Top 10 Essential Tools Every Skilled Blogger Needs

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As a skilled blogger you need to make the most of the content that you are working so hard to produce.

There are plenty of tools to help you do that, and a lot of them can be obtained free of charge.

To be competitive in the blogging scene you need to do what the competition is doing and a lot more.

So to avoid being left behind improve your functionality and efficiency by taking the time to view the different blogging tools in the list below:
Top 10 Essential Tools Every Skilled Blogger Needs

1. BuzzSumo

Are you worried that you�ll create content that�s already out there?

It would be frustrating to create a high quality blog post only to find out later other bloggers have tackled the exact same topic. Use BuzzSumo to avoid this problem.

This tool allows you to see high quality content that�s already written on a particular topic and it can help see what content to skip over.

2. CopyGator

Via CopyGator and the power of RSS feeds you can track the people that might be stealing content from your site. Every time a person takes your content the RSS feed will let you know.

You�ll need to include link backs to your own site in the RSS feed for this to work. High quality content is hard to produce and you must protect it when it�s published online. Lifehacker also suggests going down the legal route to knock down the copycat material.

3. Grammarly

To refine your content and reduce the occurrence of mistakes you can get Grammarly, which integrates into the WordPress editor. It helps catch a number of grammar mistakes that might have been left in.

Even the veteran bloggers out there make mistakes from time to time. As we suggests some great tools and for those who do not want to invest in a personal editor can rely on Grammarly as the next best thing.

4. Canva

Images make a post more appealing, but if you�re a writer you might have little idea how to create custom images. Canva is a tool that allows you to create your own custom images without much of a hassle.

They offer a number of free templates that can be used to very quickly create an image that matches the content of the blog. You can use Canva to create images for other activities such as social media.

5. Ahrefs

This is a keyword tool that gives you the chance to locate those keywords that have little competition yet a decent amount of traffic.

There is a 2 week trial, which you can use in order to find out if it�s worth the cost and functions properly. It can be a good alternative to the Keyword Planner tool from Google if you feel it doesn�t provide the functionality that�s needed.

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Ionic 3 and Angular 4: JSON Parsing with Token Based Restful API

Ionic 3 and Angular 4: JSON Parsing with Token Based Restful API

We have covered most of the topics in building a mobile application using Ionic 3 and Angular JS 4. Today’s topic is to pull in data for news feed from a server and display it on your website. This is suggestible post since it does proper verification at the backend based on token. All it does is, it will verify system token and user token at the backend and then pulls data using feed API url. I have also added an extra code to the previous post for login authentication with PHP Restful API for showing alert messages. Please do follow the below video and code for your understanding.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Login and Signup with PHP Restful API.

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Here�s How to Earn with YouTube (Beginner�s Guide)

I know getting thousands of views on your YouTube Videos is Hard!

Because you are not the only one who is teaching someone how to cook, travel, do magic or whatever you are uploading.

You may already know that having the more Subscribers means that you can attract the more views easily at your newest uploaded videos.

So, it clearly means when you are starting with zero Subscribers then there are very fewer chances to get the thousands of views in no time.

But you can still manage to attract the decent amount of views and Subscribers with a strategy, that�s what I am going to cover in this post step by step.
Here�s How to Earn with YouTube (Beginner�s Guide)
Without any further reading let�s get to our steps:

1. Select an Interesting and Deep Topic:

This is the first and most important step when you are ready to start your channel.

Most of the people do this mistake to select the mix content niche for their videos, In other words, they want to upload the video on every topic which is a very bad idea.

Here�s why:

If you are uploading the multi-topics content then you might get the thousands of views but nobody is going to Subscribe to your channel because people only subscribe to the topic focused channels.

You might also be noticed that when you finished watching a video on a specific topic and other videos of that channel are not on the same topic you are not going to do subscribe to that channel.

