Meta Tags Generator Tool For Blogger

By the grace of ALLAH and long strugle, I have completed the coding of this tool.This is an atomated tool used for generating META TAGS for your BLOG or WEBSITE.Meta tags are very essential for search engines and SEO.
Follow these tips for writing best blog description and for choosing the most relevant keywords for your blog.

1) Meta Description:
Describe your blog in max 150 letters.I have added the following META DESCRRIPTION for my Blog.

A Blog about Blogger Tricks, Blogger Templates, Blogger Widgets, SEO, Make Money Online and muc more...

2) Meta Keywords:
Meta keywords are words which are relevent to your blog.
i.e I have added the following
Blogger widgets, bloogger templates, blogger widgets, blogger seo ,rlogger tricks etc.
So chose it wisely for your blog.

3) Meta Author:
This tag is not so important, but still every one attach their name to the blog.Dont use NICK names. Use your full name.

4) Meta Robot:
Sometimes you don't want search engine robots to crawl or index your blog in search engines, so you can simply tell the robots that don't crawl the data of the blog using the No follow tag or No index tag.
Leave it as, if you wanna index all your posts in search engines.


Follow the simples steps below to create your META TAGS in Less than a minute:

  • Enter your blog description in first input area.
  • Enter your blog keywords in second input area.Dont use more than 12 keywords.
  • Enter  blog author name in Third input area. For example Aamir Khan
  • If you want to index all your posts in Search engines tesults Than leave it on ALL.
  • Now click on CREATE META TAGS button.
  • Now a popup will open for confirmation, click on OK.
  • Thats it.You have almost done!
  • Last step, Now copy your meta tags and press ctrk+f and search for <head>and paste your meta tags right before it.
  • Congratulations You have added the META TAGS to your blog.
  • Now your blog will easily get index in GOOGLE, BING YAHoo etc


Author (Optional):
Robots (Optional):
Copyright � 2012 All Rights Reserved by Aamir Khan @ Hacking Articles
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