Top 10 Youngsters Making Pakistan Proud on World Map

Age doesn't matter to get success in this world!

These teenagers from Pakistan proved it and they all or not only teenagers, some of them where kids in that time they make our dear country Pakistan to proud as a fastest growing and establishing country in world.
Top 10 Youngsters Making Pakistan Proud on World Map
They are doing (done) something which can't be done by everyone on the planet from Education to Video Games, these youngest entrepreneurs and country lovers have done their role to get others inspired.

These all listed boys/girls are the real heroes of our beautiful country "PAKISTAN".

I salute all of them for making us proud and giving me a opportunity to write this article, as I can't show a positive side of my country struggling to get rid of terrorism (which is a global problem right now).

1. Kids of Babur: Co-founders Teddict

Believers and strongly mannered kids to introduce a platform where anybody can be a teacher or a student, where your background or education doesn't matters.
 1. Kids of Babur, Co-founders Teddict
Personally I love their theory and idea to develop our country like no other with a quality education system which is a needy thing in the country.
  • Ayesha Babur age: 18 years
  • Abdullah Babur age: 16 years
  • Asadullah Babur age: 12 years
To empower youth and kids of our country these kids created a platform Teddict to aware people about real meanings of education, and they are home-schooled kids.

Why they are in our list?

Because of their unique and different thinking, and the Teddict also won many awards this year for their hard work on schooling system and program.

2. Iman Qureshi: Youngest Tennis Player of Pakistan

 2. Iman Qureshi: Youngest Tennis Player of Pakistan
This is what a little girl can do, whatever your age or area you can do wonders as Iman Qureshi makes her passion to set Pakistanis hearts on fire with proudness.

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