On the other side, if you watched a video related to �Motivation� and that channel is totally focused on this topic then your chances of subscribing to that channel are high�

It�s also very easy to manage the new content ideas when you are stuck with one topic and after some time you are going to get the authority on that topic.

So, it�s the first step and when you are selecting the niche for your channel make sure that the topic is interesting and deep because you are going to make the videos on that topic for a long time.

I suggest you select the topic which interests you more so you will never get bored while recording videos about that specific topic.

Now you have the better idea how to select your channel niche, let�s head to our second step�

2. Make and Upload the Original Content:

When it comes to earning through YouTube most of the people try to copy the complete videos of other channels or make the copyrighted content like matches, news, shows which are recorded from the TV and the list goes on.

Believe me, the policies of YouTube are now very strict and still, if someone is making money with these kinds of videos then they are going to be caught very soon.

Make it clear that if you want�s to earn in a legit way and also wants to make it a long term business with a lot of subscribers then you have to upload the original content.

But what original content I am talking about?

The very simple definition of our original and authority content is that you are recording your own videos with best Vlogging Camera instead of copying from other channels and sources, like your personal guides to the people�

Most of the people think that making the original content with their voice/face will never attract thousands of views because of those big and authority channels�

But it�s actually not.

You just have to add so much authority in your videos with unique style and getting personal no matter what you are teaching or discussing.

In this way, you can make the original content according to Youtube policies and don�t hesitate to say your viewers for the subscription in a unique way, which is most of the Vloggers are doing.

3. Make the Catchy Title and Description:

According to many studies, it is clear that 90% of the people just read your content titles online no whether it�s a blog post or a video.

So if you don�t know how to craft catchy headlines then you are not going to make a big impact online.

Let me give you an example:

Suppose you are searching for best way of making nuggets on Youtube and there are 2 results titled
  1. Making nuggets: Complete Method
  2. Here�s how to make tasty Nuggets in 30 minutes
If you are like the most of the people you will select the second one due to its title that�s how this helps in getting more views from the search and from related videos bar as well.

So, when you are going to craft the title for your video next time make sure that it's catchy enough that everyone wants to click on it.

I normally write 8-10 titles for every content and then just select one of them which is more appealing.

The best thing about catchy titles is if you are attracting the viewers with your title and then delivering the content which is promised in the headline then you are going to get some amazing response.

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What to do with the old articles in your blog?

Whether you are a professional, experienced blogger or a newbie in the area of writing articles on the Internet, the question of what should you do with your old articles will always be up-to-date.

This issue is crucial because the old articles are not only those that have been posted a year ago but also the one you posted last week.

This is a total waste of time, hard work and of the information you've shared. The content of your marketing plan must still bring the traffic.

Appreciate the hours spent on this issue as your time is precious!

For example, today your blog became more popular and gained more readers than a year ago.

It means that now you have the possibility to bring old pages back to life and to share them with your expanded auditory.
What to do with the old articles in your blog?
After several experiments with old publications that were made by some of the huge marketing blogs, we have the following interesting results:
  • The organic traffic of your blog will grow to 10% in case if you take away the date of the publication.
  • You can grow the organic traffic for 66% on the average during next month only by updating the date of the post.
  • When you actualize and promote your old posts as the new posts, the monthly rate of organic traffic of your blog may grow to 106%
Do you see the difference?

Knowledge of different useful tips may help you to promote your previous content in the future.

Using social networks

The first simple method that comes to mind is to re-post your old articles to social networks. It is always germane as the social networks are constantly changing and developing.

It is also very suitable to add appealing comment depending on a theme: depending on a theme, you may connect it with some events in your today life or memories.

Make it personal, add some emotional colors to it, be active in comments and the result won�t be slow in coming � you�ll receive more traffic to your website.

Maybe you created your website in times when we didn't use Twitter and Facebook as a powerful tool of promotion. Now you can take an advantage from using them to get new traffic to your pages.

Of course, it is useful only if the information in the article remains actual.

