first follow up.

Open Rates

With every follow up, you'll notice an 'open rate'. These open rates largely depend upon if you're using double optins (that we discussed in our previous post in the series). The better and to the point your subject lines would be, the more open rates you'll be getting.

Steps To Follow

There are two ways to proceed. You can either choose to send a plain text email to the subscriber or use a pre-defined templates that you often see companies using.

I'm personally a fan of plain text as it feels more genuine and opens up easily. Templates can be good too if you're looking forward to branding, like adding a logo or footer to your emails.

It's all about your personal preference.

For the demonstration purposes, I'll go with plain text.

Navigate to Create a Follow Up >> Plain Text Message as shown in the image below.

plain text message follow up aweber

This would bring up the plain text editor. You can use 'personalization' options to do something similar as shown in the image below.

plain text aweber
Notice how I use 'First name' shortcode using the personalisation options

personalization aweber

Once you're done writing the follow up, you  can test it before making it final by clicking the 'test' button on the top right. You can provide your email to receive the test email.

send test aweber follow up

That's pretty much it. Hope this tutorial gave you an insight about the importance of building a strong relationship with your email subscribers using follow ups. Aweber really eases up this process.

Till, next time, take care.

Allah Hafiz :)

You can now read:

13 Best Contact Us Pages On Internet Of 2015 - Updated

As i mentioned in my previous post where i shared 8 Best About Us Pages Online, that the first page that i aim to visit on any nice looking blog is the about page. 

Once i get impressed with the way author has presented him self and what he does online, i jump on to the contact us page. Not to really contact the guy, but just to have a feel of it. That helps me improve my strategies.
best contact us pages

Its always good to learn from others. I have also seen many top bloggers using the About Us page as their contact us page too. How? After presenting their impressive story they give out a contact form at the end. Even some bloggers make out a new link (on that About Us page) and name it as a Contact page. The actual page is About Us. So there are many strategies that you can work on with.

Lets see how these big guys have made out their Contact Us pages and hope fully it would give us some inspiration to work on our ours.

What Makes a Great Contact Us page?

Well again there is no set rule as in the About us page case. All you want is to get your point across. The main point would be the contact details but the way you would present the information is worth checking.
  • Make sure your contact form works! Whats the purpose otherwise?
  • Beautiful looks can capture the heart? Think of it as your last chance to convince the reader to contact you.
  • Tell him how responsive you are. How fast can you get back to him.
  • Make the reader feel easy to send you out an email.
All these factors in fact make out a great Contact Us page.

Best Contact Us Pages On Internet

1-Alex Arts

Great one i must say! Alex is graphic designer and takes on work orders through his portfolio site. The amazing contact us form (not really a page) is no less than to give him a work order each time a visitor visits him out. The contact us form is light box style pop up form.

The way he presents his questions (if : this or this) you want to contact me. Nice approach.

Alex Arts


We mentioned SEOmoz in the 'top about us pages' list earlier in the post and here they are again. Not extraordinary in terms of the design factor but the information and contact details are straight and to the point. They start of with this little paragraph saying:

Whether you have a question about your PRO account, need assistance using a tool, or you're in town and want to check out the office, we want to know what's on your mind. Our community is important to us!

A sentence or two like this really makes the visitor comfortable and pushes him towards contacting the guy. The major impact creation was done on the About us page, so here they just need to put in the contact details right away. To give out a personnel touch, they move on with adding the location on Google maps where people could find them. 

moz contact us page


Ted has again a simple but straight forward Contact Us page. What i really like about their approach is that they ask the visitor that why really they came to the page and wanted to contact them. Like starting off,
  • I want to suggest a speaker
  • Bring TED to my community
  • I want to attend TED or a TEDx
A clean email form then gives the opportunity to contact them with any of the query mentioned above. A twitter feed is also going on in the sidebar where readers can contact them too.



Indeed one of the great looking Contact Us pages around. The design pretty much sets it all. A simple clean looking form is placed right after the location map. Attractive Contact us page.


5-Bert Timmermans

Another example of great looking Contact Us page. Its kind of a contact book style look where one page gives out the address, phone and other contact details where the next page gives out an email form. Nicely done. It doesn't really matter if there is no text to attract the reader as that's already been done on the About Us page. Simply make the Contact Us page look cool and the job is done.

Bert Timmermans


The Copyblogger is again back in the top Contact Us page list. They tell you about their major parts (partners) and then proceed on with the contact form.



 Michael Dunlop has done a great hard work with his blog over the years. He uses a different approach where he marks out a link on his About page for the contact page.


8-Mother Earth Brewing

 Starting off with a nice sentence:

We can't just brew all day. We need human connection.

 The contact form is simple and clean with a contact form easily accessible.

Mother Earth Brewing

9-Fred Maya

Stunning lightbox style contact form. By clicking out the 'Get in Touch' button, the light box appears. Lightbox style contact forms are really in.

We had a tutorial on Lightbox style Contact form that you may want to try.

Fred Maya


 Clear to the point, amazing! Every contact detail is right there, so clearly mentioned.



So simple! Though the contact page could have been better with some text on it but the design covers that all. The designer goes on with providing the email address plus other social media links in the sidebar.



Nicely done. The simple design with easily approachable contact form is all what the reader needs from the Contact Us page.



Wow! Have you seen a better contact us page design then this one. The 3D layout makes its mark into this top Contact Us page list. Well done peeps.


Hope you liked the Top Contact us page list. If you haven't checked out the Top About us pages, then you are late. :)


Point out your favorite contact us page. Don't just consider the looks but the purpose they are serving.
