How to Create an Image Gallery in WordPress with Simple Steps

How to Create an Image Gallery in WordPress with Simple Steps
Readers usually get bored with just reading, so putting some exciting pictures related to a topic increases the readers� interest in your blog. WordPress galleries are the best way to capture your memorable pictures. In this article, we will show you how to create an image gallery in WordPress with Simple Steps.
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Activate Free SSL Certificate for Your Website

Activate Free SSL Certificate for Your Website

Anyone who wants to increase performance and security of your web page, I suggest to have Cloudflare setup in your DNS system. I have posted few articles to install paid SSL certificate for your web page, all which needs your complete support to maintain. But, Cloudflare provides free SSL certificates with a limited access (which is enough for any website) and it takes care most of the support that your web page needs. Most importantly, nowadays Google is providing better preferences for the web pages which has HTTPs as the protocol and more chances for your web page to appear on Google search.

Activate Free SSL Certificate for Your Website

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How to Optimize your WordPress site for Search Engines

How to Optimize your WordPress site for Search Engines
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a web development practice that not a lot of people understand, but if you are lucky enough to have a blog based on the WordPress Content Management System (CMS), you have numerous options when it comes to optimizing your blog for the search engines. If you are new to web development or running a WordPress blog, have a look at some of your options when it comes to implementing SEO practices to better your flow of organic traffic. In this article, we will show you how to optimize your WordPress site for Search Engines.
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Headlines News Widget For Blogger Blogs With Tooltips

Headlines News Widget is an awesome, super lightweight plugin for Blogger blogs, which shows headlines of your recent posts as a scrolling text, floating from left to right. It's a horizontal auto scrolling recent posts widget for blogger that is responsive and automatic. It's built using Blogger JSON Feeds API and jQuery News Ticker plugin.

headlines news widget for blogger with tooltips Scrolling headline news widget surely makes your introductory texts standout and noticeable as soon as a visitor lands on your blog. It's the best way to draw visitors attraction towards your featured content.

What is a Headlines News Widget For Blogger?

Headlines News widget is basically a news ticker plugin which shows latest headlines of your blogspot blog as a horizontal scrolling text. It's the first news ticker of its kind for blogger blogs that does not only display your title links like ordinary tickers found across the web but also shows post info such as:

  • Author Name
  • Author Avatar
  • Comments Link
  • Comments Count
  • Published Date
  • Featured Thumbnail
  • Post description/summary snippet

[Desktop View]

headlines news widget for blogspot with tooltips

You can choose to display recent posts by label by specifying a particular category or you can simply choose to show latest posts. It can easily be customized to change its background colors and fonts. Headline news widget is mobile responsive and fits perfectly to different screen sizes.

[Mobile View]

news headlines widget - mobile responsive

We have already released its simplest version but today we will add some more features to it like CSS3 tooltips to display description and featured image. To add a simple news gadget for blogger without tooltips then please check the following tutorial:

If in case you want a simple news widget to display text, custom html or even RSS/Atom feed then try our jQuery Announcement widget, where you can display headline news in vertical scroll.

Is Headlines News Ticker Standards-Compliant?

Headlines News ticker widget uses CSS and jQuery to create the scrolling text animation. It does not uses the <marquee> tag. We are using standards-compliant jQuery script and CSS3 to make the text scroll across the screen. The text animation is controlled used navigation such as play/pause and Next/Previous buttons, which makes it really easy for website visitors to navigate between scrolling headlines. 

headlines news ticker widget for blogger

The marquee tag is a non-standard HTML element which causes text to scroll up, down, left or right automatically. This feature is obsolete now and its use is discouraged by W3C.

Features of Headlines News Widget

Headlines News Ticker is an advanced widget equipped with these features:

  • Author Avatar
  • Displays latest posts dynamically
  • Displays recent posts from a specific category/label
  • Tooltips support
  • Shows Post Description/Summary
  • Shows Featured Thumbnail Image
  • Scrolling text with two animations: reveal & fade
  • Clickable Comments Count
  • Custom Date Format
  • Title Length is adjustable
  • Fully Customizable - Multi Colors!
  • Responsive and mobile friendly
  • Controls Navigation. Play/Pause, Next/Previous
  • Support all browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc.
Headlines News Widget Specs
Created Dec 10, 2016
Last Update Jan 23, 2017
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Technology Used JSON, CSS3, HTML4, jQuery, JavaScript
Layout Mobile Responsive
Platform Support Google Blogger 1.0
Text Direction LTR

How To add Headlines News Widget In Blogger?