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Predicting Top 5 Web Design Trends of 2018

Oh, how time flies! We�re six months into 2017 and have already seen the coolest web design trends of this year.

But what about 2018?

Is there a chance to predict the next year�s web design trends?

Being not much of a fortuneteller, I�ve done some research and am ready to share my predictions.

To begin with, let�s recall the web design trends we�ve already seen in action in the first half of 2017 and try to predict if they are going to be on point next year (2018).

1. Hidden Navigation and Pop-Out menus

At first, this design trend served to make the use of mobile apps more comfortable. Later on, it has transcended into web design for a good reason.

Hidden navigation combined with pop-out menus allows to create more space on the screen. This proves to be quite helpful in highlighting the specific navigational elements as well as helps promotional purposes.

Lately, you can see this in many websites which results in quite unexpected design solutions. More and more people today are using ready-made website templates based on WordPress CMS, so you can see this trend in services WordPress themes often.

Minimalism in web design has proved to stay for significant time, so it�s fair to say that clean and clutter-free layouts will be still trending in 2018.
clean and clutter-free layouts will be still trending in 2018

2. Boxes as Design Element

Boxed design elements keep trending and becoming more diverse. Boxes can serve different aesthetic purposes - putting specific content into the limelight or linking to it. Since, boxes are meant to be visuals, they can take the form of pop-ups including a call to action or a picture.

Also, boxes are used by designers for layering to make a simple design look more perplexed. This trend roots from using card elements in material design style that are still on point, but not so much any more.

Long story short, whichever role boxed elements may play in the overall design, they are definitely going to trend in 2018.
Boxes as Design Element for 2018

3. Text-based Design

Gradually, ghost buttons in navigational menus have become dislodged by text-based links. More and more often you come across website designs that strike you with bold typography and massive headers. One can�t but agree that this way a user can skim the contents of the homepage and get an idea of the page content at first sight.

Yet, hand in hand with the above-mentioned trend walks another one - the small-sized typography. Some designers use small and sparse text for body content, others tend to use it for some header elements.

The trick of a downsized text trend is that it gives a feeling of space for users� eyes to wander. It looks quite well if there is not much textual content to present. on the contrary, it can play a bad joke on the overall design concept if there are large text blocks - your content will get lost in typography.
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Interview with Tayyab Saqlain Zakki (a Good Learner)

Hello there,

Today we want you to read about Tayyab Saqlain Zakki who call himself a good learner and he is doing best for teaching others to be another good learner by his courses.

He is doing great for online workers and thus we approached him to give an exciting interview where he have to disclose some realities so our readers can benefit from his experiences as a learner and teacher too.

As we have recently published an interview here we are again publishing a great new interview with Tayyab Saqlain Zakki from Pakistan.
Interview with Tayyab Saqlain Zakki (a Good Learner)
So the walk through of this interview is:
  1. We should focus on solving the problems rather blog for money
  2. Even if one want to teach, he or she have to learn and be a good learner
  3. Don't follow the trends, instead research and make your online business for long run
  4. Social media marketing is good for getting better ROI and leads
  5. Viral content type of websites and blogs are easy to create but require investments
  6. A newbie should learn and after some time apply his/her ideas
  7. Best SEO technique is to do keyword research and create engaging content after that you can make backlinks
So, for a full suggestions and answers catalogue of this interview you can scroll down and learn more from interview with Saqlain from Pakistan.

1. Hi, Tayyab Saqlain Zakki, how are you?

Hi, I am very good with the grace of Almighty ALLAH!

2. Before anything else, tell us what you do online?

Basically I am an online instructor and working in this field since 2013. I have done a lot of stuff online such as Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Freelancing and I am very well known as a YouTuber because I make videos for my students to help them earn online.

I believe Sharing is Caring and that is why I do share my knowledge with people to help them. I have launched many courses online such as Fiverr Course, YouTube Ranking, Reddit Marketing and Facebook earning Course.

