Ionic 3 and Angular 4: Adding Custom Fonts like Open Sans and Font Awesome.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4: Adding Custom Fonts like Open Sans and Font Awesome.

We all know that Ionic is the useful framework for building HTML 5 mobile applications. It is mainly designed for the front end. When it comes to look and feel of the Ionic website, you have to work more on your application branding standards. Ionic default icons are not up to current market standards. This tutorial is all about how to add custom downloaded fonts like open sans and font awesome for icons into the Ionic application. Let’s see how you use customized fonts in your Ionic website.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Create a Welcome Page with Login and Logout.

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101 Ways To Earn Money Online at Home

Have no money?

Wondering how to make extra money with some easy ways?

Or you are at home and finding ways on internet for earning money quickly and easily.

Here I have put together 101 ways for earning money at home with less work and efforts online.

It's totally researched article article and bringing you only working methods/tips for making money from home.

By following below ways you can start earning extra and fruity money in some days.

If you can hustle you can work and if you can work you can earn.
I am going to make some opportunities for you, so you can start your work from today.

Let's start!
Please note: There are tons of ways for making money at home, and some of them are listed below. Its up to you, choose one and start working on it with passion and hustle. I bet you will start earning handsome income in some days.

P1. Make money online at home with famous methods

The part one of this article is dedicated to online world's famous methods to earn money.

If you have a an internet connection and a computer then read below methods and start making money online at home.

1. Start a niche blog earn with ads

Niche blogging is:
Start a blog on your interest and signup for Google adsense >> generate more traffic and earn money with Adsense ads.

2. Earn money with YouTube

Go to add your own videos and share them on your social media profiles (funny videos do more) integrate your YT channel with Adsense and by showing ads on your videos you can earn money YouTubing.

Its a risky way to earn money online while staying at home as YouTube is not a free of hands platform, you have to be a professional video editor and maker for getting some money on YouTube (a videos sharing service provided by the Google).

3. Be a freelance writer online

Write articles for any topic buyer ask you and get paid by writing on any topic you like (or work on demands of the clients).

You can join a network like for selling your writings, but for a huge income stream I recommend you to use and too.

4. Write articles for other websites

You can write articles directly for some websites or blogs to get some money.

Its not like the freelance writing, its far far better and we all should try this to make a living for a long time payments.

Writing for webmasters is different, writing for websites and blogs directly can lead you to earn more money. Find some jobs here.

5. Create websites for clients

By creating some websites/blogs for other people you can earn money online. Ask them what they want and buy domain name with hosting charge fees for creating their dream websites.
  • You can give a service to create free websites and earn money by selling them your affiliated hosting accounts!
Arrange some billboards at your official blog or social media cover-image areas, so people will ask you create their websites.

6. Sell domains online

You can register domains and then sell online using social media handles or your blog. Always buy top level and awesome domains, so you can sell them easily.
Hot tip for this method: You can join to sell your domains quickly for a better price and secure way of processing your payments and all other technical issues are covered by the flippa team.
You can wait for right time "don't sell quickly have patience".

7. Do a translation job

You can speak more than one language? then probably you can write in that language. Try to translate documents and get paid for this job.

Believe me it can pay you.

Don't translate docs with online tools, do it yourself.

8. Create some themes/templates

If you can, then create some WordPress themes or Blogger templates and sell them online using any marketplace or your official blog.

This job works great for earning money online while sitting at home and at your your comfort zone, but for those who loves to code and enjoy to read about latest web design trends or have some money to hire some coders.

9. Create some podcasts

Well you can sell podcasts on iTunes and on many other great online platforms.

I recommend you to upload audio+video podcasts on your personal blog and talk about what you know. Make money from ads or sell the podcast copies to the listeners.

Its a time consuming method unless you got a great grand idea over it.

10. Write a E-book

Write an eBook on any topic you can write frequently and bring the book in Amazon store or you can also make a hard copy of it and sell on your own favorite online store.

Set price and share the link on your social media profiles and personal blog (if you have one) also you can ask your friends to buy the book for a discounted price and give 5 star reviews so you can make it a go.

11. Create infographics

Creating infographics is easy now. There are many tools available for free on internet to create next viral infographic of your choice.

