Add Social Media Like Buttons With Rotator Effect To Blogger -V2 new

Yesterday we shared a 1st version of this widget and Today i am again with 2nd version of this intresting widget.Its a social media likes button with amaizing rotator effect.Theae buttons are visitor eye catching and will also help to increase social likes and followers.
So follow simple procedure and you are done.After adding this widget, it will look like image below:
Also Read: Show Meta Description Only On Home Page

How to add this widget? Lets Start.

1) Goto blogger DASHBOARD
2) Now clock on LAYOUT
3) Then click on Add a Gadget
4) Now a window will open, in this window select HTML/JAVASCRIPT
5) Again a new window will open, In this window paste the below code.
#PTTHOME img {
    -moz-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
    -ms-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
    transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
#PTTHOME img:hover {
    -moz-transform: rotate(360deg);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(360deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(360deg);
    transform: rotate(360deg);

<center><p id="PTTHOME">
    <a href="" target="blank"><img src=""  title="Like Our Facebook Page" /></a>

    <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" title="Follow Our Updates On Twitter" /></a>

    <a href="G+ URL" target="blank"><img src="" title="Follow Us On Google+" /></a>

    <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" title="Grab Our Rss Feed" /></a>
    <a href=""><font color="white">?</font></a>
6) Now replace USERNAME ang G+ USERNAME with your desire user name and save that widget.
7) Reload your blog and see the changes.

Add Social Media Like Buttons With Rotator Effect To Blogger -V1

Yesterday we shared a post about POPOUT SOCIAL LIKE BUTTONS and Today i am again with another intresting widget for you prople.Its a social media likes button with amaizing rotator effect.These buttons are visitor eye catching and will also help to increase social likes and followers.
So follow simple procedure and you are done.After adding this widget, it will look like image below:
Also Read: Add Adsense Beside Social Sharing Widget In Blogger

How to add this widget? Lets Start.......

  • Goto blogger DASHBOARD
  • Now clock on LAYOUT
  • Then click on Add a Gadget
  • Now a window will open, in this window select HTML/JAVASCRIPT
  • Again a new window will open, In this window paste the below code.
#PTT img {
    -moz-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
    -ms-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
    transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
#PTT img:hover {
    -moz-transform: rotate(360deg);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(360deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(360deg);
    transform: rotate(360deg);

<center><p id="PTT">
    <a href="" target="blank"><img src=""  title="Like Our Facebook Page" /></a>

    <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" title="Follow Our Updates On Twitter" /></a>

    <a href="G+ URL" target="blank"><img src="" title="Follow Us On Google+" /></a>

    <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" title="Grab Our Rss Feed" /></a>
    <a href=""><font color="white">?</font></a>
  • Now replace USERNAME and  G+ USERNAME in the above code with your desire user name and save that widget.
  • Reload your blog and see the changes.
NOTE: CLICK HERE for a recent version of this Widget.

Add Static Social Like Buttons With Popout Effect To Blogger

You have seen in many pro blogs that a static social Profiles buttons are floating on right side of blog.So today i will show you how to add that widget to your own blog.This widget look is very proffessional, and help you to increase your facebook, twitter, google + etc likes and followers.
After adding it to your blog, it will look like image below:

Also Read: How to add 4 125x125 ad slots to blogger sidebar
  • Follow These Steps Carefully For Adding This Widget:
  • Goto Blogger Dashboard
  • Click on TEMPLATE => EDIT HTML
  • Now press ctrl+f (use in HTML box) and search for </body>, Now Paste the Code Shown Below just Before </body>
<!-- popout social buttons by !-->
background-repeat:no-repeat;width:43px;height:43px;position:fixed;right:0px;top:160px; z-index:1000;}
background-repeat:no-repeat;width:150px;height:43px;position:fixed;right:0px;top:160px; z-index:1100;}
.PCFacebook{margin:0px 0 0 43px}
background-repeat:no-repeat;width:150px;height:43px;position:fixed;right:0px;top:205px; z-index:1100;}
.PCtwitter{margin:0px 0 0 43px}
background-repeat:no-repeat;width:43px;height:43px;position:fixed;right:0px;top:250px; z-index:1000;}
background-repeat:no-repeat;width:150px;height:43px;position:fixed;right:0px;top:250px; z-index:1100;}
.PCGooglePlus{margin:0px 0 0 43px}
background-repeat:no-repeat;width:43px;height:43px;position:fixed;right:0px;top:295px; z-index:1000;}
background-repeat:no-repeat;width:150px;height:43px;position:fixed;right:0px;top:295px; z-index:1100;}
.PCRss{margin:0px 0 0 43px}
<div class='PTTFacebook' onmouseout='this.className=&apos;PTTFacebook&apos;' onmouseover='this.className=&apos;PTTFacebookopen&apos;'><div class='PCFacebook'><a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='Like us on Facebook' src='' title='Like us on Facebook'/></a><br/>
<div class='PTTtwitter' onmouseout='this.className=&apos;PTTtwitter&apos;' onmouseover='this.className=&apos;PTTtwitteropen&apos;'><div class='PCtwitter'><a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='Follow us on Twitter' src='' title='Follow us on Twitter'/></a><br/>
<div class='PTTGooglePlus' onmouseout='this.className=&apos;PTTGooglePlus&apos;' onmouseover='this.className=&apos;PTTGooglePlusopen&apos;'><div class='PCGooglePlus'><a href=' G+ USER NAME' target='_blank'><img alt='Recommend us on Google Plus' src='' title='Recommend us on Google Plus'/></a><br/>
<div class='PTTRss' onmouseout='this.className=&apos;PTTRss&apos;' onmouseover='this.className=&apos;PTTRssopen&apos;'><div class='PCRss'><a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='Subscribe me on RSS' src='' title='Subscribe me'/></a><br/>
<a href=""><font color="white">?</font></a>
<!-- popout social buttons by !-->
  • Now change USERNAME in above code with your desire username or URL.
  • Now save yout template and reload your blog and see the changes.

Add 4 125x125 AD SlotS To Blogger

I am back with an amaizing widget for those people who wanna learn more money from their blog through Affialates and direct advertisement.This widget will create 4 125x125 ad space in your blogger side bar.You can add any ad code there i.e, adsense , images etc
After adding this, your widget will look like image below:

Lets add this widget to your blog:

  • Goto blogger DASHBOARD
  • Now clock on LAYOUT
  • Then click on Add a Gadget
  • Now a window will open, in this window select HTML/JAVASCRIPT
  • Again a new window will open, In this window paste the below code.
<center><table border="0"><tr>
<th width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></th>
<th width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></th>
<td width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></td>
<td width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/>
<a href=""><font color="white">?</font></a>
  • Now replace <img src=""/> with your ad code.
    Reload your blog and see the changes.

Page Rank Checker Tool

PR Checker is a tool used for checking google page rank of website or any webpage.PR is a google alogritm which shows how popular is your site in GOOGLE search results.In order to check pagerank of a web site or web page please submit the URL of that web site in the form below and press CHECK PAGE RANK button.

Check Page Rank of your Web site pages instantly:
This page rank checking tool is powered by Hacking Articles

Add This Tool To Your Blog CLICK HERE

Show Meta Description Only On Home Page

Yesterday i share apost about  Add Adsense Beside Social Sharing Widget In Blogger .By default in blogger,  META DESCRIPTION shows on every page in Google search result, which is not good for SEO becouse it marked as duplicate by Google Bot and hence your blog didnt get index by search engine and your blog PR didnt increase.Today we will learn how to show meta description only on homepage and increase our blog visibility in search engines.

Steps For Showing Meta Description Only On Homepage Of Blogger Blog

  • Goto your blogger DASHBOARD
  • Now click on TEMPLATE => EDIT HTML
  • Now Find the below code in you template in <head> section.
<meta content='META DESCRIPTION GOES HERE' name='description'/>
  • As shown in image below:

  • And replace it with
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='META DESCRIPTION GOES HERE' name='description'/>
  • Now save your template and you are done.
  •  NOTE: Dont forget to change META DESCRIPTION GOES HERE with your blog meta description.
Also Read: Create Meta Tags with Character Counter Tool for better SEO
  • You have to wait some days for Google bot to crawl your blog and after that you will see META DESCRIPTION only on your blog home page and thus your blog visibility will be increase because now your blog every page have different meta description.