Now after completing four courses, I can say, all of my courses are successful on the Internet as i have received a good response from those who have learnt from my courses and have got fabulous results. But right now, my main focus is on digital marketing. That�s me for now and my upcoming plans are huge. I�d say stay tuned!

3. From where you have started to work for the first time and what was the earning?

My first website was which may sound odd now but as I have worked on it, I remember my experience and the first earning which I received from Adsense was more than $100 USD. Few year back, it was trending to launch such websites in Pakistan and so i did followed the trend as well.

I started to gain traffic for this site from the social media as at that time it was all about earnings, which was truly a MISTAKE. Right now, this site doesn�t receive the monthly organic traffic of more than 50 users. But I moved towards short term rather than long term because I had no other way to go.

4. Do you earn for a living with your online works?

Yes indeed, my source of income right now is just online earning and in fact, I don�t have any other source of earning, which is why I focus on the online work.

5. What type of digital marketing you think is best and you are doing that?

In my point of view, social media marketing builds the best customer relationships. Social media marketing is a great way to get exposure and connect with your customers.

Connecting to your customers directly is a great way to get them to know you, like you and trust you.

6. What are some great networks to reach more audience and customers?

There are many but the main two are Google Adwords and Facebook Adverts. But my favorite one personally is Facebook Adverts from which you can get the targeted audience easily and you can generate the sales in no time.

7. Is there any platform you prefer to use for digital marketing which is not common?

Reddit! Reddit is a network which has a lower known potential but it can be a great source to generate sales for your e-commerce store or for the affiliate marketing. For Reddit Marketing, i have a course which is available and known to many people and indeed it is quite helpful to learn from it.

8. Tell us about other online methods to earn money (which you have tested)

There are many but I think viral blogging is the easiest method in which a blogger requires to do a little bit or more investment for the advertisements.

In order to go for viral blogging, you first have to find viral content on the internet and then monetize it. Then go for Facebook ads which should be relevant to the viral content you�re focusing at, for example, if you�re targeting the cancer related content then you have to target the audience for cancer awareness. It is quite an amazing method which easily could be implemented.

9. For a newbie what type of online business you suggest?

First of all, a newbie has to focus on just a one learning skill, but unfortunately, it is not happening these days which is why there are lots of failures we�re witnessing on the regular basis.

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How To Get Advertisers On Your Blog - Explained

Are you looking for ways to make money from your blog?

Well, there are 101 ways to make money online and making money from blogging is also a great and mostly used method in earning money online industry.

Many bloggers and writers are generating dollars just by typing and updating blog on daily basis, you could too - here I'll explain to you with much information on how you can attract advertisers to your blog.

I got too many Facebook inbox messages regarding this issue and people ask me how they can get advertisers to bid on their available ad-spaces.
How To Get Advertisers On Your Blog - Explained
Explained by Umer Prince
They are newbies and don't know the basics of advertising online, as they want me to answer their question I've put together a blog post for them.

I hope you'll get information here and can be able to get advertisers on your blog to make more money by reading this article.

The benefits of attracting advertisers on my blog!

There are a tons of benefits you can get just by letting advertisers know you.

You can make a fortune income on monthly basis, which can pay your monthly bills such as electricity, internet etc.


By getting more advertisers on your blog, you can make your blog a platform and advertisers will compete with one another to get their ads on your blog before someone else.

It also increases your traffic flow and price per ad-space, as their master minds will give your blog a push to check it deeply and they'll also mention your blog on their advertising panel.

Getting advertisers v/s Attracting advertisers

There is a small (big) difference in Getting and Attracting word, as I've explained below.

1. Getting advertisers on your blog:

Its a simple and cost effective way of generating money on your blog just by adding some ads of your favorite advertisers. You can use any network online or you can do it manually (if you can). It depends totally on your mind, and choice is all yours like price to type of ads.