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Go To Blogger > Template
  2. Backup your template
  3. Click "Edit HTML"
  4. Just below <head> tag paste the following JS and CSS source links:

    <link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

  5. Next search ]]></b:skin> and just above it paste the following code:

    /*--------------Headlines News Widget By*/

    .ticker-wrapper.has-js{margin:20px 0;padding:0 20px;width:780px;height:32px;display:block;-webkit-border-radius:15px;-moz-border-radius:15px;border-radius:15px;background-color:#f8f0db;font-size:.75em}
    .ticker-content a{text-decoration:none;color:#1F527B}
    .ticker-content a:hover{text-decoration:underline;color:#0D3059}
    .ticker-swipe span{margin-left:1px;background-color:#f8f0db;border-bottom:1px solid #1F527B;height:12px;width:7px;display:block}
    .ticker-controls{padding:8px 0 0;list-style-type:none;float:left}
    .ticker-controls li{padding:0;margin-left:5px;float:left;cursor:pointer;height:16px;width:16px;display:block}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause{background-image:url(../images/controls.png);background-position:32px 16px}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.over{background-position:32px 32px}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.down{background-position:32px 0}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused{background-image:url(../images/controls.png);background-position:48px 16px}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused.over{background-position:48px 32px}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused.down{background-position:48px 0}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-prev{background-image:url(../images/controls.png);background-position:0 16px}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-prev.over{background-position:0 32px}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-prev.down{background-position:0 0}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-next{background-image:url(../images/controls.png);background-position:16px 16px}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-next.over{background-position:16px 32px}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-next.down{background-position:16px 0}
    .no-js-news{padding:10px 0 0 45px;color:#F8F0DB}
    .left .ticker-controls,.left .ticker-content,.left .ticker-title,.left .ticker{float:left}
    .left .ticker-controls{padding-left:6px}
    .right .ticker-controls,.right .ticker-content,.right .ticker-title,.right .ticker{float:right}
    .right .ticker-controls{padding-right:6px}
    /*########Default Style by MBT#########*/
    .ticker-wrapper.has-js{margin:0 0 -200px;padding:0;width:98%;min-height:242px;display:block;border-radius:0;background-color:#fff;border:0 solid #eee;font-size:12px;overflow:hidden}
    .ticker-title{background:#71db00;padding:9px 10px;color:#FFF;font-size:16px;font-family:oswald;text-transform:uppercase;text-shadow:1px 1px 6px #666}
    .ticker-title:after{left:90px;top:10px;height:0;width:0;position:absolute;content:" ";pointer-events:none;margin-left:0;margin-top:1px;border-left:13px solid #71db00;border-top:10px solid transparent;border-bottom:10px solid transparent;-moz-transform:scale(.9999)}
    .ticker-content{background-color:#fff;margin-left:18px!important;color:#444;margin-top:1px!important;overflow:visible!important; padding-top: 2px!important;}
    .ticker-swipe span{margin-left:1px;background-color:#fff;border-bottom:1px solid #333;height:12px;width:7px}
    .ticker-controls{padding: 0px!important;margin: 17px 0 0 10px!important;list-style-type:none;position:relative;right:-50px}
    .ticker-controls li{padding:0;margin-left:5px;float:left;cursor:pointer;height:16px;width:16px;display:block}
    .ticker-controls li a{border:0px!important; padding:0px!important;}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused.over,.ticker-controls li.jnt-prev,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.over,.ticker-controls li.jnt-next{position:absolute;background:none}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause:after,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.over:after{content:"\f04c";font-size:13px;color:#71db00;font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;left:1.8em}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused:after,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused.over:after{content:"\f04b";font-size:13px;color:#71db00;font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;left:1.8em}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-prev:after{content:"\f04a";font-size:13px;color:#71db00;font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;left:0}
    .ticker-controls li.jnt-next:after{content:"\f04e";font-size:13px;color:#71db00;font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;left:3.6em}
    .ticker .iauthor:before, .ticker .icomments:before, .ticker .idate:before{font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;padding-right:8px;color:#fff}
    .ticker .iauthorpic{width:17px!important;height:17px!important;border-radius:50%;float:none;display:inline-block!important;margin-right:3px;position:relative;
    top: 6px;border: 1px solid #eeeeee;
        -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
        -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
        box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
        padding: 3px;
    .ticker span {padding-right:5px; font-family:Oswald; font-weight:normal}
    .ticker .icomments a{color:#71db00;font-size:11px}
    .ticker .icomments a:hover{text-decoration:underline}
    .ticker .icomments:before{content:'\f086';padding:0 3px 0 0px;color:#777;position:relative; top:-1px}
    .ticker .idate{font-size:11px;padding-right:7px;}
    .ticker .idate:before{content:'\f073';padding:0 5px;color:#777; position:relative; top:-1px}
    .ticker .mbttitle{font-family:oswald;font-size:14px;color:#71db00!important;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none;}
    .ticker .mbttitle:hover{text-decoration:underline}

