Show Meta Description Only On Home Page

Yesterday i share apost about  Add Adsense Beside Social Sharing Widget In Blogger .By default in blogger,  META DESCRIPTION shows on every page in Google search result, which is not good for SEO becouse it marked as duplicate by Google Bot and hence your blog didnt get index by search engine and your blog PR didnt increase.Today we will learn how to show meta description only on homepage and increase our blog visibility in search engines.

Steps For Showing Meta Description Only On Homepage Of Blogger Blog

  • Goto your blogger DASHBOARD
  • Now click on TEMPLATE => EDIT HTML
  • Now Find the below code in you template in <head> section.
<meta content='META DESCRIPTION GOES HERE' name='description'/>
  • As shown in image below:

  • And replace it with
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='META DESCRIPTION GOES HERE' name='description'/>
  • Now save your template and you are done.
  •  NOTE: Dont forget to change META DESCRIPTION GOES HERE with your blog meta description.
Also Read: Create Meta Tags with Character Counter Tool for better SEO
  • You have to wait some days for Google bot to crawl your blog and after that you will see META DESCRIPTION only on your blog home page and thus your blog visibility will be increase because now your blog every page have different meta description.

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