Can One Earn Money On Quora? Is it Worth Your Time?

Can One Earn Money On Quora? Is it Worth Your Time?

Quora is an immensely popular questions and answer platform where individuals ask question and the community of writers responds by publishing their answers on that a particular topic. Every one has a profile on Quora that tracks your statistics such as total Upvotes, views and followers your get over the time.

The company was founded in 2009 and got publicly opened in 2010 has 106 employees and is among the top 150 websites in the world.

Questions and answers are totally community managed and that's what it makes a great place to broaden your knowledge on a topic of your interest. People have made their careers at Quora with millions of views to their answers that serve the community.

But is it really worth your time? How could you exactly earn from Quora? I recently started exploring Quora to reach out to more people that have similar interests in this niche. Though the way I see people utilizing this valuable community is pretty unique.

Can One Earn Money On Quora?

Can One Earn Money On Quora? Lets find out.

Jon Davis, a writer and blogger on military at Quora has more than 22k followers on the platform. The guy has been part of the community since years and even worked for the company. Among the top 200 writers out of millions of writers at Quora, the guy is a real deal.

Jon believes, that Quora is not the place that would help you fix the leaking house roof. In other means, you won't directly make money out of the platform in anyway. Quora doesn't pay the writers and it's not part of their business model.

Though, you could utilize this amazing tool to make money out of it via different mediums.

Firstly, when you work hard and earn a reputation at Quora, experts at Industries starts noticing your growth and fame. People start to reach you out with projects and ideas. Not that it happens for every body out there, though it's definitely a productive medium to make links, reputation and make a name out for your self.

Jon got popular in a way that few years back, one of his answer got really noticed and earn him over 2.5k Upvotes. His very answer covered a fictitious war. About 2 years later, he got contacted by an Emmy Award winning producer Josh Kline who signed a deal with him to convert his story into a full  fledged movie.

This is the type of opportunities you get when Industry finds you out. Sometimes it can blow you out of the world. Similarly, he now often gets contacted to write for popular journals and Media companies which wouldn't have been possible other wise.

Though beside all these networking opportunities you get, Quora doesn't it's self helps you directly make the money.

Now where the money is...

The best approach to utilize Quora would be to supplement your 'main career' in the form of a website or a blog or a YouTube channel or what ever you do online. It could be a Facebook page that you run and wish to promote.

What Quora is best is that it would help you find the 'VERY' precisely close people to your niche those are them selves looking for answers.

This is rare. You would otherwise either market your content via ads and try to hit a small bird with a shotgun. This is how Facebook ads are though.

You place your ad on Facebook, pay to reach out 1 million people, out of which few thousand or few hundred would be in fact somehow interested in what you have to offer.

With Quora, you can earn a name for your self, build a follower base who finds you authority in the subject and in your niche and then it's all your game.

Just like how you build up an email list of people interested in your content. Not that you would hardsell anything to these Quora followers and make millions over night, though you could definitely convert them into your life time followers for your very product and make a living.

With Internet, it's all about how many people you reach out and manage to inspire. With YouTube, you build audience that could swear by your name, and then there are tons of YouTubers who then  sign out deals with other third party companies to endorse their products.

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Driving traffic to your blog...

You could also use Quora to drive immensely targeted traffic to your blog. Few days back, I answered a question at the platform, which was Could you make $2000 a month as a full-time blogger?

I took my time to write a valuable answer which came from with in my heart, and quickly it earned about 13 Upvotes and brought the answer to top 3-4 responses.

This brought 2k plus page views to the response. At the end of the answer, I linked a relevant post from BloggingeHow which supplemented the answer its self.

I was shocked to see how that article was opened!

Now I'm in absolute love with Quora. I'll be investment more time into serving that community too.

So this is what Quora is great at! It would help you find the very precise audience you're otherwise looking for, and later you could attract them towards your blog and monetize.

I hope this was a valuable insight from Jon's story as it was personally really enlightening for me too.

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