+10,000 Free Vector Icons to Download and Use in Your Projects

Got a project? a web-project and don't know how to design flat UI icons or vector icons with high in quality manners and eye-catchy type of icons!


Creating out-standing, custom and creative icons without much knowledge is a epic shit, and anyone can't do this without having great tools.


If you have the knowledge and right tools, this becomes a time consuming work and stay you away from your clients for a long period of time after getting any deal done.

And what? People wants something different in all of your work, tell me how you can manage?
+10,000 Free Vector Icons to Download and Use in Your Projects
There are many marketers of web-design firms who giveaway awesome quality vector icons to their community for free. They use different mind sets to create that icons. What you can do for creating different type of icons?

Glyphing of icons is not a easy job, it takes time and hard-work. To create a awesome or even a simple icon you have to work harder, as sometimes you have to say your thinkings in 12x12 small icon.

Whether its a symbol icon or any other you have to create it as epic one to ensure your client become happy with your work or your blog readers will like your web-designing skills.

That's why I've put together a compelling list of +10,000 free to use whether commercial or personal and download in seconds.

Why vector icons?

Willing to know why to use icons (vector icons) in web-designing?

Really? are you a web-designer? if yes than you don't need to read this and jump to main content by scrolling below. If you are newbie than read more please:
  • Icons make your website and projects looks great
  • You can design widgets and templates in no time
  • You can take 1 step ahead from your competitors in web-design industry
  • People want more and you can give them more by showing icons
Every web-designer recommend to create or download free to use vector icons to use in projects and other work.

Now see below to know the best and greatest icons, and download for free.

Batch - 343 icons for web and user interface designers

 Batch - 343 icons for web and user interface designers

44 Shades of Free Icons

Shades of Free Icons

200 free icons with 3 different sizes

200 free icons with 3 different sizes
Read more �

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