How To Setup AdSense Page-level ads in BlogSpot?

setup adsense page-level ads in blogspot blogsPage-level ads have been rolled out recently and now available for use for all webmasters and bloggers. Page-level ads enable you to display AdSense ads on your blogger mobile templates. It helps you monetize your mobile templates just like you monetize mobile apps with Google Admob Ads.

Some interesting facts about Page-level Ads:

  • Shown by AdSense at optimal times to help increase revenue and provide a good user experience
  • Two new ad formats: anchor/overlay ads and vignettes
  • Don�t count towards your 3 ads per page limit - You can use them along with your content and link units.
  • Only display on mobile-optimized sites
  • Optimized to help increase revenue
  • Mobile Responsive!

I will discuss in detail the available Page-level formats, how to add code to the blogger template, and how to test the ads to see if they really work on your sites.

Page-level Ad formats

Following are the two types of Page level ad formats that are available so far:


Anchor or overlay ads are mobile responsive ads that stick to the bottom of the user's screen and can easily be dismissed using the toggle down button at its top.

adsense page-level ads in blogger sites

Once the ad loads, an anchor is being displayed at the bottom of page that displays the ad. Users can simply slide the bar down to dismiss the anchor.


Vignette ads are full screen mobile ads that cover the entire interface of the webpage. They work exactly same as Admob's Interstitial ads used in mobile apps for android and iOS.

adsense page-level ads in blogger templates

Vignettes Ads appear as a popup between page loads on your blog. The user has the choice to either tap on the ad and continue to its destination, or close it and return to the webpage. The direct call to action and larger size combine make Vignettes Ads a particularly effective form of mobile advertisement.


  • Vignettes ads are displayed when the user leaves a page, not when when they arrive on one, so the user doesn�t have to wait for them to load.
  • Furthermore, they're also limited in number per user to maintain a good user experience.

Implement Page-level ad tags in Blogspot Blogs

To setup these new revenue boosting mobile ads on your blogger templates follow these easy steps:

1 Log into your AdSense account

2 Follow this link

3 Switch on both Anchor/Overlay and Vignette ads by clicking the two toggle buttons

enable adsense page-level ads in blogger

4 After that scroll down and click the button which says "Get code"

enable adsense page-level ads in blogger

5 Copy the code

adsense page-level ads code

6 Now go to Blogger > Template > Backup your template

7 Click Edit HTML and search for this code </head>

8 Paste your Page-level code just above </head>

  • Note: In your Page-level code, make one modification. Replace the attribute async with async=''
  • If you don't make this modification, blogger will give you an error message.

Error parsing XML, line 1473, column 15: Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character.

9 Save your template and you are all done!

Test Page-level ads on your blogger template

  1. On your favorite mobile device, visit your blog to test Page-level ads.
  2. In the address bar of your mobile browser, add #googleads to the end of your blog's URL. For example in our case:
  3. Select the ad format that you want to test from the tabbed box that will appear just above your blog body..

Anchors and Vignettes Ads

      4.   See the ads in action!

Have you tried Page-level Ads yet?

Page-level ads were rolled out near October 2015 for specific locations but now they have been rolled out for all countries and publisher accounts. If you have already tried these new mobile optimized ads on your wordpress or blogger blogs then please share your experience with us and let us know how it effected your overall revenue.

If you have any questions related to the tutorial above, please feel free to post your queries below. Peace and blessings buddies! =)

GetResponse Review: The World's Easiest Email Marketing Software

When it comes to email marketing there is no dearth of software programs in the market today. But the dreaded question is which one is best for your business. More often than novice marketers gets carried away with advanced features and flashy adverts, only to realise they cannot possibly use the software without roping in an experienced marketer. In an effort to find the best email marketing software for novice marketers and small businesses we reviewed GetResponse, who claims to be The world's easiest Email marketing software.
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What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Qandeel Baloch?

This is the the first article for online entrepreneurs, bloggers and marketers regarding Qandeel Baloch, so you've to read it for must to get more knowledge of what is real entrepreneurship.

As Qandeel Fouzia Baloch is a Pakistani social media sensation, who is now famous for her videos and messages to the nation.

She is a real Pakistani online entrepreneur who made it to the next levels and got fame in some time just by uploading some videos and updating nation with latest thinking's of her mind.
What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Qandeel Baloch?

When I got to know about her "really I'm impressed with her personality" and decided to search more about her and feature her good personality in my next blog post, which is here and you can read more by scrolling below.
Before going to main content I would like to clear things here "I am not a marketer or QB's social media promoter for anything she does, I am just a boy who is impressed by Qandeel's strategies for becoming social media star" and that's why I've created this blog post.
If you don't like Qandeel Baloch, you can leave this post and read another :)

Something about Qandeel Baloch!

Before reading about "learning entrepreneurship from Qandeel" you must read this paragraph of her history and something about her personality.
  • DOB: 15 November 1990, Daska
Qandeel Fouzia Baloch was born in Daska and Agence France-Presse has compared her to Kim Kardashian. She is not just another social media sensation, she is a Singer, Actress and Model.

People from Pakistan, India and even UK wants Qandeel to perform in their countries, as she is a good singer and a perfect personality.
Read more �

Track HTML5 Video Views with Google Analytics

Is there a simple solution to track viewers engagement, if you have published HTML 5 video on the web? Yes. You can use combination of Google Analytics and very few lines of coding to see detailed video engagement analytics. You can track total number of viewers for your video, number of viewers who has just watched minimum percentage of video you have mentioned, number of viewers who has completed watching the video and many such analytics could be found using Google Analytics. Let’s see how far you are utilizing Google Analytics for such great analysis of your posted content on the web. Have a look at the demo..!

Track HTML5 Video Views with Google Analytics

Read more »

How to Create a Website on Weebly?

Are you looking for ways to set up a professional website for your business or client using any easy tool online?

Or you are in a university or in any need of to create a fully functional website in some minutes?

Weebly is the best and greatest tool available for free to you and you can do wonders with it.
How to Create a Website on Weebly?
With professional look and good speed you can amaze your clients or other competitors on how you could create such a beautiful website which is worth a visit.

