Facebook timeline cover size details

Timeline Covers design detail's

Facebook timeline
Facebook timeline
Facebook timeline has officially release and timeline is new profile design of facebook . It change all old profile features into the new one and facebook change the meaning of social networking . Now facebook is at top position in social networking.  you know you can set timeline cover in new timeline design. These are some of the tips for creating a facebook timeline cover. an you can create the cover of your choice  here the picture of timeline cover which explain you about the width and height of timeline cover and profile picture size.

Facebook timeline cover width and height
Facebook timeline cover width and height
You can download or create a timeline cover it's not so difficult to create or download . if you want to create  a timeline cover you can use any editing software like adobe photoshop, etc or you can create online because now a days almost every facebook cover site has there timeline cover creator . If you want to download timeline cover's you can use following link's where you can find a suitable timeline cover for your profile.
Or if you want a professional timeline cover you can freely contact me i can create an awesome timeline cover for you or if you want to download timeline covers without any brand watermark you can contact me

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