Open Blogger External Links In New Tabs

Today i am back with another great post.We will learn HOW TO OPEN EXTERNAL LINKS OF BLOGGER IN NEW TABS.By default all external links like, open in a same windows, but today the code which i am giving to you people all external links in new windows.
So lets start.

  • Log-in to your blogger account; go to Design --> Edit HTML, Or for new blogger interface, go to Template --> Edit HTML.
  • Now, press Ctrl+F and find </head>.
  • Just before </head>, paste the below code.  


<!-- External links by !-->

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>

$(document).ready(function () {

$(&quot;a[href*=&#39;http://&#39;]:not([href*=&#39;&quot;+location.hostname+&quot;&#39;]),[href*=&#39;https://&#39;]:not([href*=&#39;&quot;+location.hostname+&quot;&#39;])&quot;).attr(&quot;target&quot;,&quot;_blank&quot;).attr(&quot;title&quot;,&quot;Opens new window&quot;).addClass(&quot;external&quot;);



<!-- External links by !-->
  • Now save your template and enjoy.
  • You're all done. Just click on any external links in your blogger posts, and it'll open in a new tab.
 KEEP visiting for new tutorials!!!

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