That's why I am here to provide you the very basic and to the point tutorial on weebly to create your next stunning website in minutes.

Features of Weebly:

Basically the weebly is a web-hosting company with a drag and drop website building tool and headquartered in San Francisco, United States.

The company was founded by Chirs Fanini and two others in 2006 and doing great in web-publishing industry as a good service provider.

Here is a list of weebly's great features:
  • No technical knowledge required: Yes! You've read it right, there is nothing like technical knowledge requirements for using weebly and its great website builder. As you don't have to code.
  • Drag and Drop interface: That's why you don't need any technical knowledge, because you can use weebly's drag-and-drop services to create professional website.
  • Free with almost all the features: You can try all of its features free of cost and if on any stage of your business you were think that you've to upgrade to paid plans, you'll be amazed by knowing about their prices.
  • So many Themes: Weebly gives you the access to hundreds of free to use themes which you can utilize to design your favorite looks for your website. Even you can access the coding area and if you wish you can customize it.
And the big thing is Weebly give you a free of cost your own choice domain for website and hosting without having details about your credit card or something else. You can get a free domain and hosting package without paying a penny.
Weebly is Trusted by 30 Million people worldwide
Read more �

Top & Best Pakistani Startups in 2016

With startups our country can start building us, as start-ups give us something new and different to try.

Nowadays many startups are diving in the grounds of our dearest country Pakistan, it means we are getting new-newer start-ups and things happening to serve the best in country.

Today, I am just about to amaze my mind "what the hell startups or doing here" they are making us proud to be a Pakistani.
Top & Best Pakistani Startups in 2016 - go Pakistan go
That's why I am here to create next hub on my blog with new label "Startups" to support new things and to inform you about innovation.

Now without any hassle I want to set your heart on ice-cubes after reading about these 6 top and great to read about startups in Pakistan.

The Smart Collar for your cattle

This amazing startup is made by Mr. Umer Adnan (CEO and Founder of e4 Technologies) in Pakistan, and this is a agriculture business minded startup to let you save your time, money and cows (animals) together.
The Smart Collar for your cattle
As Pakistan is the best known country because of its largest milk producing areas which makes us to stand at 5th spot in the list of top worldwide milk producing countries by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization).
Read more �

Display Recent Posts With Featured Thumbnails in Blogger

recent posts widget with thumbnailsWe have discussed in detail how you can use JavaScript to extract data from Blogger JSON Feed API and use it to build gadgets such as "Recent Posts Widget" and "Recent Comments Widget". The JSON tutorial series would help a developer to create quality widgets for blogspot blogging platform. Today's tutorial will show you the end-product of what can be done using JSON feed for posts. I will share with you an advanced widget that will display recent posts in descending order (latest at top) along with post thumbnails, post summary, timestamp, comment count, label tag, author name and edit link. You can add it to your blogger blogs to display latest posts in a unique style. This is the first widget of its kind with so much features. See the demo below:

Update: A more compact, flexible and fully functional version of this widget has been released. Checkout:

DEMO - Look at footer

What is a Blogger Recent Posts Widget?

A recent posts widget displays your latest posts in descending order with newest at top. It shows a list of your latest blog posts along with thumbnails, post excerpt and post meta info. It works with all blogspot blogs. Copy the code and paste it inside a HTML/JavaScript gadget, that simple!

You can also use it to display posts by label by listing recent posts from a specific label. You can customize it to display posts in magazine style fashion with vertical, horizontal, gallery style listing. I will discuss all such possibilities in my coming tutorials. Developers at themeforest use the same method to create magazine style blogger templates. You will learn how to code it from scratch through our JSON series.

Full features are the following:

  1. Post Title
  2. Featured Image - With third party image support  and YouTube Thumbnails support
  3. Post summary
  4. Read more link
  5. Author Name
  6. Label/Category/Tag name
  7. Comments Count
  8. Publish date
  9. Edit link tooltip that will show post Update Date and Time.
  10. Lightweight
  11. Fluid and responsive

Displays the following GIF preloader which spins and pulsates when the widget loads or when data is requested by browser from JSON feed.

preloader for blogger blogs

Once fully loaded the blog posts are displayed in descending order (Latest at top).

recent posts widget with thumbnails

See the difference in published date and updated date through the tooltip. A unique feature rarely seen before:

recent posts widget with tooltip

Lets get to coding!

Add Recent Posts Widget To Your Blog

Follow these easy steps to add this gadget to your blogspot blogs:

1 Go To Blogger > Template

2 Backup your template

3 Click Edit HTML

4 Paste the following code just above </head> tag

Note: This step is optional. Skip it if you have already added jQuery library source links to your blogger template.

<script async='' src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

5 Next paste the following stylesheet links for FontAwesome and Oswald font just above </head>. Skip adding the links if you already have added them inside your templates:

<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

6 Now paste the following CSS code just above    ]]></b:skin>

/*############Recent Posts Widget##################*/

.mbtlist {list-style-type:none;overflow:hidden; padding:10px!important;}
.mbtlist li {margin:0px auto 20px auto; clear:both; color:#666; font-family:helvetica; font-size:12px; }
.mbtlist i{color:#999; padding-right:4px; }
.mbtlist .iline{line-height:2em; clear:both; border:1px solid #eee; margin-top:10px; padding: 0px 4px;   font-size: 12px;}
.mbtlist div span{margin:0 10px 0 0; display:inline-block;}
.mbtlist span {display:block; margin:5px 0px 0px; padding-right:5px;}
.mbtlist .icon {color: #999;font-family: verdana;font-size: 12px;text-align: justify;}
.mbtlist img {float:left; margin:0px 10px 10px 0px; border:6px solid #fff; padding:0px; width:150px; height:100px; box-shadow:-1px -1px 4px #777; }
.mbtlist .mbttitle {font-family:oswald; font-size:18px; color:#0080ff; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none;    line-height: 1.4em;}
.mbtlist .mbttitle:hover, .mbtlist .itotal a:hover  {color:#00A5FF;}
.mbtlist .iedit a{text-decoration:none; color:#999; cursor:pointer}
.mbtlist .iedit:before, .mbtlist .iauthor:before, .mbtlist .itag:before, .mbtlist .icomments:before, .mbtlist .idate:before, .mbtlist .itotal span:before{font-family:fontAwesome; position:relative; padding-right:5px;}
.mbtlist .iauthor:before {content:'\f007';}
.mbtlist .itag:before {content:'\f02c';}
.mbtlist .icomments:before {content:'\f086';}
.mbtlist .idate:before {content:'\f017';}
.mbtlist .iedit:before {content:'\f040';}.mbtlist .imore {font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; color:#999;}.mbtlist .itotal {color:#333;  padding:5px 10px; border:1px solid #eee;}.mbtlist .itotal a {font-family:oswald; font-size:12px; font-weight:normal; color:#0080ff; text-decoration:none}.mbtlist .itotal span:before {content:'\f07c';}.mbtlist .itotal span font {padding:0px 3px; color:#333; font-family:georgia; font-size:15px; font-weight:bold}#mbtloading1{ margin: 20% auto;
background: url('') no-repeat left center;width: 80px;height: 80px;}