2. Attracting advertisers on your blog:

This is another way of showing ads on your blog to take money from click or impressions you send to advertisers. It is also a method for marketing your blog to brand it and make advertisers fight for your blog, you can do it with Google Adsense and other programs. Simply its a automatic way of generating revenue from ads on your blog.

Now its time to read the basic point of this article, you'll get more information by reading below.

1. Increase authority of your blog

Authority is everything in online to offline world, the one got it will survive and those failed to get it will also fail to survive.

As we want advertisers to pay us for showing their ads on our blogs, we should give them a reason to deal with us.


You have the authority in your industry or niche your blog is about? for an example your blog's topic is luxury cars, then what people think about your blog before they actually visit it?

If they think that your blog is a good one and has real information about luxury cars, then they'll trust on your writing and might show their trust by sharing or commenting on your blog.

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Exclusive Interview With Minuca Elena (an expert roundups master)

Hello to all of you, here we are presenting the one and only master of expert roundups around for creating highly engaging and wonderful content.

Yes, She is Minuca Elena and wonder women, who is making her living out of online works and she also provide content writing services to her clients.

After reading her personal blog and reviewing that what she have done and what she offers, we decided to interview her so our readers can benefit from her expertise and experiences.

A walk through and important points of this interview with Minuca Elena are:
Exclusive Interview With Minuca Elena (an expert roundups master)

As she said:
  • Expert roundups are engaging and they bring backlinks and huge traffic
  • We can learn from our clients even being virtual assistants
  • Without a portfolio is it very difficult to get clients for what you offer
  • Freelancing can't give you the passive income, thus one should start own online business
  • We should work until we gets the job done
For a better review about her suggestions and for full interview with Minuca Elena (who is a master of expert roundups and also a content writer) scroll down.

Let's start: ??

1. Hello Minuca, How are you? ??

Hi. I am good. Thanks for inviting me on your blog!

2. What type of business you do online for a living?

I am a freelance writer specialized in creating expert roundups. My posts provide quality content, bring huge traffic and get backlinks. I also help bloggers connect with influencers.

3. How you've started your online work?

My first contact with internet marketing was in 2015 when I started working as a VA (virtual assistant) for another blogger. In this period I did different tasks, like research, social media promotion, WordPress editing, and stuff like that. After a year, the collaboration ended so I decided to start my own site and become a freelance writer.

4. What difficulties you've faced in beginning?

My biggest problem was a total lack of trust in my skills. I thought that nobody was going to hire me because I didn�t have a reputation and I didn�t have a portfolio to show. I was determined to succeed and I work very hard for that. The results appeared soon.

5. How you earn money doing Experts Roundups?

I earn money just like other writers do. The only difference is that I focus on expert roundups.

6. Is there a way for others to make money using or doing experts roundups?

A roundup is a very time-consuming type of content. It takes me at least a month to do one, in some cases even 2-3 months. It requires a lot of patience to accept all the rejections, perseverance and networking. It�s not an appropriate idea for people that want to earn money fast.

7. What type of online business or work would you suggest to a newbie?

I think the best type of work for a newbie is being a VA. You get to learn new things while earning an income. Just be careful to actually get paid for your work and not work for somebody that will take advantage of you.

Later when you will have the experience you can start working for yourself. There are lots of different options for earning money online. You can start an Amazon affiliate site, or monetize your site with Adsense, or sell your own products (courses, webinars, and e-books).

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5 Best Cash on Delivery (COD) Services in Pakistan?

cash on delivery pakistan

All you need to know about the best Cash on Delivery services in Pakistan to fuel your business.

Cash on Delivery (COD) is one of the most popular product delivery systems available in Pakistan and the single most successful medium through with small and big business send their product packages.

People in Pakistan prefer COD services while purchasing products online on popular e-commerce websites. Cash on Delivery offers the buyers an opportunity to checkout the product in its real sense and gives them flexibility to pay once the product reaches their homes, instead of processing payment via credit/debit cards.

