Speed up google chrome browser

Hello everyone now a days i,m very busy in study and i,m learning and doing preparation for my new classes that's why i,m not posting new posts in my blog but today i,m free So be ready for my new post.
Speed up chrome | make chrome faster
Speed up chrome
I saw many People who Love to use google chrome browser but they are very disagree with the optimization and speed of google chrome, Mean that google chrome is fast but it makes computer slower and it hang and hang again but now i,m going to tell you that how to speed up google chrome browser.
These are some useful tips for speeding up google chrome.


  1. Always use some optimization program in computer like tuneup utilities and always optimize your computer .
  2. open chrome > open new tab > in address bar write about:flags > press enter
  3. Now find  "GPU Compositing on all pages" and "GPU Accelerated SVG and CSS Filters". Enable both options" 

  4. Dont send usage statestics and crash reports to google
  5. Dont use extensions because they are the cause of  load  on google chrome.
  6. Clear browsing data on regular basis
These are some tips i know for speeding up google chrome browser if you have other tips please share with us .

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