Add Adsense Beside Social Sharing Widget In Blogger

Today we are discussing how to add adsense beside social sharing buttons.This hack will surely help you in increasing your earning and your blog will look smart.Its a simple modification by which your adsense CTR will increase and hence you will earn more from your blog.So lets start and add this beautiful wudget to your blogger blog.After installing this widget in your blg, it will look like image below:

Steps For Adding Google AdSense with Social Sharing Buttons Below Post Title

1. Go to and create a new ad unit  300 x 250 and remember the ad id coz we need it later.

2. Now go to your blog Dashboard.

3. Now Template ==> Edit HTML.
4.Press ctrl+F and  Find ]]>

Paste bellow code above ]]>

<!-- !-->
 1px #dedede;height:250px;padding-left:10px}.ads-right-min
a:link,.ads-right-min a:visited,.bottom-share-links






 <!-- !-->

 5. Now Again find this

Now Paste the  bellow code  After <data:post.body/>

<!-- !-->
 cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class='ads'>
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
<td width='354'><script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8188960141234567"; /* bellow blog post */
google_ad_slot = "AD ID HERE"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height =
 250; //--></script><script type="text/javascript"
 class="ads-right-min"><a class="mini-plus"
expr:href=""" + data:post.url"
rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Share On
Google+</a><a class="mini-del"
expr:href=""" + data:post.url +
"&title=" + data:post.title" rel="external nofollow"
target="_blank">Add This To Delicious</a><a
class="mini-tweet" expr:href="" " +
 data:post.title + " " + data:post.url" rel="external nofollow"
target="_blank">Tweet/ReTweet This</a><a
class="mini-facebook" expr:href="""
 + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title" rel="external
nofollow" target="_blank">Share on Facebook</a><a
expr:href=""" + data:post.url +
 "&title=" + data:post.title" rel="external nofollow"
target="_blank">StumbleUpon This</a><a class="mini-digg"
expr:href=""" + data:post.url +
"&title=" + data:post.title" rel="external nofollow"
target="_blank">Digg This</a></div>
<!-- !-->

6.Now Save your template and you will see the changes.

Don�t forget make the below changes�

ca-pub-8188960141234567 replace with your adsense publisher id

AD ID HERE replace with your ad Id.
ENJOY and keep visiting for more intresting posts.

CSS Color Chart with Hexadecimal Values

Below is the color chart of  CSS Color With Hexadecimal Values .You can use these colour codes/hexadecimal values for editing your Blogspot, Wordpress or web templates.I have created this tool after lots of hard work, it consist of more then 200 color with its HEXA DECIMAL values i.e #f1f1f1

CSS Web Colour Chart

#FF99FF #FF99CC #FF9999 #FF9966 #FF9933 #FF9900
#FF66FF #FF66CC #FF6699 #FF6666 #FF6633 #FF6600
#FF33FF #FF33CC #FF3399 #FF3366 #FF3333 #FF3300
#FF00FF #FF00CC #FF0099 #FF0066 #FF0033 #FF0000
#CC99FF #CC99CC #CC9999 #CC9966 #CC9933 #CC9900
#CC66FF #CC66CC #CC6699 #CC6666 #CC6633 #CC6600
#CC33FF #CC33CC #CC3399 #CC3366 #CC3333 #CC3300
#CC00FF #CC00CC #CC0099 #CC0066 #CC0033 #CC0000
#99FFFF #99FFCC #99FF99 #99FF66 #99FF33 #99FF00
#99CCFF #99CCCC #99CC99 #99CC66 #99CC33 #99CC00
#9999FF #9999CC #999999 #999966 #999933 #999900
#9966FF #9966CC #996699 #996666 #999933 #999900
#9933FF #9933CC #993399 #993366 #993333 #993300
#9900FF #9900CC #990099 #990066 #990033 #990000

#66FFFF #66FFCC #66FF99 #66FF66 #66FF33 #66FF00
#66CCFF #66CCCC #66CC99 #66CC66 #66CC33 #66CC00
#6699FF #6699CC #669999 #669966 #669933 #669900
#6666FF #6666CC #666699 #666666 #666633 #666600
#6633FF #6633CC #663399 #663366 #663333 #663300
#6600FF #6600CC #660099 #660066 #660033 #660000

#33FFFF #33FFCC #33FF99 #33FF66 #33FF33 #33FF00
#33CCFF #33CCCC #33CC99 #33CC66 #33CC33 #33CC00
#3399FF #3399CC #339999 #339966 #339933 #339900
#3366FF #3366CC #336699 #336666 #336633 #336600
#3333FF #3333CC #333399 #333366 #333333 #333300
#3300FF #3300CC #330099 #330066 #330033 #330000
#00FFFF #00FFCC #00FF99 #00FF66 #00FF33 #00FF00
#00CCFF #00CCCC #00CC99 #00CC66 #00CC33 #00CC00
#0099FF #0099CC #009999 #009966 #009933 #009900
#0066FF #0066CC #006699 #006666 #006633 #006600
#0033FF #0033CC #003399 #003366 #003333 #003300
#0000FF #0000CC #000099 #000066 #000033 #000000

All Rights Reserved by Aamir Khan| HTML Editor by Hacking Articles 
Thnx To MyBloggerTricks

Character Counter Tool

As you know, Both Post titles and Meta Description plays an key part in the eyes of search engines. It�s important that your Meta Description must not exceed 145 Characters including spaces and that your Post titles Must not exceed 66 Characters.So therefore, i have created a tool which can count characters.Its a simple tool, just copy your Meta description or Post tltle in Input area and press count, This tool will ciunt characters and show you the exact number or count.


