How To Quickly Reduce Bounce Rate Of Your Blog - In One Day!

Reducing bounce rate of your blog is very important for making visitors to stick to your blog and navigate to more pages without the pain of waiting.

You may already know about exit rate and you think that bounce rate is example of exit rate!

But you are wrong here, believe me or not but bounce rate fully different to exit rate ?? don't make your face like that one because here is my case study to increase traffic and reduce bounce rate easily in just one day

As exit rate is something when people visits your blog and clicks on close tab button instantly and the bounce rate is about when they visits your blog and exit after reading some text without visiting any other page.
How To Quickly Reduce Bounce Rate Of Your Blog
The best example is:
  • Google: In my study Google's bounce rate is more then the exit rate.

    As people love it and do search for almost everything. But they just go to its homepage and search their desires thing - here they found something and they just bounce to that page.

    Note the point that they are not clicking on exit button nor going to visit Google's next page. Which means the bounce rate is going up and the exit rate is low - as after some minutes they comeback to Google for searching more items.
However they are using a strategy to reduce the bounce rate by sending searchers to search engine results pages and by this the Google user automatically visits 2nd page which results in good bounce rate.

    If you are a webmaster or a blogger (newbie/professional) and use Google Analytics or Alexa then may be you see a box saying Bounce Rate of your website or you can say your blog.
    If you don't know about bounce rate then read this quick guide and learn about what is bounce rate of a website.
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