    /*------ CSS3 Tooltip by MBT -------------*/
    .ticker .tooltip{outline:none;text-decoration:none!important;position:relative}
    .ticker .tooltip strong{line-height:30px}
    .ticker .tooltip > span{width:290px; white-space: normal; padding:15px 15px 0px 15px;opacity:0;top:170%;visibility:hidden;z-index:10;position:absolute;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #999;-webkit-transition-property:opacity,margin-top,visibility,margin-left;-webkit-transition-duration:0.4s,0.3s,0.4s,.3s;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out;transition-property:opacity,margin-top,visibility,margin-left;transition-duration:0.4s,0.3s,0.4s,.3s;transition-timing-function:ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out}
    .ticker .tooltip > span img{float:right;width:130px;margin:0 0 30px 10px;padding: 0;border: none;}
    .ticker .tooltip:hover > span{opacity:1;text-decoration:none;visibility:visible;overflow:visible;display:inline;margin-left:0px}
    .ticker .tooltip span b{width:15px;height:15px;margin-left:20px;bottom:-9px;display:block;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);-moz-transform:rotate(-45deg);-o-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg);display:none\0/;*display:none}
    .ticker .tooltip > span{color:#fff; background:#71db00;border:1px solid #94fb26}
    .ticker .tooltip span b{margin-top:-19px;top:10px;background:#71db00;border-top:1px solid #94fb26;border-right:1px solid #94fb26;border-bottom:1px solid #71db00;border-left:1px solid #71db00}

    @media only screen and (max-width:480px) {
    .ticker-content {margin-left: -5px!important;padding-top: 4px!important;}.ticker-title{font-size:10px!important;padding:5px!important;}
    .ticker-controls, .ticker .icomments, .ticker .idate, .ticker .iauthor, .ticker .iauthorpic, .ticker-title:after {display:none;}}

    Make these custom changes

    • To change the green color theme of the News Ticker simply replace the green highlighted color codes with color of your choice. Use our  Color Code Generator.
  6. Save your template.
  7. Now go to Blogger > Layout
  8. Select "Add a Gadget"
  9. Choose "HTML/JavaScript" gadget
  10. Keep the title field empty and then paste the following code inside it:

    <!-- ######### Headlines News Widget By MBT ############# -->

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <!-- ######### Writing Callback Function ############# -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ListBlogLink = "";
    var ListCount = 5;
    var TitleCount = 70;
    var ListLabel ="Widgets";
    var ChrCount = 140;
    var ImageSize = 200;

    //----------------------------Function Start
    function mbtlist(json) {
    document.write('<ul id="js-news" class="js-hidden">');
    for (var i = 0; i < ListCount; i++)

