How to Make Money From Your Blog Using Kajabi

How to Make Money From Your Blog Using Kajabi
Well you must have heard about one new product related to sales, marketing and management. Yes I am talking about �Kajabi�. Basically Kajabi is a platform that might help you to sell your information and knowledge online through your blog. Yes you are thinking it right. If you are a skilled person with lots of knowledge related to no matter what (science, technology, fashion. Books, movies or what so ever) you can simply make a blog and can generate revenue streams using Kajabi. Isn�t that so amazing? In This article, we will show you how to make money from your blog using Kajabi.
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How to Know if You�re Hiring a Reputable Web Design Agency?

How to hire a web design agencyAfter the launch of our web development and mobile app development agency, many of you asked us how to know if a web design company can be trusted and what are some of the things that must be kept in mind while hiring a reputable web design agency that may provide high quality service at a competitive price. Did you know there are over one billion websites on the world wide web? While each of these websites has its own design, it goes without saying that some are better than others. A good web design requires a good team of web designers. Today we will discuss in detail five basic advices that  would help you to kick start your online business without worrying about the challenges that come during the web design process.

Just recently several of my friends kick started their online business firms, some of them are located in USA, Australia and UK. I asked one of my friends who recently started Sydney web design agency in Australia and took his advice on how to identify trustworthy web design agencies from those which are unprofessional or untrustworthy. I also asked some of my colleagues in USA who work with different software houses for their precious views and advices. Based on this research I am sharing below five points of experienced and credible advice that will point you towards the right provider.


1. Visit Their Website!

view their websiteIt doesn�t get any easier than this. Visit the website of the company you are considering. While there, focus on everything from the layout to the color scheme. If you like what you see, you�re on the right track. If you don�t, it�s time to move on.

2. Read Customer Reviews

read customer reviewsIn today�s day and age, it�s easier than ever to dig up information on any type of company. This is particularly true of web design agencies, where it seems like the top providers have five star reviews spanning many rating services. Positive reviews will go a long way in putting your mind at ease.

3. Ask For References

The best web design companies have no problem providing several references. In fact, they�ll want you to check with past clients before moving forward.

Ask for references

Conversely, there are companies that do whatever they can to steer you away from this. Rather than provide references, they come up with a variety of excuses as to why they are unable to do so.

4. Discuss The Details

Even if you aren�t part of the web design industry, it never hurts to become familiar with the lingo. As you discuss your project with the company, this will allow you to better understand if they truly know what they�re talking about.

Discuss the details

From above the fold to XHTML, there are plenty of words and phrases that the top web design agencies will throw into the conversation. You may not understand each one, but this shows that the company is knowledgeable on their subject matter.

5. It�s Not All About Price

There is no denying the fact that you want to find a web design agency that provides high quality results at an affordable price.

It's not all about price

However, there�s something you need to remember: it�s not all about the money. If a company continually talks about price, telling you that they are cheaper than the competition, it should throw up a red flag. The cost to build a website can and will differ based on a variety of factors, from the scope of the project to the functionality to the programming. There will come a time when you talk numbers, but this shouldn�t be the end all.


Regardless of your industry or goals, it�s important to have a high quality website design that impresses your customers and prospects. There are many visually appealing designs out there, all of which can give you the inspiration you need. Once you have a basic idea of what you�re looking for, you can then begin your search for a web design agency. With the above advice guiding you, you�ll find it easier to compare companies in an attempt to make a decision that will suit you well.

Even if you�re in a hurry, even if you�re working on a tight budget, you never want to hire �just any� web design agency. This is an important decision, so you should treat it as such.  I hope these tips and advices may help you in making the right decision. Let me know if you have any queries :)

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The Bottom Line of SEO in 2017 ?

You know? potential of every business to make money will last for first three months of 2017.
Yes or no, you should take it serious as I have investigated this thing for last three years and got the results as people in even third month of the every new year searches for new year offers.

And here is the potential! potential to make more money in the name of happy new year 2017.
The Bottom Line of SEO in 2017 ?
We should take advantage of this year, and to take advantage of this new year coming just after some day - here I am with you to tell you that how you can sky rocket your business blog or eCommerce website's traffic by doing great search engine optimization as per as year 2017 requirements.