/*------ CSS3 Tooltip Shortcode -------------*/
.tooltip1{outline:none;text-decoration:none!important;position:relative;color: orange!important; font-weight: bold;}.tooltip1:hover {border-bottom: none;}.tooltip1 strong{line-height:30px}.tooltip1 > span{max-width:300px;width:115px;padding:5px 8px;opacity:0;bottom:170%;left:0px; visibility:hidden;z-index:10;position:absolute;font-family:helvetica;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #999;-webkit-transition-property:opacity,margin-top,visibility,margin-left;-webkit-transition-duration:0.4s,0.3s,0.4s,.3s;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out;transition-property:opacity,margin-top,visibility,margin-left;transition-duration:0.4s,0.3s,0.4s,.3s;transition-timing-function:ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out}.tooltip1 > span img{float:right;width:110px;margin:0 0 30px 10px;padding: 0;border: none;}.tooltip1:hover > span{opacity:1;text-decoration:none;visibility:visible;overflow:visible;display:inline;margin-left:-90px}.tooltip1 span b{width:15px;height:15px;right:25px;bottom:-9px;display:block;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);-moz-transform:rotate(-45deg);-o-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg);display:none\0/;*display:none}.tooltip1 > span{color:#fff;background:orange;border:1px solid #ffffff}.tooltip1 span b{background:orange;border-bottom:1px solid #ffffff;border-left:1px solid #ffffff}

Edit the colors:

  • To change the blue color of the post title replace #0080ff with the link color of your choice and replace #00A5FF to change the link color for mouse hover.
  • To change the edit link color change orange
  • To change the tooltip color change orange with a hexadecimal color code of your preference.
  • To change the width and height dimensions of the featured thumbnail edit: width:150px; height:100px;

7 Save your template and you are almost done!

8 Finally go to Layout section and click "Add a Gadget".

9 Choose HTML/JavaScript widget and paste the following code inside it:

<div id="mbtloading1" ></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

//#################### Defaults
var ListBlogLink = window.location.hostname;
var ListCount = 5;
var ChrCount = 150;
var TitleCount = 66;
var ImageSize = 200;
//################ Function Start
function mbtlist(json) {
document.write('<ul class="mbtlist">');
for (var i = 0; i < ListCount; i++)
//################### Variables Declared
var listing= ListImage = ListUrl = ListTitle = ListImage = ListContent = ListConten = ListAuthor = ListTag = ListDate = ListUpdate = ListComments = thumbUrl = TotalPosts = sk = ListMonth = Y = D = M = m = YY = DD = MM = mm = TT =  "";

//################### Category
if (json.feed.entry[i].category != null)
for (var k = 0; k < json.feed.entry[i].category.length; k++) {
    ListTag += json.feed.entry[i].category[k].term;
if(k < json.feed.entry[i].category.length-1)
{ ListTag += ", ";}

//################### URL
for (var j = 0; j < json.feed.entry[i].link.length; j++) {
      if (json.feed.entry[i].link[j].rel == 'alternate') {
ListUrl= "'" + json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href + "'";

//################### Info
TotalPosts = json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;
if (json.feed.entry[i].title!= null)
ListTitle= json.feed.entry[i].title.$t.substr(0, TitleCount);
if (json.feed.entry[i].thr$total)
ListComments= json.feed.entry[i].thr$total.$t;
ListAuthor= json.feed.entry[i].author[0].name.$t.split(" ");
ListAuthor=ListAuthor.slice(0, 1).join(" ");

//################### Content Check

ListConten = json.feed.entry[i].content.$t;
ListContent= ListConten.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"").substring(0, ChrCount);

//################### Date Format

ListMonth= ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];

ListDate= json.feed.entry[i].published.$t.substring(0,10);

                         Y = ListDate.substring(0, 4);
                        m = ListDate.substring(5, 7);
                         D = ListDate.substring(8, 10);
                         M = ListMonth[parseInt(m - 1)];                       

ListUpdate= json.feed.entry[i].updated.$t.substring(0, 16);

                         YY = ListUpdate.substring(0, 4);
                        mm = ListUpdate.substring(5, 7);
                         DD = ListUpdate.substring(8, 10);
                         TT = ListUpdate.substring(11, 16);
                         MM = ListMonth[parseInt(mm - 1)];   

//################### Thumbnail Check
// YouTube scan

if (json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/youtube\.com.*(\?v=|\/embed\/)(.{11})/) != null)

    var youtube_id = json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/youtube\.com.*(\?v=|\/embed\/)(.{11})/).pop();
    if (youtube_id.length == 11) {
        var ListImage = "'//"+youtube_id+"/0.jpg'";

else if (json.feed.entry[i].media$thumbnail)
thumbUrl = json.feed.entry[i].media$thumbnail.url;
sk= thumbUrl.replace("/s72-c/","/s"+ImageSize+"/");
ListImage= "'" + sk.replace("?imgmax=800","") + "'";

else if (json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/src=(.+?[\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/) != null)
// Support For 3rd Party Images
ListImage =  json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/src=(.+?[\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/)[1];
ListImage= "''";
//################### Printing List

var listing = "<li class='node"+[i]+"' ><a href="
+ ListUrl+
  "><img src="
"/></a><a class='mbttitle' href="
+ ListUrl+
+ ListTitle+
"</a> <span class='icon'>"
" ...  <a href="
" class='imore'>more �</a></span><div class='iline'><span class='iauthor'>"
"</span><span class='itag'>"
"</span><span class='icomments'>"
+ ListComments+
"</span><span class='idate'>"
+ M +
" "
+ D +
", "
+ Y +