Choose a topic and find information on Google. Add that information in graphs and arrange them to create quality infographic.

12. Create logos and icons

The startup needs this instant and may pay you too much.

Launch this service on your personal blog or create a gig on download free PSDs and edit to create next level of new logos and icons.

13. Start consulting online

Be a professional in one field and and start consulting new people in that business.

You can charge $$ on hourly basis. You can also set Skype session for $$ and you only have to give advises.

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3 Tips on Optimizing Your Blog for Both Search Engines and Readers

Are you struggling to write SEO optimized content that is more engaging than it is bland?

Content marketing can be a powerful tool for brands to make an impact online.

By using it effectively, you can get in front of your ideal target market, help solve their problems and create a loyal fan base.

But to do that, you first need to master the art of writing content that appeals to people as well as search engines.

After all, it doesn't matter how useful your article is to potential customers if it doesn't rank.
3 Tips on Optimizing Your Blog for Both Search Engines and Readers
Here are four simple tips you can start doing today to optimize your blog for both search engines and readers:

1. Relevant User Journey

Effective SEO is all about relevancy.

When you start producing content that is relevant to search terms being used by your prospects and with links from relevant high authority sites, your content will find itself on the first page of Google.
But one important thing most businesses overlook is a relevant user journey.
If you want to maximize your user results and boost sales, you need to make sure that each interaction with your content brings them closer to the end goal of making a purchase.

Watch this video to learn about the three natural SEO techniques you can do to boost your user journey:

2. Craft a Clickable Headline

All the legwork you have done to optimize your content for search engines will mean nothing if you have an uninspiring headline.


Because only 20 percent of visitors will click to read your article. So even if your content is ranking on the first page with your targeted keyword, that means nothing if people are not clicking through to your website.

Upworthy, a site that generates three million unique visitors per month, understands the science behind crafting the perfect headline. As part of their editorial process, each piece of content needs 25 different headlines.
The reasoning behind this: Once you start getting desperate, you'll start thinking outside of the box and create the gem that will make your content stand out from the crowd.

3. Improve The Readability of Your Content

Readability may not be taken into consideration by search engines directly - but it still affects your ranking.


Search engines take into account how people behave when they land on your page.
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5 Blogging Tips for Beginners of 2017- A Fresh Look at Old Strategies

5 Blogging tips for Beginners of 2017- A Fresh Look at Old Strategies
When it comes to blogging, there are two ways to go about it. The most common course of action is to find and stick to an established field where many blogs before you have already gained significant success. However, the problem with this is the very fact that there are already plenty of established blogs in the field, which makes the competition very steep and the chances of your blog ever seeing success so much slimmer. The other way to go about it is to take the first movers advantage and explore topics that have not yet been flooded with thousands of blog sites. In this article, we will show you 5 Blogging tips for Beginners of 2017 - A fresh look at old strategies.
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Web Development Life Cycle: A Fool Proof Plan for Developers

The Web Development Life Cycle (WDLC) is a great method planned in particular for the development of web applications.

WDLC aims to generate structured procedure for the much unstructured problem of web application development. The WDLC brings into play many components to form an effective tactic.

The Web Development Life Cycle combine many components into a new method in order to reduce the time of development, put structure into an unstructured problem to keep things simple right through every part of development life cycle.

The main objective of WDLC is to develop a method that will add good structure to a vastly unstructured problem to aid in the development and success of web services.

Website development Life Cycle can be divided into diverse steps identical to any other field of software development. The purpose of WDLC is to help out in baking up the developers with tasks that are required to be done at particular phases.

WDLC allows the developer to work and go behind a set of processes and principles to assist to make sure that highest quality is realized.
Web Development Life Cycle: A Fool Proof Plan for Developers
The website development life stages are not all the time chronological but can be reorganized to go with a project.

The WDLC consist of some important phases including Analysis, specification building, design and development, content writing, coding, testing, SEO and social media optimization and maintenance and updating.

Here is some of the vital web development life cycle steps:

Gather Information

One of the very important web development life cycles is gathering information. It is essential for you to gather as much as information required developing a website.

