What is CMS (content management system) - things you need to know

A CMS (content management system) is a web/computer application which allow people to create, edit and re-create any type of content (text, images, videos etc). With a display-able interface, users can maintain their content and even delete it or organize as they want.

First CMS where launched in 1990s, and than many CMSs are available to use, many of them are free and open source. It is a best option for working in a collaborative environment.
What is CMS (content management system) - things you need to know
The best thing in a CMS is users can start their online work in minutes. With the help of CMSs anyone can create online shops, blogs, websites, social networks and more.

Many news site/blogs are using this technology for editing their articles and designing their online world. Using custom and sub-domains and web-hosts, internet makers (web-developers) are making it a needy application for any type of work online.

There are many good CMSs that are good for newbies at web-developing.
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