"</span><span class='iedit'> <a class='tooltip1'>Edited<span><b></b>On ? "
+ MM +
" "
+ DD +
", "
+ YY +
" at ? "
" </span></a> </span></div></li>";
document.write("<div class='itotal'><span> <a href='"+ListBlogLink+"/search'>View all <font>"+TotalPosts+"</font> posts</a></span></div></ul>");

var ListBlogLink = "";
var ListCount = 5;

document.write("<script src='"+ListBlogLink+"/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=mbtlist'></"+"script>");

document.getElementById("mbtloading1").style.display = "none";</script>

You can make these changes:

  • Replace this with your blog URL
  • To increase or decrease the number of posts entries, edit: ListCount = 5
  • To reduce the length of title characters edit TitleCount = 66
  • To increase the image resolution quality (aspect ratio) if incase you wish to display large featured thumbnails then edit ImageSize = 200
  • To decide how many characters to display as post summary (excerpt) edit:ChrCount = 150

10 Save your widget and see it play in action! =)

Can You Guess How To Display Posts By Label?

At mbt we aim at educating the readers to learn the core basics of programming instead of just sharing a normal howto tutorial. In the above code you just need to make a simple change in order to display latest posts by a specific label. I have already discussed how to do that in the JSON series. Do read that and get back here proposing your solution mentioning all the necessary steps.

I will be waiting for your answers, I will share it in my next tutorial and link to your blog if you answered correctly. =)

How to Fix Mixed Content Errors in BlogSpot Blogger

In the past, we have shown you how to enable HTTPS SSL certificate in Blogger that makes it possible for you to have encrypted connections to your blogs. Since, blogger officially rolled out this feature for domains many people have enabled HTTPS for their blogs. However, they are facing multiple functionalities issues and the most common problem they are facing is of mixed content errors occasionally from their template, gadgets, or blog post content. Today, in this article, we will show you How to Fix mixed content errors in BlogSpot Blogger
Read more �

Top 10 Youngsters Making Pakistan Proud on World Map

Age doesn't matter to get success in this world!

These teenagers from Pakistan proved it and they all or not only teenagers, some of them where kids in that time they make our dear country Pakistan to proud as a fastest growing and establishing country in world.
Top 10 Youngsters Making Pakistan Proud on World Map
They are doing (done) something which can't be done by everyone on the planet from Education to Video Games, these youngest entrepreneurs and country lovers have done their role to get others inspired.

These all listed boys/girls are the real heroes of our beautiful country "PAKISTAN".

I salute all of them for making us proud and giving me a opportunity to write this article, as I can't show a positive side of my country struggling to get rid of terrorism (which is a global problem right now).

1. Kids of Babur: Co-founders Teddict

Believers and strongly mannered kids to introduce a platform where anybody can be a teacher or a student, where your background or education doesn't matters.
 1. Kids of Babur, Co-founders Teddict
Personally I love their theory and idea to develop our country like no other with a quality education system which is a needy thing in the country.
  • Ayesha Babur age: 18 years
  • Abdullah Babur age: 16 years
  • Asadullah Babur age: 12 years
To empower youth and kids of our country these kids created a platform Teddict to aware people about real meanings of education, and they are home-schooled kids.

Why they are in our list?

Because of their unique and different thinking, and the Teddict also won many awards this year for their hard work on schooling system and program.

2. Iman Qureshi: Youngest Tennis Player of Pakistan

 2. Iman Qureshi: Youngest Tennis Player of Pakistan
This is what a little girl can do, whatever your age or area you can do wonders as Iman Qureshi makes her passion to set Pakistanis hearts on fire with proudness.

Read more �

Integrate CKEditor in Html Page using JavaScript

CKEditor is a rich web text editor, which can be used inside your HTML web pages. This HTML text editor allows many of the powerful editing functions found on desktop editors like Microsoft Word to your web. This is featured with many advantages like preparing your mail content, creating your blogs and so on. This post also explains you how to further modify or use your text editor in many ways, which may include show / hide buttons, control the buttons, etc,.

Integrate CKEditor in Html Page using JavaScript

Read more »

Recent Comments Widget For Blogger - New!

Recent Comments Widget For BloggerToday we are releasing the most advanced "Recent comments Widget" for Blogger blogs which will display recent comments posted in your blog posts in a descending order i.e. latest at top. It is built from scratch using the same technique that we discussed in our Blogger JSON Feed series. If you have followed our JSON tutorials, you will know exactly how this widget functions and fetches data from blog feed. This gadget is extremely advanced, fast loading and show recent comments in a unique fashion. It works with both official and custom Blogspot templates and is fully mobile responsive.

DEMO - Added at Blog Footer

Recent Comments Widget Features:

A Blogger gadget is good only if it loads fast and makes the UI look even better. This is what we kept in mind while developing this widget that pulls recent comments from your blog feed in a asynchronous manner without much effecting blog loading speed.

Following are its features:

  1. Coded in JavaScript using Blogger JSON Feed API
  2. Displays author's profile thumbnail - Author Avatar
  3. Links author avatar to its Google+ profile
  4. Animated Image preloader
  5. Shows post title
  6. Shows comment date
  7. Shows comment excerpt (short description snippet)
  8. Read more link
  9. Lightweight
  10. Fluid and responsive
  11. Uses tooltips to display info

Displays the following GIF preloader which spins and pulsates when the widget loads or when data is requested by browser from JSON feed.

preloader for blogger blogs

Once fully loaded the comments are displayed in descending order (Latest at top). When user hovers mouse cursor on the commentator name, a tooltip will display info about the comment date and time.

recent comments widget for blogger

Hovering mouse cursor on folder icon will display the post title where the comment is posted:

blogspot recent comments widget

  • Question: If you look into blogger comment JSON feed, you will come to know that there exists no object for Post title then how come we were able to show the post title inside the recent comments list? 
  • Answer: We extracted the title by extracting/splitting words from the permalink and then using JavaScript to combine all those words to form a Title. I will explain in coming tutorials on how to do this.