Initially, you should seek to discover and understand the business goals, get to know customer goals, identify and recognize the current market demands, identify the targeted customers, understand the needs of targeted audience, etc.

Gathering information aids you to develop the best tactic for further project management. When you gather information, you should try to collect information regarding:
  • Future Website Purposes
  • The Main Goals You Wish To Get
  • The Target Audience You Want To Attract To Your Site.


An important thing in web development life cycle is planning.

People can gain nothing from their projects if they don�t plan well before starting their project.

Planning includes deciding the project goal, carrying out a possible study amid the client and web development services, taking into account a variety of features like project cost, equipment cost, expediency, etc. planning should include the following things:
  • Judge how the complete site will look like
  • What is the function of the Website
  • Make a decision on what technologies should be implemented
  • Who will make use of the Website
  • Who possesses the information on the Web site


Analysis is in fact an important phase in web development life cycle.
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The Value of Building a Strong Relationship with a Freelancer

Defined as pragmatic idealists with both brains and sentiment, millennials showcase �a deep desire to make the world a better place, combined with an understanding that doing so requires building new institutions while working inside and outside existing institutions�.

As their first revolutionary effort, the rise of the free agent therefore promises an uber-modern, cosmopolitan and network-based approach to traditional business.

Setting the grounds for the all-encompassing global virtual office, freelancers demand �versatility and flexibility in the workplace�, and thanks to such inclination, we behold the era of business no-madism, in which the working classes are restructured and office habits are redefined.

With new opportunities ascending and more cubicles being knocked down, both employees and employers are learning to adjust.

As a consequence, freelancers are no longer considered as outcasts from the system, but cherished as a fresh force that is already changing the future of business, making it far more innovative, flexible and efficient.
The Value of Building a Strong Relationship with a Freelancer
The following list proposes some of the greatest benefits of hiring and building a strong relationship with a freelancer.

All-Around Availability

The same technological changes that have separated modern into two distinct eras � history before and after the rise of the worldwide network � directly affect the nature of business as well. By connecting the world in one virtual environment that never sleeps, the internet drastically alters customer behavior � today, we expect everything to be at our disposal on a 24/7 basis, and the same applies to our product and service providers.

By insisting on flexible working hours, freelancers are making it possible for your company to be available at all times.

When empowered with such workers, your company will never stop running � unrestricted by office hours, most freelancers are willing to keep your business open for the public all night long, at least in an online environment, thus allowing you to leverage time zone differences and stay accessible while the completion sleeps.

Reliable and Fast Resource of Solutions

However unconstrained in their work approach, independent employees are condemned to a calling that is endlessly uncertain and, career-wise, promises little.

With more individuals making a shift to the freelancing community, the market has become saturated with diligent and hardworking experts who offer their services to anyone ready to outsource.

In order to beat the competition, freelancers are becoming better at their jobs with every gig, and are strongly motivated to perform with excellence and speed.

Additionally, the achieved work-life balance gives them plenty of space that full-time employees simply don�t have � all of these factors guarantee that hiring a freelancer means getting a reliable, flawless and fast source of valuable business solutions.

Freedom to Hire On A Need Basis

Instead of making a new infrastructural change each time the need for new team members emerges, you can retain an already perfected work dynamic within your staff by outsourcing to a freelancer.

As a consequence, the workflow established in the office is intact, current employees are freed of new and time-demanding tasks, and investments are minimal.

Putting an external resource person in charge of non-core areas rather than welcoming a new full-time member to the team can secure you a budget for adding an unlimited workforce and employing specialists as needed.

Ultimately, constant staff restructuration caused by unpredictable and always fluctuating business cycles will no longer stand in your way to the top.

No Training Required

As one of the biggest issues of hiring new employees, training frequently demands a lot of the company�s money, time and effort.

Even then, no one can guarantee that the new staff member will fully adapt to the office dynamics; unfortunately, that�s something that only time can tell.

With unintegrated individuals, the productivity of an entire team suffers, which is never the case with outsourcing.
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Ionic 3 and Angular 4: PHP Restful API User Authentication for Login and Signup.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4: PHP Restful API User Authentication for Login and Signup.

