Let non-English Visitors Read Your Blog Using Google Translator

You are a global marketer? or have a international online-business? with a English language blog?

Also if you are a local blogger or webmaster and have many blogs/websites in different languages, then this article is for you.

Because many of the internet users love to read any online content in their native language (in simple words in their mother tongue).
Let non-English Visitors Read Your Blog Using Google Translator
You know we can't create single article in different languages like Wikipedia. Because we don't know more then 2/3 languages.

But! There is a need to add a multi-language plugin in your website/blog. Since we are getting global traffic, and all that people can't read English only or Urdu only blogs. We have to give them the option for translating our content in any language they want to.

Let's read what you can do for people, whose visit your website/blog and leave it just for the sake of native language.
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