Display Recent Comments With Thumbnails In Blogger

Read to add this cool fast loading widget on your blogs to display recent comments made by your blog readers? Lets get straight to work then!

1 Go To Blogger > Template

2 Backup your template

3 Click Edit HTML

4 Paste the following code just above </head> tag

Note: This step is optional. Skip it if you have already added jQuery library source links to your blogger template.

<script async='' src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

5 Next paste the following stylesheet links for FontAwesome and Osald font just above </head>. Skip adding the links if you already have added them inside your templates:

<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

6 Now paste the following CSS code just above    ]]></b:skin>

/*############Recent Comments Widget##################*/

.mbtcmts{list-style-type:none; overflow:hidden; }
.mbtcmts li {margin:0px auto 20px auto; clear:both; color:#666; font-family:helvetica; font-size:12px;padding:0px;}
.mbtcmts i{color:#999; padding-right:4px;}
.mbtcmts .idate {display:block; font-family:arial; font-size:11px;text-align: left;padding:3px; margin:0 0 0px 40px}
.mbtcmts .icontent{ display:block; font-family:Georgia; color:#999; font-style:italic; line-height:1.5em;}
.mbtcmts .icontent a {color:#999; text-decoration:none; font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;font-style: normal;}
.mbtcmts div{line-height:2em; clear:both; border-top:1px solid #eee; margin-top:5px;}
.mbtcmts span { margin:5px 0px 0px; padding-right:5px;}
.mbtcmts img {border-radius:100%; float:left; margin:0px 20px 20px 0px; border:1px solid #eee; padding:3px; width:50px; height:50px;box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #ddd; }
.mbtcmts .icapital {text-transform:Capitalize; display:inline-block;}
.mbtcmts .ititle {font-family:oswald; font-size:14px; color:orange; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none;}
.mbtcmts .ititle:hover {color:#666;}

.mbtcmts .idate:before, .mbtcmts .ipostTitle a:before{font-family:fontAwesome; position:relative; padding-right:5px;}
.mbtcmts .idate:before {content:'\f017'; color:#999}
.mbtcmts .ipostTitle a {text-decoration:none; color:#999}
.mbtcmts .ipostTitle a:before {content:'\f07c'; }

  margin: 20% auto;background: url('') no-repeat left center;width: 80px;height: 80px;}

/*------ CSS3 Tooltip Shortcode -------------*/
.tooltip{outline:none;text-decoration:none!important;position:relative}.tooltip:hover {border-bottom: none;}.tooltip strong{line-height:30px}.tooltip > span{text-transform:capitalize;width:150px; padding:5px 5px;opacity:0;top:120%;left:0px; visibility:hidden;z-index:10;position:absolute;font-family:helvetica;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #999;-webkit-transition-property:opacity,margin-top,visibility,margin-left;-webkit-transition-duration:0.4s,0.3s,0.4s,.3s;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out;transition-property:opacity,margin-top,visibility,margin-left;transition-duration:0.4s,0.3s,0.4s,.3s;transition-timing-function:ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out,ease-in-out}.tooltip > span img{float:right;width:110px;margin:0 0 30px 10px;padding: 0;border: none;}.tooltip:hover > span{opacity:1;text-decoration:none;visibility:visible;overflow:visible;display:inline;margin-left:-50px}.tooltip span b{width:15px;height:15px;left:30%;top:-9px;display:block;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);-moz-transform:rotate(-45deg);-o-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg);display:none\0/;*display:none}.tooltip > span{padding-top:10px;color:#fff;background:orange;border:1px solid #ffffff}.tooltip span b{background:orange;border-top:1px solid #ffffff;border-right:1px solid #ffffff}.mbtcmts .itotal {color:#333; padding:3px 3px 3px 10px; border:1px solid #eee; font-family:arial; font-size:12px;}
.mbtcmts .itotal i {font-style:normal;}
.mbtcmts .itotal span{font-family:oswald;  font-weight:normal; color:#333; text-decoration:none}
.mbtcmts .itotal span:before {font-family:FontAwesome; position:relative; content:'\f075'; }

To replace the orange theme of the widget, replace the yellow highlighted areas with a color of your choice. You can also replace them with hexadecimal color code.

7 Save your template and you are almost done!

8 Finally go to Layout section and click "Add a Gadget".

9 Choose HTML/JavaScript widget and paste the following code inside it:

<div id="mbtloading" ></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function mbtcmts(json) {
document.write('<ul class="mbtcmts">');
for (var i = 0; i < ListCount; i++)
//################### Variables Declared
var listing= ListImage = ListUrl = ListDate = TotalPosts = ListTitle = ListImage = ListContent = ListConten = ListAuthor = ListTag = ListProfile = ListComments = thumbUrl = sk = ListMonth = Y = D = M = m =  "";

//################### URL
for (var j = 0; j < json.feed.entry[i].link.length; j++) {
      if (json.feed.entry[i].link[j].rel == 'alternate') {

if(json.feed.entry[i].link[2] != null)
ListUrl= "'" + json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href + "'";
{ListUrl = "'#'"}

//####################### Splitting URL into Title

if(json.feed.entry[i].link[2] != null)
var mbt_slit = json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href;
        var M_slit = mbt_slit.split("#");
        M_slit = M_slit [0];
        var K_slit = M_slit.split("?");
        K_slit = K_slit[0];    
        var B_slit = K_slit.split("/");
        B_slit = B_slit[5];
        B_slit = B_slit.split(".html");
        B_slit = B_slit [0];
        var T_slit= B_slit.replace(/-/g, " ").charAt(0).toUpperCase()+ B_slit.replace(/-/g, " ").slice(1).substring(0, 50);
        var Link_slit=;

//################### Info
TotalPosts = json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;
ListAuthor= json.feed.entry[i].author[0].name.$t;
var ListAuth = ListAuthor.split(" ");
var ListAuth = ListAuth.slice(0, 1).join(" ");

ListProfile= "'" + json.feed.entry[i].author[0].uri.$t + "'";