Here is the continued article on my previous post for creating a welcome page with login and logout. Today’s post explains how to implement login authentication system for your AngularJS applications. It will show you how to log in with a user and store the user session, so it deals with token based authentication. Since we are using token based authentication, it protects if any unauthorized request is made and notices for a new login if required. This makes your application’s authentication to be more secured compared with any other authentication system. Every user details will be stored in an external database and a PHP based API is used in the backend for handling this authentication. Hope you’ll find it more easily using this as your authentication system in your AngularJS projects. Let’s look into the live demo and follow the below code.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Login and Signup with PHP Restful API.

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10 Best Websites for Teens to Make Money Online

10 Best Websites for Teens to Make Money Online
Are you a teenager, looking for a way to make money online? Luckily, many websites on the internet are looking for skilled teenagers to take advantage of their platform and start to earn money online. Teens can work from their living room and can still make as much money as they parents do doing an important job. Today in this study, we will show you 10 best websites for teens to make money online.
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Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Create a Welcome Page with Login and Logout.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Create a Welcome Page with Login and Logout.

Most of the mobile applications starts with welcome page with login and signup buttons. A proper login or signup redirects to application home page and there you can navigate to different pages and finally you can end up with a logout action. Today’s tutorial is all about this. Here I am using AngularJS 4 and Ionic 3. The combination of AngularJS and Ionic in handling login is a straight forward process. This design is already explained in my previous posts using ReactJS navigations. Lets see how to set a starting page using Ionic 3 and AngularJS4 and learn basic understanding of how the navigation works.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Create a Welcome Page with Login and Logout.

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Get a PayPal Verified Account in Pakistan [Payoneer Working]

paypal pakistan

Few years back, I published how one could get a verified PayPal account in Pakistan and many other unsupported countries and many of the people enjoyed the service of PayPal, that is one of the most used online payment system by companies and individuals.

Though soon later, PayPal officially dropped the support of Payoneer and it was no longer possible to connect a Payoneer card with PayPal account.

  • [message]
    • ##check## 100% Working PayPal Verified account 
      • This guide goes through 100% working PayPal trick, so don't get demoralized that this might also not work! I have tested it out and have only shared it once knowing that it works like a charm. Using this, you'll be getting a fully working US PayPal account.
Having said that, I would like to give a brief disclaimer down below regarding this strategy as it's not what officially is supported by PayPal and this is against PayPal's TOS, though the method currently works and you can use your PayPal just normally, transfer money online, withdraw funds via Payoneer and more.
  • [message]
    • ##check## Disclaimer
      • Please note that this method is not legal and is against PayPal's TOS. PayPal doesn't allow to create accounts using Proxies, Un-realistic profile data etc. You would want to try this method on your risk. 

Before any further due, let's get started and see what you need to do to get a verified PayPal account in Pakistan.

Generate basic information

In this step, you will be gathering basic set of information that we'll be using in the upcoming steps like profile information, address etc (all software generated/fake).

  • [accordion]
    • Step #1 Generate Profile Name (Optional)
      •  Go to Fake Name Generator and select your desired gender. Leave the country as 'US' as we'll be creating a US PayPal account. Checkout the image below to know the settings. With this step, you'll be getting a lot of fake profile information, though all we need is a name of a western person. You can also come up with a random name your self, though it's wise to not use your original name.
    • Step #2 Generate Profile Address
      • Now is the time to generate fake US residential address. Simply go to US Address Generator and scroll down (as shown in the image below) to see random US address. Choose one and note it down with you.
    • Step #3 Download Chrome US Proxy (Important)
      • This is the most important step. You need to download Google Chrome proxy extension named ZenMate VPN (though you can use others, but I'll recommend this one as it's free and simple to use).

    • Step #4 Open US PayPal Home page
      • Now with the proxy on, open up US PayPal home page and click 'Sign Up' button and select 'Personal Account' after that. In the upcoming screen, enter your 'original' email address that you have access to.

    • Step #5 Mobile Verification
      • In the next steps, PayPal would ask you to enter your profile information like name, address and phone number. Simply add the fake name you generated before, likewise enter the US address. Then, you need to a valid US phone number. To do that, go to TextNow service. You need to enter the area code/address exactly as that you generated in the previous steps so that TextNow would grant you a valid phone number for that area in United States. Below is how it's panel looks like.