    //-----------------------------Variables Declared
    var listing= ListImage = ListUrl = ListTitle = ListImage = ListContent = ListConten = ListAuthor = ListTag = ListDate = ListUpdate = ListComments = thumbUrl = TotalPosts = sk = AuthorPic= ListMonth = Y = D = M = m = YY = DD = MM = mm = TT =  "";
    //----------------------------- Title URL
    for (var j = 0; j < json.feed.entry[i].link.length; j++) {
    if (json.feed.entry[i].link[j].rel == 'alternate') {
    ListUrl= "'" + json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href + "'";
    //----------------------------------- Title Stirng
    if (json.feed.entry[i].title!= null)
    ListTitle= json.feed.entry[i].title.$t.substr(0, TitleCount);

    if (json.feed.entry[i].thr$total)
    ListComments= "<a href='"+json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href+"#comment-form'>"+json.feed.entry[i].thr$total.$t+"</a>";
    ListAuthor= json.feed.entry[i].author[0].name.$t.split(" ");
    ListAuthor=ListAuthor.slice(0, 1).join(" ");
    AuthorPic = json.feed.entry[i].author[0].gd$image.src;

    //################### Content Check
    ListConten = json.feed.entry[i].content.$t;
    ListContent= ListConten.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"").substring(0, ChrCount);

    //################### Date Format

    ListMonth= ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];

    ListDate= json.feed.entry[i].published.$t.substring(0,10);

                             Y = ListDate.substring(0, 4);
                            m = ListDate.substring(5, 7);
                             D = ListDate.substring(8, 10);
                             M = ListMonth[parseInt(m - 1)]; 

    //################### Thumbnail Check
    if (json.feed.entry[i].media$thumbnail)
    thumbUrl = json.feed.entry[i].media$thumbnail.url;
    sk= thumbUrl.replace("/s72-c/","/s"+ImageSize+"/");
    ListImage= "'" + sk.replace("?imgmax=800","") + "'";

    // YouTube scan
    else if (json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/youtube\.com.*(\?v=|\/embed\/)(.{11})/) != null)
        var youtube_id = json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/youtube\.com.*(\?v=|\/embed\/)(.{11})/).pop();
        if (youtube_id.length == 11) {
            var ListImage = "'//"+youtube_id+"/0.jpg'";

    else if (json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/src=(.+?[\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/) != null)
    // Support For 3rd Party Images
    ListImage =  json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/src=(.+?[\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/)[1];
    ListImage= "''";

    //----------------------------------- Printing List
    var listing = "<li class='news-item'><span class='iauthor'><img class='iauthorpic' src='"+AuthorPic+"'/>"
    +ListAuthor+ "</span> <span class='icomments'>"
    +ListComments + "</span>  <span class='idate'>"
    + D + " " + M + "</span><i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i> <a class='mbttitle tooltip' href="
    "><span><b></b><img src="
    " ?</span>"+ListTitle+"</a></li>";

    document.write("</ul><script src='"+ListBlogLink+"/feeds/posts/default/-/"+ListLabel+"?alt=json-in-script&callback=mbtlist'></"+"script>");
    /*##########Newsticker settings########*/
        $(function () {
            speed: 0.20,
            controls: true,  
            titleText: 'Headlines',
            displayType: 'reveal',
            pauseOnItems: 2000});

    Make these changes:

    • ListBlogLink : Insert your Blog URL here
    • ListCount : Decide how many headlines do you wish to display.
    • TitleCount : Choose how many characters to display in post title length.
    • ListLabel : Insert your blog label here. Remember that labels are case sensitive. Therefore type it exactly as it is shown in your browser address bar. News Ticker will not work if label case is not correct. 
    • ChrCount : Set the length of post description here.
    • ImageSize : Set image resolution (aspect ratio) here.
    • speed: Edit this value (0.20) to increase or decrease the scroll speed.
    • controls: Set true to false if you wish to hide the control buttons i.e. Play/Pause, Next/Previous
    • titleText: Set the News Ticker title here from Headlines to anything you like such as Latest, Hottest etc.
    • displayType: There are two types of scrolling text animation, reveal or fade. Set it as per your preference.
    • If you want to show latest posts headlines of your blog without mentioning any specific label/category then simply remove /-/"+ListLabel+" from the code above.
  11. Click Save button and you are all done.

Enjoy showing animated plus scrolling news headlines to your visitors! :)

Facing Problems Installing Headlines News Widget?

I tried keeping these steps as simple as possible but if in case you are facing problems in any step please feel free to post your queries below. I would love to help as soon as time allows.