All Rights Reserved by Aamir Khan | HTML Editor by Hacking Articles 
Enjoy and share your thoughts.! 

Jquery Timeago Implementation with PHP.

Nowadays timeago is the most important functionality in social networking sites, it helps to updating timestamps automatically. Recent days I received few requests from 9lessons readers that asked me how to implement timeago plugin with dynamic loading live data using PHP. In this post I am just presenting a simple tip to implement timeago in a better way.

Timeaog Jquery PHP.

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Monetize your Windows 8 Applications with Lotaris

I was approached by Lotaris a while ago and asked if I would do a review of their platform. Having not heard of the company before, I waded in and started looking around and was quietly surprised by what I found. If you’re interested in making more money for your paid apps or a higher revenue stream plus tracking and analytics, read on.

Maximize your revenue on the Windows Store
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Meta Tags Generator Tool For Blogger

By the grace of ALLAH and long strugle, I have completed the coding of this tool.This is an atomated tool used for generating META TAGS for your BLOG or WEBSITE.Meta tags are very essential for search engines and SEO.
Follow these tips for writing best blog description and for choosing the most relevant keywords for your blog.

1) Meta Description:
Describe your blog in max 150 letters.I have added the following META DESCRRIPTION for my Blog.

A Blog about Blogger Tricks, Blogger Templates, Blogger Widgets, SEO, Make Money Online and muc more...

2) Meta Keywords:
Meta keywords are words which are relevent to your blog.
i.e I have added the following
Blogger widgets, bloogger templates, blogger widgets, blogger seo ,rlogger tricks etc.
So chose it wisely for your blog.

3) Meta Author:
This tag is not so important, but still every one attach their name to the blog.Dont use NICK names. Use your full name.

4) Meta Robot:
Sometimes you don't want search engine robots to crawl or index your blog in search engines, so you can simply tell the robots that don't crawl the data of the blog using the No follow tag or No index tag.
Leave it as, if you wanna index all your posts in search engines.


Follow the simples steps below to create your META TAGS in Less than a minute:

  • Enter your blog description in first input area.
  • Enter your blog keywords in second input area.Dont use more than 12 keywords.
  • Enter  blog author name in Third input area. For example Aamir Khan
  • If you want to index all your posts in Search engines tesults Than leave it on ALL.
  • Now click on CREATE META TAGS button.
  • Now a popup will open for confirmation, click on OK.
  • Thats it.You have almost done!
  • Last step, Now copy your meta tags and press ctrk+f and search for <head>and paste your meta tags right before it.
  • Congratulations You have added the META TAGS to your blog.
  • Now your blog will easily get index in GOOGLE, BING YAHoo etc


Author (Optional):
Robots (Optional):
Copyright � 2012 All Rights Reserved by Aamir Khan @ Hacking Articles
Share this tool with your friends.....and keep enjoying!

Add Transparent Social Sharing Gadget To Blogger

Social sharing gadgets play an important role in blogging, Bloggers every day develop new style of social sharing widgets.Today m here to show you how to add TRANSPARENT sharing Widget to your blogger Which floats.


  • Log in to your Bogger account. 
  • Go to Design CLICK ON Page elements. 
  • Click on Add A Gadget and select select HTML/Javascript.
  • Paste the below code in HTML gadget.