        Once you select verify phone number in PayPal, you'll receive a confirmation code as shown in the image below that you need to re-enter in PayPal. 

Link Bank Account

Once your account has been verified, you'll then have to link up your bank account so that you would be able to make a withdrawal once you have funds into your account. The next step is to click the 'link a bank or a card' link in the left sidebar, as shown in the image below.

Once done, you'd see a window as shown in the image below. Click 'Link a Bank Account'.

link a payment method
Once you'd click that, you'll see a window coming up as shown in the image below.

 Choose 'I have a different bank'. Once done add your bank account details in the form as below.

link bank account

 You'll find these details by going to the 'Global Payment Service' and Click 'Global Payment Service' as shown in the image below.

global payment service

Once clicked, you'll find the Global Payment Service information as below.

global payment service

 Once you've all the details from here, you'll enter those in PayPal while adding a bank account. 

2 Verification Payments

PayPal would then make 2 payments to your Payoneer/Global Payment Service account. It takes a day or two for the payments to show up in your Payoneer account. Checkout the image below to see. The two payments are sort of for verification purpose that you have received the amount. PayPal later asks you to add what are those exact amounts that you've received so to verify your Payoneer.

payoneer payments

Once you receive these payments into your account insert the payments in PayPal verification module that asks to accept these two transactions. PayPal would immediately add up your bank account.

Verify Your Documents

With all of the details above, your PayPal account would get verified and your bank account would be linked. Though, there are fair chances that PayPal would limit your PayPal account with in a day or two right after all of this process.

This means, it would then ask you to give proof of your identity like you'd be asked to upload your passport or driver's license etc.

Don't worry, that it quite easy to do so.

  • [message]
    • ##check## Beware!
      • Before we proceed, know that steps from here on are to create fake identity documents. You can easily use Adobe Photoshop and edit out your documents just like below. Once done, simply upload them to PayPal and you'll see your account would get back to normal, working fully.

Account impact

How to Edit Identity documents

You would have to Photoshop a driving license document that is what works in the state you have mentioned in the address. For this you'd be requiring fine skills to edit the picture with your picture and other profile details.

The better you do it, the easier would be for you to get your account back to normal.

driving license

Once done, simply upload the documents using the module as shown below.

adobe photoshop


Hope that was helpful for you guys. I've gone in detail about what Payoneer US Payment Service and how you need to create a Payoneer account.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions in this regard.

How to Change Address Bar Color in Mobile Browser Matching Blogger Blog


While browsing your favoiuruties sites on mobile devicse (Android) you'd have noticed how the address bar of the Google Chrome browser changes its color matching the theme of the blog. We'll that is easier that you think to implmenet on your blog.

It hardly takes 5 seconds to achieve that. Lets get started. 


Once done, your blog would look like the following (different color address bar in your case) on Android devices on Google Chrome browser.

Step #1 Choose a Color

Find a hex value of the color that you'd like the address bar to change to in Android Chrome browser. Lets say, in the case of BloggingeHow, I have used #00A8BE color.

  • [message]
    • ##check## Use 'Color Pic' tool to grab color
      • You can use a very popular tool named 'Color Pic' that is extremliy small to download and works better than expected. You can pick colors from anywhere on your screen, no matter what software you're in.

 Checkout the image below.

Step #2 Add 'Theme-color' meta tag 

Once your color is finalized, simply add the following meta tag to your blog's template's head section. To do that, open your blog's dashboard >> Theme >> Edit HTML and look for '</head>' tag by pressing CTRL + F.

 Once you've found the end of the </head> tag, simpliy add the following meta tag as shown in the image above.

<meta content='#00A8BE' name='theme-color'/>
 Change the highlighted color as the color you look forward the address bar to in the Chrome browser on Android mobiles.

Hope that was helpful. Stay blessed.

How To Write About Us Page For A Startup Company | Complete Guide

Every startup company is required to have an about us page on its official website.

Just to show the readers how best they are and where they start the journey by typing a short story on the about us page.

However many startup companies are not that good to make an about us page worth a read, because they are in lack of content writers or copy writers who are required to create a out standing about us page.

