add facebook send button in blogger

Assalam u alaikum readers how are you hope you all are fine . i,m back with new awesome blogger gadget with which your readers can send your posts directly to their friends so it is one of the popular way to increase traffic and readers by this trick you are thinking about gadget it is facebook send button it is very easy to use it and integrate it in blogger and it look best in your blog . there are many advantages of this button in blog because it is the button which connect your reader directly to facebook and then it is easy to share direct your post with friend and others. and now you are thinking about your blog speed so dont worry about blog speed it dont make load on your blog because it dont have too many javascript so it is not making load on your blog speed now i,m going to tell you that how to implement send button in the below or above of your blog post


  • Go to blogger >dashboard > html
  • click proceed and click on expand widget templates box
  • now find <data:post.body>
    <div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like href="" send="true" layout="button_count" width="450" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>
    now if you want to add send button above the post
    then paste this code above the <data:post.body> and if you want to add this button below the post then paste this code below the <data:post.body>
    and its done

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