<!-- floating page sharers Start by --><style type="text/css">#pageshare {position:fixed; bottom:15%; margin-left:-71px; float:left;background:transparent;padding:0 0 2px 0;z-index:10;}#pageshare .sbutton {float:left;clear:both;margin:5px 5px 0 5px;}.fb_share_count_top {width:48px !important;}.fb_share_count_top, .fb_share_count_inner {-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}.FBConnectButton_Small, .FBConnectButton_RTL_Small {width:49px !important; -moz-border-radius:3px;/*bs-fsmsb*/-webkit-border-radius:3px;}.FBConnectButton_Small .FBConnectButton_Text {padding:2px 2px 3px !important;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;font-size:8px;}</style><div id='pageshare' title="Get this from"><div class='sbutton' id='fb'><a title="Post to Google Buzz" class="google-buzz-button" href="" data-button-style="normal-count"></a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div><div class='sbutton' id='rt'><script src="" type='text/javascript'></script></div><div class='sbutton' id='su'><script src=""></script></div><div class='sbutton' id='digg' style='margin-left:3px;width:48px'><script src='' type='text/javascript'></script><a class="DiggThisButton DiggMedium"></a></div><div class='sbutton' id='gplusone'><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><g:plusone size="tall"></g:plusone></div>
<div align='center'><a href=''>Get This</a></div>
<!-- floating page sharers by End --></div>
  • Now save the gadget and click on save page elements on the top.
You are all done. Reload your blog and see!

Add an Ad Space or Gadget Area Beside Blogger Header

But today we gonna learn how to add an ad space or gadget area below blogger header. We can use it for displayind ads and earn some money, we can also use it for displaying or adding any gadget.

Affter adding you will see a new GADGET space like below image:

LETS START! Be carefull wile performing the below steps.
  • Go to Design => Edit HTML [in new blogger interface go to Template => Edit HTML].
  • Then Find the following codes or similar codes. [Press Ctrl+F; then search for it]
#header {
margin: 5px;
border: 1px solid $bordercolor;
text-align: center;

  • Now replace the above codes with the code given below. 
#header {
          height: 90px;}
#top-ad {
         width: 470px;
         float: right;
         margin-top: 5px;
         padding: 0;

  • Again find the code below. 
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id="header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='NAME OF YOUR BLOG (Header)' type='Header'>
 Note: You can only find the <div id='header-wrapper'>  code and the rest will be below that code. 

  • Finally replace it with the code below. 
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<div id='header'>
<b:section class='header' id='blog-title' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='NAME OF YOUR BLOG (Header)' type='Header'/>

<div id='top-ad'>
<b:section class='top-ad' id='top-ad' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='HTML3' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'/>
  • Now save your template
You're all done with adding a gadget area or an ad space beside your blogger header.

Add Email Subscription Box Below Every Post In Blogger

Yesterday i posted  about Add Meta Tags To Your Blog For Better SEO .Today i will show you how to add email and social subscription box below every post.A subscription box doesn't really help you out to get the highest level of subscribers when it's on the sidebar. If you have a subscription box below OUR posts then it may help us to achieve targeted subscribers for your blog.

Subscription box will look like image below:

How to add a social and email subscription box below every blogger posts? LETS START.

Step One: Go to Design => Edit Template [In new blogger interface: go to Template => Edit HTML].

Step Two: Click on Expand widget Template  and find /* FOOTER */  .

Step Three: Just above /* FOOTER */  paste the following code. 

.stay-connected {
background: #ffffff;
margin: 10px 0 10px 0;
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;
overflow: auto;
#stay-icons {
float: left;
margin: 0 5px 0 0;
padding: 2px;
/*end stay connected*/

Step Four: Then Find <data:post.body/> and the paste the following code just below <data:post.body/>.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='stay-connected'><h2>Stay Connected With Free Updates</h2><table border='0'><tbody>
<a href='YOUR FEEDBURNER URL' imageanchor='1' style='margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;' target='_blank'><img border='0' src=''/></a></td><td>
<a href='' imageanchor='1' style='margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;' target='_blank'><img border='0' src=''/></a></td><td>
<a href='FACEBOOK PAGE URL' imageanchor='1' style='margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;' target='_blank'><img border='0' src=''/></a></td><td>

<div class='spice-email' style='margin-left:20px;'>
Subscribe via Email
<form action='' id='feedform' method='post' onsubmit=';FEEDBURNER FEED NAME&apos;, &apos;popupwindow&apos;, &apos;scrollbars=yes,width=520,height=520&apos;);return true' target='popupwindow'>
<input class='textarea' gtbfieldid='3' name='email' onblur='if(this.value==&apos;&apos;)this.value=this.defaultValue;' onfocus='if(this.value==this.defaultValue)this.value=&apos;&apos;;' type='text' value='Enter Your Email'/>
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value='FEEDBURNER FEED NAME'/><input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/>
<input class='spice-emailsubmit' type='submit' value='Submit'/>
Note: You can also paste this code below <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> at times to show it below other widget's. [Don't forget to change the RED texts] 

Step Five: Click on Save Template.
yOU HAVE DONE.Now reload your blog and see the magic!.If you face any probleb, just comment below.