Aweber Tutorial #3: Creating Email Web Forms

Aweber Tutorial #3: Creating Email Web Forms

In our previous post in the series, we discussed how we can setup the double opt-ins system in Aweber. Today, we'll look into how we can create new stunning looking email web forms using Aweber's built in design platform that would help us create new email web forms with simple drag and drop.

Once you're done designing your email web form, you can then export it's code and implement it on your blog very easily.

Follow the simple steps below to create new email web forms with Aweber.

How To Create New Email Web Forms?

Simply navigate towards Aweber Dashboard >> Sign Up Forms >> Create a Sign Up Form.

email webforms aweber

You can create as many email web forms that you wish. A good question here would be as to why one would want to create multiple email web forms?

Well there are few reasons for it:

1- You can design different web forms as per the place where you're willing to implement it on your blog. For example, you might want to add one email form to the side bars, one beneath each post, one in the footer of the blog etc. Thus, you'd want to design them in different way (vertical, horizontal etc.)

2- With multiple email forms, you can test the conversion rates of each form with the statistics that Aweber provides with each email form. This would let you know where your subscribers are coming from exactly. Also, you can test out new ones that might give you better results in regards to how many people viewed the email form and how many subscribed through it.

Step #1 Design Phase

Now, once you click the button that says 'Create a Sign Up Form', you will be taken to the email form designer.

Here you can play around with various options and features which would let you add images, text, buttons, separators and so much more.

designing emai webform aweber

Step #2 Configuring Email Web Form Settings.

Once you click 'Go to Step 2' you'll be asked to enter all the basic information regarding the web form such as:

1- Form name
2- Setting 'Thank you' page (You can add a link to your own custom thank you page that you have hosted on your blog's hosting or else where.)
3- Setting 'Already subscribed page' (The page that displays when a current subscribers tries to subscribe again. You can create a fancy looking page as you wish.)

In the 'Advanced settings' options, you can set the first email auto responder message that the subscriber would get in his inbox. You can create multiple auto responder series (we'll go through that in future posts in the series), which gets delivered to the subscriber with the time interval that you set for example with a week gap, or what ever you choose it to be.

advanced settings aweber email webform
In the next step, you're asked to save the web form and implement it on your blog.

Step #3 Save the Form and Implement it.

save aweber email form

Once you click 'save your form', you will be given few options to implement the code as shown in the image below.

aweber web form install settings

You can click 'I will install my form' option and it will provide you with the javascript that you'd have to add to your blog where ever you wish the email form to appear.

implement code email form aweber

That's pretty much it to it. Hope the process was easy. Now you can create your own stunning looking email web forms using Aweber.

Some Tips While Designing Email Forms

Over the time, I learned what sort of email forms works and which ones fails. I would prefer to use relatively bigger text that is easier for the reader to go through. Don't add too much information and sales pitches to the email form. Make your selling point simple.

If you're to give an eBook for free, place it's 3D image and few highlights in 2-3 bullet points.

Also, make sure your subscribe button is big. People act more on bold call to actions.

Hope these tips would help you grab a high conversion rate.

Till next time, Take care.

Allah Hafiz :)

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