How to remove addthis logo from addthis welcome bar

Removing of addthis logo
In my previous post i tell you that how to add/install addthis  welcome bar in 's blog . but some people having problem with their addthis bar mean that they want to remove addthis plus button from the left side of addthis bar . So now i,m going to tell you about the removing of addthis logo from the side of addthis bar .
first goto and copy thae whole code provided by addthis and paste it in your blogger template as i said in my previous post and then cutomize it with your colours .
Now the main part is here these are some steps to remove the branding logo of addthis from the side of addthis welcome bar .


  • goto
  • then goto dashboard
  • then in html 
  • and click proceed 
  • Now find  ]]></b:skin>
  • now paste the following code  above this code

.addthis_bar_watermark {
display: none; }

  • now save the template and be happy :)
Steps for wordpress users: 

  • paste the following code just above </head> tag in your template
<style type='text/css'>.addthis_bar_watermark {display: none;}</style>

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