I will keep it accurate and quick for you to do the main thing first.
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5 Best Ways to Start Career as a Writer | #3 is a must read

There are many people who want to turn their passion into a source of income.

However, not many of them manage to succeed when it comes to practice.

Why does it happen? Probably because they didn�t have a clear plan or they didn�t know where to start.

That's why if you want to start to make money from writing, you have to understand what to do the first.
5 Best Ways to Start Career as a Writer
And this article will help you with that ??

Here you can find several useful tips that will help you to start your bright and brilliant writing career.
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How To Quickly Reduce Bounce Rate Of Your Blog - In One Day!

Reducing bounce rate of your blog is very important for making visitors to stick to your blog and navigate to more pages without the pain of waiting.

You may already know about exit rate and you think that bounce rate is example of exit rate!

But you are wrong here, believe me or not but bounce rate fully different to exit rate ?? don't make your face like that one because here is my case study to increase traffic and reduce bounce rate easily in just one day

As exit rate is something when people visits your blog and clicks on close tab button instantly and the bounce rate is about when they visits your blog and exit after reading some text without visiting any other page.
How To Quickly Reduce Bounce Rate Of Your Blog
The best example is:
  • Google: In my study Google's bounce rate is more then the exit rate.

    As people love it and do search for almost everything. But they just go to its homepage and search their desires thing - here they found something and they just bounce to that page.

    Note the point that they are not clicking on exit button nor going to visit Google's next page. Which means the bounce rate is going up and the exit rate is low - as after some minutes they comeback to Google for searching more items.
However they are using a strategy to reduce the bounce rate by sending searchers to search engine results pages and by this the Google user automatically visits 2nd page which results in good bounce rate.

    If you are a webmaster or a blogger (newbie/professional) and use Google Analytics or Alexa then may be you see a box saying Bounce Rate of your website or you can say your blog.
    If you don't know about bounce rate then read this quick guide and learn about what is bounce rate of a website.
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    Top 7 Best Blogging Strategies for 2017

    Top 7 Best Blogging Strategies for 2017
    Blogging that once was a fantasy word for writers has now gained momentum in both literal and contextual meaning. From expressing ideas and being known as an online diary, a blog today stands as one of the most powerful web marketing platforms and a very attractive place to earn money through writing, graphical and comical skills. With a welcoming Christmas season, the world is almost ready to enter 2017; but here is what you need to know before starting a blog in 2017. Competition has become exorbitant- Ideas have become rare. Today in this article, we will show you Top 7 best blogging strategies of 2017.
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    6 Things to Consider Before Using Expired Domains [Infographic]

    Many confusions are hovering over the heads of bloggers when they come to expired domains.

    They try to find guidance on buying expired domains in many ways such as searching on Google or asking friends on social media networks.

    They can't get the help they need and this makes them fall-down.
    So, I wanted to share these helpful tips which you have to consider before using expired domains. ??
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    Guide To 25+ SEO Mistakes & How You Can Fix Them (Infographic)

    SEO can be a tricky art even for the best of us. It consists a lot of techniques both on-page as well as off-page.

    These techniques are frequently changed to keep them from being misused and thus, in this ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization, you need to keep a tab on the latest SEO updates & changes, if you want to avoid hurting your site?s ranking & traffic.

    Moreover, SEO is the key element to online success and hence, understanding how it works and implementing the best SEO techniques on your website is a must, in order to boost your site?s performance & functionality.
    Guide To 25+ SEO Mistakes & How You Can Fix Them (Infographic)
    However, like mentioned above SEO can be tricky.

    If you are not abreast with the changes, you are bound to make SEO mistakes that can affect your site?s performance and thus, knowing what SEO mistakes you need to avoid and fixing this should be your first priority, even before you do anything else.

    Now, what are these SEO mistakes that I am talking about?

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    9 On-Page Killer SEO Tips for Newbie Bloggers

    SEO� (on-page) is crucial for any blog, be it old or new. It ultimately decides the fate of your website.

