8 Quick Tips To Improve Writing & PRODUCTIVITY

Writing is an exciting activity that requires the use of your creative initiative and concentration ability.

Writing is a lot fun thing to do but, your invested time and energy can end up wasted if at the end your writing is unproductive.

Sometimes, people input their best effort and writing skill into practice, but at the end, it doesn�t come back home with good result, productivity.
  • What could be the cause?
  • Are there some important things left out?
Of course, writing requires some elements that make them unique.
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Your un-productivity is about to take a shift into productivity, with these eight identified elements and tips of a productive writing.

Tip #1: Create a Writing Schedule

Let us start from here.

Writing involves a series of steps which should be taken one at a time; it starts from deciding what to write, making outlines and then writing.

We are always eager to start writing and end it at a go.
That won�t make the best writing!
Writing has to do with concentrating your inner attention and allowing the brain to select between the best available ideas, while your pen bleeds red.

An attempt to write a long write-up without a schedule as when to write and what to write, gives your writing a repulsive shape.
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