Designing a Winning Navigation Menu: 15+ Fantastic Examples + Tutorials

As you know navigation system is a easiest method to show the key links to your readers and we can see menu bars on almost every website on internet.

CSS3 and jQuery are the key languages to code the fantastic and high quality menus on any blog or website.

With a responsiveness you can win the game of designing a brilliant menu plugin to get attention of your readers.

That's why I have research and arranged this list of top 15+ menu designs to try and create a good looking menu bar for your blog/website.

Wait wait!

You know? All the listed high quality menus I am presenting here are free of cost and you can use them in your web-designing work.

Let's check the list and take inspiration for free.

Why to design a good navigation menu?

Nowadays its a necessary thing to design a good and fantastic navigation menu bar to get attention of your readers to your precious pages of blog or website.

The best you show the great exposure you get:
  • You can show your web-designing skills
  • You can add main links at top of the pages
  • You can increase space for ads at header area
And the basic thing you can take your readers to any page of your blog just by clicking on the menu bar using a three click away method.

Now without wasting your time, read and checkout awesome examples of fantastic navigation menus with tutorials to add them in your blogs or websites.

1. CSS3 Menu hover effects

CSS3 Menu hover effects
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