How to add/install addthis welcome bar in blogger

add this social sharing option
add this social sharing option
today i,m going to teach you that how to add addthis Welcome bar in blogger. welcome bar is a bar which shows on the top of your homepage. You can easily create a bar of your choice .
we have following advantages from addthis

  • Increase traffic and engagement
  • Get free real-time analytics
  • Understand your audience
you can easily track your clicks, your visitors and other analytics of your social sharing popularity

Follow this method to add addthis welcome bar in blogger this is step by step method to adding it in blogger.
1: Goto addthis , then goto welcome bar page  welcome bar page 
2: now sign in to your addthis account
Addthis welcome bar page
Addthis welcome bar page
3: now in left side select a website so visitor for that website get specific responce

4: select a specific massage for specific visitors Now
5: you can add another website by clicking on +add visitor type
6: if you have set another website you have a opyion to set a massage for those peoples who are landed from that website
7: now finalize the appereance
Select the colour of you choice

Now Goto blogger> dashboard >html >proceed
now paste this code before head tag .
Note : you can set the amount of time for auto hide the bar 

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