I hope this cool headline news  ticker may help you in generating extra pageviews and creating better user engagement. If you liked this plugin and want a similar plugin to be developed for wordPress blogs using the WP rest API, then please post your comments below.

Have a great day buddies! =)

How to Easily Reset your WordPress Database to Default Settings

In blogging life, there comes a moment when you want to start all over again on a clean slate either due to incompatible plugins, or due to cleaning sample data that is of no use now; hence rather than deleting data one by one, it seems easier and justifiable to just reset your whole WordPress website. In this article, we will show you how to easily reset your WordPress Database to Default Settings.
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How to Easily Embed YouTube Videos in Blogger Blog Posts

How to Easily Embed YouTube Videos in Blogger Blog Posts
We say picture adds life to content, but you don�t realize videos often adds new life to you blog posts. There is a huge list of things that can be explained in a just 2 minutes video than a 2000 words blog post. Although adding YouTube videos in Blogger site is extremely straightforward, but for some beginners it might be difficult to learn to understand how to embed YouTube Videos in their blog posts. In this article, we will share how to easily embed YouTube videos in Blogger blog posts.

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Ionic 2 Mobile App using Angular 2 and TypeScript Tutorial

Ionic 2 Mobile App using Angular 2 and TypeScript Tutorial

Ionic is an open-source front-end SDK framework made for building hybrid mobile apps on cross platforms. Ionic is used for developing hybrid mobile apps using web technologies like HTML 5, CSS, Cordova and Sass, it is made of AngularJS 2. Both ionic and AngularJS provides some pre- built in components, which allows us to easily develop mobile apps. Here is the demo for creating mobile app using AngularJS and typescript on ionic V2 framework. The demo used here is my blog as a mobile app. Follow this tutorial to easily build mobile app.

Ionic Angular 2 typscript tutorial

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5th Anniversary of MyBloggerLab - Time to Rebuild our Goals

5th Anniversary of MyBloggerLab - Time to Rebuild our Goals
Dear MyBloggerLab Readers,

If you�re reading this, I would like to congratulate you for being a great reader since 5 years. Yes, it�s been 5 years since we started MyBloggerLab in 2012 with an aim that we will provide quality Blogger resources to users, each year brought different challenges, but we opt to never give up on our passion and that was to reshape Platform. I personally like to thank you for your comments, tweets, likes, Google +1s, everything you did to support your favorite blog to help us grow. You indeed made us a popular blog.
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How To Increase Instragram Followers for Free 2017?

 Increasing social media presence is one of the most beneficial goals you can set for yourself in years to come. Not because you see your followers as the money making the machine, but the relationship you develop with them pays back in the shape of trust building.

Once you�ve earned your trust and a loyal viewer base, any business that you setup would get a helpful head start. This post will be precise and will share �exactly� what you need to know to increase your Instagram followers as fast as 50 followers a day. With all practical tricks.

Note: This is a proven way and once you follow it, you can aim to get even more than that.
Instagram followers free Step #1 Download Instagram Tags App

First let's download a mobile application for either Android or iOS that would help you find out the highest trending hashtags for Instagram. Most popular Instagram hashtags that most of the people in the world are using along with their pictures are listed within these apps and you can just copy/paste them for your own purpose.

Take a look at the image below. There are a bunch of categories that you can choose hashtags from. Like Eid, Christmas, New Year, Love, Fitness and so many, whereby you can choose from them depending upon the type of photo you�re uploading.

Below are the download links for iOS and Google Play:

Instagram followers free Step #2 Upload Frequently on �Right Times�
Now a simple strategy to increase followers is to know that the more photos you�ll upload with popular hashtags, the more followers you�ll get.

Our goal is to upload interesting photos with nice editing (lightning and contrast) on the most popular times.

Huffingtonpost published a deep research in this regard showcasing the best times that payback the highest number of engagement. This means, that when you�d upload a new picture on your Instagram on these specific times, your photos will get more likes and your account would get the most followers in return.

These times are as per western times, so in case you�re from India/Pakistan, I�ve found that the peak hours are in the morning like posting a photo around 6 am to 12 pm pay back the best.
Though you can play around with those times as per your local times and then figure out which hours offer you the best engagement.