Also there are so many things which one should/have to cover in any type of about us page, because the first thing every inspired reader loves to do is to find out the about us page and learn more about the company.

In addition to make your company get success or the company you are hired to write about us page, you should read these simple yet most effective guidelines for sure ??

As being one of the best sources to deliver guides on different models of earning money online and living as best as we can: Now we are going to reveal here some hidden secrets of how to perfectly write about us page for a startup company.
Two crazy kids, kids images, images of kids, laptop and kids images, free stock images
As You know I also give freelance services and you can get them by visiting my personal website at, I am going to share my experience here which I have gained through writing about us page for a startup company.

So, Let's get started:

1. Fill the lack in information

Before starting to create any page, article or news we have to gain some information which is proper and to the point so we can make it a go for creating more lengthy text and paragraphs.

What I suggest you before accepting to create an about us page for a startup company is you should ask them to share the real and basic information with you.

Don't ask this before getting the order, just make sure the order is in your pocket so you will not lose it ??

  1. Asking for basic and full background info from the company
  2. Ask for real documentations (if required for any legal issue)
  3. Get full information about their history up and downs and what they have done
  4. Know about the owners and lead workers

After getting the order ask for the information and after getting the basic information about such company ask again to get more informative content from them which you can utilize in their contact us page.

Just to make it worth a read I suggest you to fill the gap in information to make that company be happy with your work.

2. Include quick triggers

This might be shocking to you, but I am not joking here.

I want you to be rich and for that purpose I will do my best to include as best guides as I can. That is why I am asking you to include some quick triggers in the pages ??

By quick triggers in about us pages I mean to say:
  1. Add bullet points to engage readers & tell what they company is giving as a services
  2. Write about what is the unique point of that company which makes the company unique
  3. People try to find real information, write about real incidents too
  4. Write about the success factors and make them (readers) know how they can be a part of the company
As far as you got the options to introduce the startup company on an about us page you can try different techniques for making the company owner happy and about us page readers too.

3. Give examples

As there are so many good and best about us page examples are freely available on many blogs (you can search for best examples of about us page on Google) I have searched and researched for two days to deliver the best guide on how to write about us page for a startup company.

So, here is what type of examples you should add in about us page:
  1. Before any other example, explain what are others offering and what this startup is best at
  2. Create a data chart to show how the startup company is growing its services and quality too
  3. Inspire readers to read the entire about us page of a startup company by adding examples of other services and the services of that company you are writing for in a way to make the reader think "this company is enough good".
  4. Force people to leave others by giving examples of other's bad customer or user reviews and adding cool reviews of your company
There are more things you can add in about us page examples for a startup company, but to make it unique and totally different you should take a different approach.

4. Add engaging photos

Some says "it is not essential or not required".
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Google Stops Supporting DMOZ Snippets in Search Results

dmoz closed

Search engine giant Google has recently stated that they would not be considering any information that comes via DMOZ directory that was one of the most comprehensive directory back in the days, holding top websites and blogs in various categories.

As DMOZ was officially put to an end on 17th March 2017, Google would no longer be using the snippets from the directory into the search results. This means that if you're part of the DMOZ listing, it won't serve any purpose now in the search results.

dmoz closed

For 19 years, we humans tried our best to organize the web, though it went clear that with the pace the net keeps growing, its practically not possible for humans to do it manually.

Instead, search engine giant Google mentioned that publishers should now instead be focusing on providing strong meta description for their pages if it doesn't hold enough content its self for the bot to fetch it out.

  • [message]
    • ##check## Say No to NOODP directive
      •  So in case you were previously using NOODP directive to make sure that Google won't show any directory listing on your behalf, there is no point of using it anymore.

 In a statement, Google mentioned:

�[W]ith DMOZ now closed, we�ve stopped using its listings for snippeting, so it�s a lot more important that webmasters provide good meta descriptions, if adding more content to the page is not an option.�

How to Improve Meta Description?

Below are the guidelines that Google has laid down to improve your web page's meta description.

1. Differentiate the descriptions for different pages: This means that you need to make meta descriptions of your blog/website unique from any other page that you might have. As every page must be having unique content and so as its description that tells the bots that the content is unique.