This post goes through best cash on delivery (COD) services in Pakistan for everyone who is looking forward to setup their business and send products to their clients.

  • [message]
    • ##check## What will the post cover?
      • The post not only goes through the service, its rates, but also I'll share what the community has to say about them, so that you could do a better judgement for your business and provide the best service to your customers.
Though the post is not in any particular order, I have shared them in an order of their services. Note that services really could vary from city to city, but I'm sharing the experience of all these from Islamabad, i.e our place of dispatch.

#1 CallCourier

CallCourier is a fairly new Cash-on-Delivery service in Pakistan of young enthusiastic minds, my personal experience with them has been great Alhumdulilah. The folks are quick in setting up your account, and offer the most quick service.

Clients have reported that they receive packages all around Pakistan, even in small scale cities/towns with in 2 days, which is pretty neat. Main cities often take a single day.

cash on delivery pakistan

Later, the payment is also processed as cheque with in 2-3 days, and you receive an SMS once the payment is sent.

cash on delivery pakistan

cash on delivery pakistan

I personally don't really care about tracking the packages, though the company offers them all. After all, who would really track every individual product if the service its self is great. Not a single package got late in my experience.

#2 Leopards

cash on delivery pakistan

Leopards is another pretty decent cash on delivery service in Pakistan that are known to be one of the cheapest and delivery packages with in time. It's easier to open an account with them and all you need is to take few documents at their local office and they process it fast.

cash on delivery pakistan

Leopards have earned a name for them self and is the only company that I saw a lot of fan following on Facebook and a lot of people had to say really positive about them compared to TCS and other services. Their rates are nominal and delivery is great.

#3 TCS

TCS is one of the biggest courier services in Pakistan and offers a widely known and probably one of the oldest COD services in the country. The company works great when it comes to COD services, though it seems not many people have a positive view point about their COD services.

cash on delivery pakistan

Delayed packages and difficulty in opening the account are one of the reasons, small business aren't lured in to choose them as their COD business partners.

cash on delivery pakistan

Though I personally believe that their service would highly depend upon the cities they are tested upon. Still some say that their services in main cities like Islambad, Lahore has degraded in the recent times too compared to leopard.

Still, you can give them a try, you might have a different experience altogether. If you do, don't forget to share yours in the comment section below.

#4 Blue-Ex

Blue-Ex another one of the new ones out there. You'll feel the difference of their modernism when  you visit their website. The company as being fairly new works on their toes to make sure that they offer pure quality.

Their charges are minimal and also offer pretty decent delivery times. Blue-Ex is in fact the second company on my Facebook profile that I saw people being pleased with in comparison to TCS.

cash on delivery pakistan

#5 Kangaroo Logistics

Kangaroo is comparatively small scale COD service. The company that started back in 2012 offers one of the best rates out there and offers online tracking service just like other services discussed above.

Though it seems that it currently only offer services in Karachi and Lahore. You can checkout their site for more information.

cash on delivery pakistan

Wrap Up

Those were few of the most active Cash On Delivery options available currently in Pakistan. I've heard about Pakistan Post offering pretty decent service, though I would add more about it here once I have solid experience shares about it.

If you have previously experienced any of these services, do share your views about them in the comment section down below. Your review would really help everyone who is willing to get started with their business and have no idea about the leading COD services in the country.
Ionic 3 and Angular 4: Adding Custom Fonts like Open Sans and Font Awesome.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4: Adding Custom Fonts like Open Sans and Font Awesome.

We all know that Ionic is the useful framework for building HTML 5 mobile applications. It is mainly designed for the front end. When it comes to look and feel of the Ionic website, you have to work more on your application branding standards. Ionic default icons are not up to current market standards. This tutorial is all about how to add custom downloaded fonts like open sans and font awesome for icons into the Ionic application. Let’s see how you use customized fonts in your Ionic website.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Create a Welcome Page with Login and Logout.

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