Instagram followers free Step #3 Photo Uploading Frequency (The Math)

Initially, you can aim to upload a new photo every 2-3 hours on your profile. Make sure that you put popular hashtags from the steps above as that is the ONLY major way your photos would be getting seen.

So that means, in a day, you can aim to upload 10 plus photos on your Instagram.
Instagram followers free Bonus Tips: In addition to these, the following would further boost up your followers count.

Tip #1 Setup your profile professionally

Make sure that your profile has a profile picture of your self as people tend to interact with personalities more rather than company/brand logos.

In addition to that, setup an easy to read profile description. Checkout few of the examples below, and notice how it uses icons and emojis to highlight the prime information.
insta followers

Tip #2 Use an image editor on your mobile

Make use of an image editor for your smartphone and bump up the lighting and contrast. Lightning makes a HUGE difference in making your photos pop out from the competition.

Tip #3 Interact with other people�s profiles

Not that I would recommend this too much as I personally don�t waste time doing so just to gain the followers, though many people follow others in a hope that they would follow back. This works like 20-30% of the time, though you�d not want to follow people just for the sake of it.

The best approach is to keep your followers to following ratio high. That is ONLY followed people that you�re genuinely interested in following and enjoying the Instagram experience.


That is pretty much what I do to increase my Instagram followers on regular basis. Even though I was personally never too active on Insta, these strategies work and I�ve personally started implementing them religiously.

Give them a try and you�d be surprised.

Top 9 Reasons to Use WordPress

No one likes being accused of hopping onto a bandwagon, but if you notice that there is something everyone�s doing, it might be that they do it for a reason.

There is an interesting piece of statistic, which claims that 27 percent of all Internet content is managed with WordPress (WP), which is more than any other CMS (content management system) out there.

Now, numbers don�t lie and such an astounding figure simply can�t just accidentally occur.
Top 9 Reasons to Use WordPress
With this in mind and without further ado, here are top nine reasons why WP is so popular and why you should consider using it.

1. Open Source

First things first, a lot of small businesses and individual users operate on a tight budget. This means that a chance to save every penny possible is always a good idea. Seeing how this program is open source, it will not cost you a dime.
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Best CPM Ad Network 2017 That Makes More Money - OneClerk

"Best CPM Ad Network" - Does such a terminology even exists? Or it should rather be "Best CPM Ad Network as Per your Needs"? In fact with industry giants like Google AdSense, there can surely be no other company worthy to compete this billion dollar giant in providing state of the art technology for publishers to monetize their websites and blogs. But not every publisher qualifies for AdSense and not every publisher likes contextual advertisements to display on his site. How can you choose to decide which one out of the long list of ad networks is actually trustworthy? As a result you are all set to look for best alternatives to AdSense and BuySellAds that may help you make some extra passive income from your available ad slots.

best CPM ad networks 2017

We use Buysellads on our sites but we have recently started testing selling unsold ad space or backfill ads using AdClerks, formerly known us PublicityClerks which we  reviewed last year and still recommend as the best alternative to buysellads and surely amongst the list of best CPM Ad networks of 2017 due to its quality platform and auto-pilot revenue engine that surely helps you to increase ad revenue earnings.


What is AdClerks?

AdClerks is a rising star amongst top CPM ad networks. It provides fully automated self serve ad platform, allowing users to buy & sell online ads on an open marketplace featuring hundreds of hand picked sites. It has so far succeeded in attracting over 10,000 registered websites and advertisers and serves over 15 million ad impressions monthly.

AdClerks is based in UK with a hand-picked international team of digital experts led by James H. 

If you are looking to sign-up and submit your blog or website to AdClerks or get more information about its payment terms and site features then please read the in-depth review below.

Introduction To OneClerk

OneClerk is a new ad network exclusive to AdClerks users that offers publishers with the power to sell unsold ad space via CPM ads. OneClerk automatically monetizes your unsold ad space while still making your ad slot available to purchase on AdClerks marketplace.

OneClerk is a powerful CPM ad network that helps you make extra cash from your unsold ad impressions by instantly loading ads via backfill with a 80% fill rate.

