Best Web Hosting Company Roundup with Real Users

After the great success of our first big SEO Roundup With Experts now we are here with a mini but authority roundup and if you wanted to buy some hosting accounts or a hosting package for your small website?

And looking for the best ever hosting provider which will be with you every time of problems and don't let your website or blog go into drain?

If yes, then you are on the right spot as we have created this best web hosting roundup with real users to determine that what is the best hosting company which is a broad choice of web developers and others.

Here we have 4 top notch hosting quality providers which are suggested by the real users and web developers to every one:
  1. Name Cheap
  2. Digital Ocean
  3. Go Daddy
  4. Inmotion Hosting
We have listed that web hosting providers from the suggested paragraphs submitted by the real web hosting users and we also didn't replaces the numbering of them and in the end we will tell you the winner of this best hosting company roundup.
Best Web Hosting Company Roundup with Real Users
So lets read the views and reviews and tips with real case studies of original people who are using these web hosting companies to host their websites and blogs and let yourself know about the best ever hosting provider.

NameCheap: Used by Umar Farooq for EasyAsFart

Umer's bio: Hi, Umar Farooq here. I teach YouTube on my blog as well as on Urdu Tube -, my YouTube channel where I teach Tips to Grow on YouTube in Urdu/Hindi language. I have two years of experience with the company I'm reviewing in this post.
Well, was one of my first websites/blogs where I started teaching Blogging, SEO and stuff related to Online Marketing.

This is when I decided to buy hosting from

Yeah, NameCheap isn't just for Domains, it's for Hosting, too.

And lemme tell you, I LOVED my 2 years with their Basic Shared Hosting Plan, which cost me, I guess, $10 at the time.

I always got into issues in my WordPress site, as that was the first time I was using WordPress. I moved from Blogger, of course. And now, I'm again using Blogger, because I don't like how we have to renew domain AND hosting after one year.

So, this is why I've always hated subscription based purchases. IDM on the other hand, was a good investment, as I only had to pay ONE-TIME.

Anyways, back to the review...

So, Pishtal was my first website that I started working on, and bought Basic Shared Hosting from NameCheap. After that, I always contacted their support, even to resolve the issues I had to, myself, because those were things like a Plugin wasn't working correctly.

I thought I was supposed to contact Hosting's Support for that too! :P

Well, instead of replying back with "Sorry, we can't help you with these things, unfortunately!", they always helped me. :)

I, on the other hand, always contacted them, again and again, and their support assisted me for HOURS too, sometimes.

That is exactly why I think there's NO other support out there, right now at least that has such service.

I'm 1000% sure that you're going to LOVE your experience too with NameCheap, if you decide to buy their hosting, even a Shared one. :)

So yeah, this is what I had to say about my favorite hosting of all time. Not that I've bought hosting my entire life! :P I did buy hosting from HostGator too, If I'm not wrong, and their support didn't really satisfy my questions and needs.

Just like I said, those things were supposed to be fixed by ME, and not hosting support. But still, NameCheap's support always helped me with those too!

I won't be including my affiliate link here, because I want you to trust me, and just give them a try! :) I'm sure you're going to be their customer for the rest of your blogging life. Unless, you're doing some heavy traffic hitting sites, like Viral Blogging or something. Because their Dedicated Servers aren't that great, as a friend of mine had experienced.

Only the shared hosting has more value than its price. So, I would say, if you're into Shared Hosting right now, there's NO other company that can beat NameCheap.

NameCheap: Used by Tayyab Saqlain Zakki for keen2learn

Tayyab's Bio: Online instructor teaching people on his blog on various topics and guiding through tips and tutorials.
Well, first of All, let me appreciate your good work. You guys are doing a great job by helping Newbies, and I hope this post will help newbies too like all of your others posts do.

Now without wasting time lets come to the point. I have done business with many Hosting companies, but I think two of them are the best. First one is

Why I prefer iPage is because its very cheap Hosting Company and newbie can afford it very easily and its cPanel is very easy to use.

Anybody with no skills can easily use iPage and if you face any issue on iPage cPanel, then you don't need to worry because iPage Team is very corporative, they immediately help when you are in trouble, and that's why I will prefer you to go for iPage if you are a newbie.

Another hosting which I'm using is NameCheap, NameCheap hosting is perfect if you have multiple websites and it is also cheap for the first year. You can get unlimited hosting for almost 40$ per Year.

And it is of the lowest market price. NameCheap hosting has many benefits like NameCheap allows you to install SSL Security on your website for free and unlimited email and Shell Access.

There are endless Benefits of NameCheap hosting. NameCheap has almost 99% Uptime, and I haven't faced any problem in the one year of experience in NameCheap.

Conclusion: If you are a newbie, then I will prefer you to iPage. Because it's easy to use and its price is very low. (Recommended for newbies) And if you are an average level Blogger I mean if you can afford much price from your blogs; then you should go for NameCheap because Namecheap has many facilities for his users. (recommended for Bloggers).

DigitalOcean: Used by Dilip Sharma for Blogmatric

Dilip's bio: Hi guys. I'm Dilip here. I am blogger currently handiling few small blogs. I love to see them growing. Conect with me on FB / Twitter @TheDilipSharma.
Best Hosting Company ? Well, this company is not only well for me but for all blogger out there. Best support, tremendous specs, economical price and lots of freedom. You're guessing it right. Its DO, commonly known as Digital Ocean.

DigitalOcean, is an American cloud infrastructure provider headquartered in New York City with data centers worldwide. DigitalOcean provides developers cloud services that help to deploy and scale applications that run simultaneously on multiple computers. As of December 2015, DigitalOcean was the second largest hosting company in the world in terms of web-facing computers.
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