//################### Content Check

ListConten = json.feed.entry[i].content.$t;
ListContent= ListConten.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"").substring(0, ChrCount);

//################### Date Format

ListMonth= ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];

ListDate= json.feed.entry[i].published.$t.substring(0, 10);

                         Y = ListDate.substring(0, 4);
                        m = ListDate.substring(5, 7);
                         D = ListDate.substring(8, 10);
                         M = ListMonth[parseInt(m - 1)];                       
//################### Thumbnail Check

if (json.feed.entry[i].author)
thumbUrl = json.feed.entry[i].author[0].gd$image.src;
sk= thumbUrl.replace("/s72-c/","/s60-c/");
ListImage= "'" + sk + "'";

ListImage= "''";
//################### Printing List

var listing = "<li class='node"+[i]+"' ><a rel='nofollow' href="
  "><img src="
"/></a><a class='ititle tooltip' href="
+ListUrl +
" Commented on � "
+ M +
" "
+ D +
", "
+ Y +
+ ListAuthor+
"</a> <i> posted in</i>  <span class='ipostTitle'><a class='tooltip'  href='"
"</span></a></span><span class='icontent'>" + ListContent+" ...   <a href="+ListUrl+">  � </a></span><div></div></li>";
document.write('<div class="itotal"> <span> '+TotalPosts+' </span><i>delicious comments posted so far!</i></div></ul>');

var ListCount = 5;
var ChrCount = 90;
<script src=""></script>
<script>document.getElementById("mbtloading").style.display = "none";</script>

You can make these changes:

  • Replace this with your blog URL
  • To increase or decrease the number of comments, edit: ListCount = 5
  • To decide how many characters to display as comment summary (excerpt) edit: ChrCount = 90

10 Save your widget and see the magic in action! =)

What else do you want in Recent Comments Widget?

I have tried my best to add as many useful features as possible in this widget. Do let me know if you would wish more features and control options in the widget. One option that is often requested is to enable an option that could allow users to disable admin comments from displaying inside the widget. This can easily be achieved and I have discussed almost every basic of coding with JavaScript. I would love to see how many of you could propose the conditional statement that will disable blog author's comments from displaying inside the widget. After all what we aim for is always learning through practice and educating my readers is what I love to do. Do propose your suggestions, I will share the method once you have all tried. The solution will be shared here.

In my coming tutorials, I will discuss some core JSON basics that will help you do wonders. I will also explain how this widget is coded and how the logic works. Do post your queries for any help needed.

Keep blogging, keep sharing knowledge. Spread peace all around! God bless you all buddies! =)

How To Earn From YouTube In Pakistan?

youtube partner pakistan

YouTube is a very lucrative platform where the publishers and YouTubers, as we call them create amazing content that people like to watch, and in return, they monetize their videos with Google AdSense platform.

Though the issue still prevails in Pakistan where the publishers can't make use of the YouTube's partner program where they would monetize their hard work in the form of video content.

There are 2 videos that I've linked for you below, both relating to how you can earn from YouTube.

In this AskHassam episode, I went through a very simple strategy where all the brothers and sisters in Pakistan can become a YouTube partner in Pakistan and simply enable the feature to monetize their videos.

I was surprised, for all the years, I didn't had the idea that it would be this simple and our channel would get verified as a YouTube partner.

There are basically 2 steps involved in this:

1. Get verified with YouTube as a 'YouTube Partner'.
2. Secondly, link your Google AdSense account with your YouTube channel.

This particular Askhassam episode, explores this all.

In case you don't already have an approved Google AdSense account, which is a CPC based platform from Google that you can use to monetize your blog with cost-per-click based ads.

Checkout this blog post for that purpose: Get Google AdSense Approval: 8 PROVEN Steps - Guaranteed!

If you have any questions, make sure you leave them below in the comments form or post them in Askhassam Facebook group so that all the brothers who're going through similar situation or have experienced it would be able to help you out InshaAllah! :) <3

How To Track Google Rank of Your Published Blog Posts?

Track Google Rank of your blog postsWith strong competition online, content writing optimization techniques keep on changing. Publishers today need to make extra efforts to keep a close eye on how well their content is performing in search results and track the Google Rank of their published content. Winning organic traffic today is no different from a turtle and rabbit race where the smart and consistent wins the race. If you are not tracking the SERPs ranking of your blog posts then you are giving an edge to your competitor. Maintaining a top position in search results is extremely important. 90% of all the clicks made on search pages include the top 20 search results. You need to make sure your content exists in this top list for your primary keyword. Google is continuously changing its algorithm for ranking content online, you need to keep an eye on the results of your SEO efforts.

We have already discussed how to optimize your blog posts and how to avoid making common SEO mistakes that most bloggers make. In today's tutorial I will guide you with how we normally track the Google rank of our content in order to make sure we always stay ahead of the competition.

Professional bloggers and webmasters today use WebTextTool which a DIY on-page optimization tool that helps you optimize your blog posts in real time while you are writing your blog post. It gives you realtime suggestions to improve your content and make it more SEO friendly. All our clients and co-authors have started using the webtexttool Page Tracker tool to track the SERPs ranking of our blog posts.

What is WebTextTool Page Tracker Tool?

The webtexttool Page Tracker allows bloggers to track the Google rank of their published content for a given keyword. It gives you insights on the position of your webpage, for the entered keyword, in Google. Once you have published your blog post, you can then use this tracking functionality to keep a close eye on how well your content is performing in Google search results pages. WebTextTool (WTT) will inform you with weekly updates and will keep you informed about the Rank status of your webpage.

Just recently we published a review on PublicityClerks and we wanted to see where do we stand in SERPs. For this after we were done optimizing the review post using WTT editor, we enabled the Page Tracking functionality to track its position in Google search pages.

Following are the steps you can follow to track the Google rank of any page you want:

1 Log in your WebTextTool account 

2 Create a New Page, choose your keyword and head straight to WTT editor. If you are new to WTT then you can read the following tutorial for a healthy start.