See this daisy chain for easy understanding:

AdClerks ad zone ? if unsold ? OneClerk ads ? if not enabled ? 'Advertise here' banner or 'Backfill code'

For example if you have created an ad zone but no advertiser is currently interested to purchase that slot, then why wait and waste those precious page impressions? Instead of waiting you can let OneClerk to instantly sell that empty inventory for you on CPM revenue model for as long as your ad slot is not sold out. OneClerk will display only family-friendly ads  from quality advertisers and brands.

You can also use OneClerk on BuySellAds using the backfill option to sell your unsold ad slots. All you need to do is to paste the AdClerks asynchronous JavaScript code inside the backfill box.

You can replace that 'Advertise here' label on unsold space at buysellads with a high paying advert from quality advertisers, automatically using OneClerk.

display OneClerk ads on buysellads

Following is a brief breakdown of how OneClerk works:

  1. OneClerk can be enabled only on Ad zones having ad size 300x250
  2. Revenue generates via a dynamic CPM
  3. OneClerk ads vary and are GEO targeted, so you will not always see them. It will be displayed to targeted audience of your site only.
  4. Viewable ad impressions and revenue data are recorded every hour on the stats page
  5. Earnings will be credited to your AdClerks account balance after 2 months
  6. Your ad zone will still be purchasable on the AdClerks marketplace and will override OneClerk ads if purchased
  7. You can opt-out or disable certain ads anytime by contacting support

You can find more information about OneClerk here.

Get OneClerk Approval By Sending Opt-In Request

Before you may start using it, you will need to send an opt-in request to get OneClerk approval from AdClerks team. There is no strict eligibility criteria for getting OneClerk approval except that your website or blog must be in good overall standing when it comes to monthly impressions, quality content and professional design.

Follow these easy steps for sending Opt-in request for OneClerk:

  1. Log Into your AdClerks account
  2. Then click OneClerk option under the Publishers tab on your sidebar
    OneClerk dashboard
  3. You will see a notice that your site is not yet approved with OneClerk. In order to get listed simple click the green button at your top-right. Opt-in to OneClerk
  4. AdClerks team will review your site and if it was eligible, your site will get OneClerk approval instantly within next 24 hours.
  5. Once approved, OneClerk is activated automatically and you can start selling unsold ad impressions!

After receiving the green signal you can start creating a new 300x250 zone or enable OneClerk on an existing Ad zone.

Setup Up a 300x250 Ad zone For Sale on AdClerks

Only this size is eligible with OneClerk ads at the moment. So you will need to enable OneClerk only on an Ad zone having dimensions of 300px wide and 250px long.

Setup your new zone by following these basic steps:

  1. Click "My Websites" from your AdClerks Dashboard
    AdClerks websites list
  2. Then click "New Ad Zone" button Create new Ad Zone in AdClerks
  3. Fill the form. Make sure to choose the 300 x 250 option while selecting Ad Size. Click the "Submit" button and you are all done! Choose ad size 300x250
  4. You will be displayed with the JavaScript code that you will paste on your website. If you want to enable OneClerk on this ad zone, simply click the "Edit Zone" button to right as shown in the picture below: Edit zone in AdClerks
  5. Scroll to the bottom of your page and you will see the option "Enable OneClerk" Enable OneClerk
  6. Click the submit button and your zone will instantly start displaying CPM ads for all your unsold ad impressions.
  7. Now you can monetize every impression as shown below, that simple! :) OneClerk dashboard showing ad earnings

Any Questions Regarding Setting Up OneClerk?

If you face any problems in enabling OneClerk functionality in your account then feel free to ask me by posting your comments below. I would love to help you. If you have not yet joined AdClerks then I strongly recommend that you join it by reading this tutorial.

If your AdSense account is disabled or AdSense has rejected your website or if you have failed at getting BuySellAds approval, you can still try your luck by joining AdClerks which is a new player and not that strict in approving new sites currently. Every new brand treats you with softness at first. I got my buysellads approval easily years ago but today their approval criteria has gone really tough. This could happen to AdClerks as well, who are soft at present but they can grow strict as soon as they grow too big. So better today then regretting tomorrow. Wish you all a safe blogging journey and sustainable ad revenue earnings. :)

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