  • [message]
    • ##check## Say NO to copying!
      • Make sure that you never copy meta description from any other web source, believing that you have a similar content and it should represent yours too.
    2. Include clearly tagged facts in the description: Meta description doesn't mean that you need to put a story in there. For websites that doesn't have a content like blogs, they could use clearly defined tags that express the content.

    Take an example as below:

    <meta name="Description" content="Author: A.N. Author, Illustrator: P. Picture, Category: Books, Price: $17.99, Length: 784 pages">
    3. Programmatically generate descriptions: Google gives an example of some websites that doesn't offer any long version of content and are rather different in nature like database driven sites or data aggregators etc. For such platforms, meta descriptions can be made programmatically though what needs to be made sure is that the description is not entirely a formulation of keywords that serve near to no value to the readers.

    Description needs to be human readable and understandable.

    To Sum Up

    Overall, the gist of it is to make sure that the description is unique and is not a part of the content as it is that is read by the readers. As Google mentioned in the documentation saying:

    "Make sure your descriptions are truly descriptive. Because the meta descriptions aren't displayed in the pages the user sees"
    You can also checkout the detailed documentation from Google upon improving your meta titles and description.

    Mustafa Ahmedzai's 2011 Email: 1 Best Advise I Got From My Mentor


     Having profound mentors in your life could really make or break your dreams and I can't be more grateful to Allah Almighty that brother +Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai of Mybloggertricks was one of the first mentors I had in my blogging career.

    A person who would share everything he learned on the way so transparently just like brothers which is why he is with in the hearts of many within and across the country, all along the globe.

    Just recently, I was going through my email inbox and found my conversation with brother Mustafa back in 2011 where I was seeking his guidance on blogging. Interestingly, I loved seeing my questions from him and that is exactly what made me believe that everyone starts from scratch.

    • [message]
      • ##check## This post is motivational 
        • Before I share, I would like to share that this post directly comes from with in my heart and what I believe about setting and achieving goals in life. If you're thirsty for some motivation, make sure you end up reading it all.

    Everyone Starts from Scratch

    If you're a beginner and you believe that your questions are dumb, make sure that you know that everyone starts from zero. What ever questions that you'd have are totally normal and common among the beginners all around the world.

    What's amazing is that you're thinking and that is what will make you go far ahead InshaAllah.

    Below is a screenshot of what I asked brother Mustafa Ahmedzai back in 2011, before I'll share his wise reply after that.

    Notice what I asked him. My concern was that even though I got ranked for a keyword on the first page of Google, still I was not getting any decent traffic. Barely few hundred visitors. Little that I knew that the keyword I was ranking for was not really popular and didn't had to offer much in terms of traffic, all alone.

    I thought that ranking for keyword was all the best I could do and it should pay back the results in the form of millions of readers towards my blog.

    Though that wasn't that case at all.

    What opened my eyes was the reply from brother Mustafa. He mentioned that my Alexa rank was really poor (in millions) and if I could drop it down to below 50k world wide, then I would start seeing appreciable results.

    • [message]
      • ##check## Does Alexa Rank hold any real value?
        • Alexa rank doesn't show how successful your blog or a website is. Now that being said, it gives you an idea of (rough) of how 'running' your blog is. Some niche are able to improve their Alexa with considerable low traffic while others might have a poor Alexa apparently would actually be enjoying millions of readers.
    Though have a better Alexa rank means that your blog is towards the rise and you're heading in the right direction. Gradually your blog is improving and readers are coming by. Its easy to manipulate Alexa rank, though through a wider perspective, its a good metric to aim for.

    As a beginner, it's a great advise to give to someone to improve your Alexa rank. Why? Because that person would then aim to improve his blog's publishing frequency, and then helping his blog to grow overall.

    Also checkout: How I Increased My Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months

    All in a NutShell

    The core and the gist of the advise was to 'increase' posting frequency of the content that is worth reading and sharing.

    Start giving 'more' value to the community that you're already doing. Now ask your self? How consistently are you producing quality content

    I hope this little share gave you motivation that we all get to start from zero. What matters is how 'frequently' we get to share 'quality' content with our readers.

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