3 Towards the top-left of your webtexttool editor, click the Page tab.

4 From the drop down menu select Page Tracker (beta)

webtexttool page tracker tool

5 Inside the new popup window insert your Page URL that you wish to track and choose the Google domain. The Google Country Domain should be related to your desired targeted country for organic traffic.  choose google domain

The keyword is taken from the current page you are optimizing in webtexttool.

You do not need to write the entire article inside WebTextTool just to track its Google Rank. You can simply create a blank page with your Focus Keyword and then start tracking any blog post of your site which contains this keyword.

webtexttool page tracker tool

6 Click Start Tracking and WTT will then start tracking the rank and the optimization score. You can see the progress inside the Page Tracker popup anytime you want. Within next 15 minutes you will receive an email from WTT informing you about the Page score and Google Rank of your webpage.

Email Notification:

webtexttool email notification


Page Tracker Tool:

webtexttool page tracker tool

You can see from the results above that our post is amazingly ranking in 2nd Top position in Google and has a Optimization Score of 88% which we can improve further. I did a manual query in Google and was glad to found that our review is performing so well Alhamdulillah in SERPs:

publicityclerks google rank

Webtexttool updates the position of your webpage on a weekly basis. You can follow the ranking by logging into your account, opening the page in the webtexttool editor you set the tracker and selecting the Page Tracker option from the Page menu.

Keep Tracking your Pages to Rank Higher!

WebTextTool has greatly helped us in improving the search ranking of our published content. There were weak SEO areas which I personally was not aware of but today we know which areas to focus more on to make sure we improve our organic traffic by publishing high quality content with a higher SEO Score and Google rank. I hope WTT Page tracker tool may help you in better tracking your SERPs ranking and help you to keep a close watch on your competitors. Let me know if you need any help or assistance. Feel free to post your queries below.

Peace and blessings buddies and keep doing healthy blogging! =)

PHP Login System with PDO Connection.

Very long back, we had published a simple PHP login system using PHP, which works only with MySQL database. Today, we are providing you an easy registration and login process using PDO connection with better password encryption, which has an advantage of working on different database systems. PDO is a PHP extension that allow us to implement code which is portable across many databases and platforms. This registration process is used in our Wall Script 8. Here is the demo of this cool & simple login / registration process.

PHP Login System with PDO Connection.

Read more »

How Often Should You Blog Post?

Many blogging beginners stuck to a point where they doubt the number of articles they should post, i.e the blog posting frequency. To me, i don't really think that there is something like "The best" posting frequency. Instead it actually depends upon the type of blog that you're running.

It is very wise of you that you considered this topic in your early blogging career, as this should be something a blogger needs to be very clear about. Blogging success is majorly being about consistent in what ever posting frequency you set out for your self. Its the matter of giving out a valuable content to the readers, when they expect it to come.

Posting out 10 articles a day and then leaving out blog deserted for the entire month would waste your efforts and hurt your blog credibility too. So the ultimate decision would be yours. By the help of this article, i would try to make it easy for you to decide a suitable posting frequency that would build up your credibility and drive traffic like wise too.

There are different approaches to blog posting frequency. You could either post long, in depth articles of around (5000 words) that would give out a complete solution to the topic that they cover, once a day (as what i try to achieve here at BloggingeHow), or posting out short 400-500 words articles with a greater post frequency (may be 2-3 articles daily).

Again this is for the maximum results.

Post a Lot More If Your Blog Lay In This Category

If your blog is tech related, that posts recent news and gadgets coming around every other day, than you may consider posting several times a day, with short and precise articles (300-400 words). As with such cases, the readers tend to read the latest news and gadgets rolling in, and thus short articles do the justice to the audience expectations.

What Is The Best Blog Posting Frequency?

Post Less, In-Depth Articles If Your Blog Lay In This Category

On the other hand, say your blog is related to medical tips that would post articles, suggesting ways to live a healthy life, then posting out a single article daily, or every other day would be perfect too.

So it all depends upon your niche that you're working in.

Posting Frequency Rule Of Thumb

In the early days of your blogging career, you aim to attract more and more visitors and that would be possible through search engine traffic. The more gateway that are in favor of you i.e every post that you publish serves are a door-way towards your blog, and thus drives traffic. The more roots you have in search engines, the more traffic you would get.

creative writing

The Ultimate technique that we all aim to achieve is posting 'quality' articles frequently as per visitors expectations.

When you post 1-3 articles daily, visitors make it a part of their routine to visit your blog daily, may be after morning tea (when they are in office or when ever in their daily life style). Its becomes part of their entertainment. Just make sure you don't disappoint them.

How Posting Less Works Great As Well?

See, every strategy has its pros and cons. Posting more would not allow you to write in depth articles (and thus their chances to become viral in social media becomes less) and on the hand, posting less, but long detailed posts would have a better chance to be shared among the people and it may bring in viral traffic.

You may find your article securing first page on directories. So both ways work, but its you who have to figure it out, what suites your blog audience best.

Advantages Of Posting Articles Frequently (Greater than 1 articles daily)

  1. Posts are less time consuming
  2. Bring in daily routine traffic (becomes part of a visitors daily routine)
  3. Encourages more comments
  4. Enhances more visitors engagement in your blog overall.
  5. Builds up a lively community (readers leave comments on blog that are updated frequently as per studies)

Advantages Of Posting Less-But Detailed Articles (Approx Once a week)

  1. Posts are likely to become viral as they serve a complete purpose
  2. Detailed posts often secure top positions in SERP (search engine results page)
  3. More time to concentrate on other blogging issues
  4. Becomes easy to be consistent with a single post in a week.

So What Should You Finally Do?

What Is The Best Blog Posting Frequency?Simply think what would serve best to your audience. If you would be in their place, what would you expect from your blog to be served. Would you be happy reading short, but more frequent articles that comes in daily?

Do you prefer reading short brief articles than the long detailed ones? Answer these questions and decide.

Why i Choose Posting Around 1, detailed Article Daily?

The reason is simple as explained above. I feel like writing on a single topic in detail that serves and do justice to a particular message that i wish to communicate. Like, in the case of this post. I felt like giving out my thoughts on post frequency, and for that, i had to write a detailed post that would touch every aspect of the topic.

And posting not more than 1 is because thats the best i can manage in my student life. It gets difficult to work out 2-3 hours from a day where you have other things going around in your life.

So i hope you got the idea and it has become easy for you to decide for your self the "right" posting frequency, that would help you become a successful blogger.


    You may like to read:

    Blogger JSON Feed API - [Data Sheet]

    blogger json feed apiYou have finally reached the stage where you can now easily create BlogSpot widgets and plugins using your blog feed. Blogger gadgets and templates are coded using Blogger JSON Feed API which provides you with enough information to extract any information from a blog's feed in JSON format. We have discussed the most detailed tutorial where you learnt the basics of parsing JSON in JavaScript. If you have followed all this tutorial series, you are ready to build your custom gadget and add it to either Blogger widget directory or add it to your client's sites. Today I will share a Data Sheet of all important JSON objects, arrays and elements that will help you easily locate important data using direct queries.

    In programming all objects, elements or arrays have a relationship between each other that is managed in a tree like structure. Where there is a parent/Child or Master/slave or Tree/branch relationship or hierarchy. This is a standard approach to organize data so that it could easily be sorted, re-organized, easily located and updated. You blog feed is similarly written in both XML and JSON format, out of which the JSON is more easily accessible and prompt to browser requests.

    Note: Click the Button below to see full list of topics under discussion.

    Topics List

    Do first read:

    Link Under study

    We will discuss the json data extracted for the following post

    Sample Blogger JSON Link:

    Copy the Code inside it and paste it here:

    Switch to "Viewer" mode to see the code in tree-like structure. You can then easily expand each node to find data of your interest.

    blogspot json feed api

    Below I have listed the Data Sheet for all JSON variables found in Blogger JSON Feed which you can use for direct access to important info related to your blog. You can find anything you want. You can run queries like:

    • Find the number of total posts published so far
    • Find the total list of all Labels used in the blog
    • Find Blog Title and meta Description
    • Find when was the blog last updated
    • Find information related to blog admin and authors
    • Find Post Published date and time
    • Find labels used inside the post
    • Access Post Title, Thumbnails used and Content written
    • Find total count of comments published inside a post
    • Extract short summary from your post content
    • Extract YouTube thumbnails from within the post
    • Find when was the post last edited
    • Find who wrote the post
    • Much more...


    • Objects are denoted with curly braces i.e. { }  and arrays with square brackets i.e. [ ].
    • "i" refers to index number and "j" refers to sub-index number.


    JSON Tells JSON version and encoding used.

    version : "1.0"

    encoding : "UTF-8"

    feed Primary object for blog feed. All blog information resides here. refer JSON viewer..$t Displays your blog ID and CMS platform,1999:blog-8193278726666811965
    json.feed.updated.$t Shows last update of your blog 2016-04-08T14:09:00.629+05:00
    json.feed.category[ ] Shows array of all Labels or Categories used in a blog refer JSON viewer..
    json.feed.category[i].term Shows the ith category In our case the [0] category index includes the label "SEO"
    json.feed.title.$t Show blog title My Blogger Tricks
    json.feed.subtitle.$t Show blog description Create your free blog today! Start blogging using our widgets, templates and SEO tips.[ ] Includes info about 5 important links. Your blog URL, feed url in xml and json and an alternative link to your JSON feed URL using your blog Id. An alternate link to our Blog Feed would be: ""[ ] Shows array of blog authors or admins. Includes your Google+ profile link, thumbnail link and author name. refer JSON viewer..[i].name.$t Show the ith author's name. Depending on how many blog co-authors you have. Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai[i].uri.$t Show the ith author's Google+ profile link[i].gd$image.src Show the ith author's profile Thumbnail link //
    json.feed.generator Gives info about Blogger platform version being used.

    version : "7.00"

    uri : ""

    $t : "Blogger"

    json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t Show total posts count published so far 1463
    json.feed.openSearch$startIndex Searching of items start from index number 1. 1
    json.feed.openSearch$itemsPerPage Searching can be done for recent 25 items. For searching more than 25 items, we need to pass the attribute max-results inside the JSON feed URL. 25
    json.feed.entry[ ] Shows array of all your blog posts. All details related to your posts will be listed inside it refer JSON viewer..
    json.feed.entry[i].id.$t Shows the ith post ID,
    json.feed.entry[i].title.$t Shows the ith post title WordPress Floating Sharing Bar With Animation
    json.feed.entry[i].published.$t Shows time published of the ith post 2016-03-31T18:41:00.000+05:00
    json.feed.entry[i].updated.$t Shows when the ith post is updated 2016-04-08T08:46:07.907+05:00
    json.feed.entry[i].category[] Shows array of post categories/labels refer JSON viewer..
    json.feed.entry[i].category[j].term Shows the jth category of the ith post Widgets
    json.feed.entry[i].summary.$t You will see this node only if you have set "Site Feed" length to "Short" or "Until Jump Break" in your Blogger dashboard settings.

    This node will show a short snippet description of your post content. The content before jump break.

    blogspot sitefeed settings
    Will display blog content excerpt here.
    json.feed.entry[i].content.$t Show post content Will display all Full post content here.
    json.feed.entry[i].link[ ] Links array of a post. Includes the comment form link, feed link, post link and title. refer JSON viewer..
    json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href Show the jth link of the ith post
    json.feed.entry[i].link[j].title Show the jth title of the ith post WordPress Floating Sharing Bar With Animation
    json.feed.entry[i].author[] Array of post authors refer JSON viewer..
    json.feed.entry[i].author[j].name.$t Name of the jth author on the ith post Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai
    json.feed.entry[i].author[j].uri.$t Shows Profile Link of author profile
    json.feed.entry[i].author[j].gd$image.src Image uri of the jth author profile on the ith post //
    json.feed.entry[i].media$thumbnail.url Shows thumbnail image on the ith post. in 72x72 resolution
    json.feed.entry[i].thr$total.$t Show total count of threaded comments 3

    This is was the most comprehensive Data sheet about blogger JSON Feed API. I hope this is self explanatory and may help you better understand the core basics of blogger widget development. In coming days, I will release two advance widgets for post feed and comment feed to give you a clear idea of what could be done using the data sheet above. Stay tuned. Do post your queries and feel free to ask for any help needed. Always here! =)