    When I started blogging back in 2014, I had no clue about SEO.

    I thought blogging was as simple as writing few lines and hitting the publish button. I was wrong though ?

    SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization.
    9 On-Page Killer SEO Tips for Newbie Bloggers
    It is divided into two major categories that are On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

    Today I am going to discuss 9 On-Page SEO tips that you need to follow if you are starting new.
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    5 Reasons Why Blogger Outreach is Crucial for SEO

    5 Reasons Why Blogger Outreach is Crucial for SEO
    SEO, or search engine optimization, is key to driving traffic to your website and business. This is incredibly important, after all, what�s the point in spending all that time and effort on creating a brilliant website, if no one�s ever going to see it. You can�t just rely on users finding it by chance, this just won�t get you anywhere. You need to make it happen. Blogger outreach is basically the process of asking bloggers to write guest posts, featuring or reviewing your products or services, to get you exposure. In this article, we will show you 5 reasons why blogger outreach is crucial for SEO.
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    How to Come Up With Great Creative Headlines

    The title is wherever your center ought to happen.

    You should initiate and complete each article with the question:
    �Is the article headline great enough to compel an audience?"
    If you find that it isn't, avoid posting your content until you are confident about your catchy headline.
    How to Come Up With Great Creative Headlines
    Just imagine your success. You will receive a lot of readers, more engagement, and loyalty.
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    Ultimate Guide to Promote the Blog Through Social Media Networks

    There is actually no point in writing blog posts that don�t get enough views.

    In other words, blog needs promotion.

    Except for just relying on your search engine traffic, you still need to try out other channels.

    And you will achieve much better results if you get armed with some tried and tested techniques that experienced marketers use themselves.
    Ultimate Guide to Promote the Blog Through Social Media Networks
    Here is how you can double or even triple your blog traffic with the help of social media.
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    November 2016 - 2nd Week Earnings Report

    Hey dear well wishers and haters!

    This is my proof to make you trust on online world and know that earning money at internet is possible. I am here to provide you an earnings report about another week in my life and this is just another week.

    I don't want to make anybody hurt with this report and that is why I don't share my earnings and stats with anyone.
    November 2016 - 2nd Week Earnings Report
    It may cause some misconceptions as many newbies will think that they can't earn that much I am earning right now and they left their work before earning a penny.

    Being a simple boy I don't wanna erase someone's hope of earning money online.
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    How to Write A Guest Post Pitch That Gets Accepted Every Time

    Guest posting is generally creating content and eventually publishing it on the website of another person. It is frequently done to create more visibility of a company in the online space.

    On the business front, guest posting is advantageous.

    This is because it increases the number of people advertising content on a website. Thus, the business reaches new audiences and new clients.

    It also increases the online authority of you as the guest post writer and also the business in the online space.
    How to Write A Guest Post Pitch That Gets Accepted Every Time
    Guest posting, in a way, also builds your freelance writing portfolio. This is especially so with those who are just starting out. Well, gaining visibility will be a challenge for any newbie out there and this might dampen their spirits.

    However, guest posting is a smart strategy to build your freelance experience. Strategically choose blogs that are popular with your target audience and start guest posting there.

    If you are one of the veteran freelancers and you think you have been doing mainstream writing for too long, then try out guest posting. This will provide a break from your normal routine and you'll be trying new ventures so to speak.
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    7 Ways to Be Ingenious While Writing the Article for Your Blog

    There was a time that seems so long ago when blogging was left to the introspective �talking to my diary� type people.

    It was considered a hobby and the only people who could derive any value out of it are the authors who either did not have enough to put out a book or just wanted the additional airtime for promotional purposes.

    Today, though, the tides have shifted. Bloggers are now influencers in social media, they are consultants to companies seeking publicity, and sources of information for the public.

    Some companies have appreciated their importance and they now run blogs that serve all their needs. That said, the level of productivity of the various parties running blogs varies.
    7 Ways to Be Ingenious While Writing the Article for Your Blog
    Should you be one of the parties for whom the results are not shaping up as expected, perhaps you should stop and reflect on your writing style.

    Similarly, if you are about to join the blogosphere, you should stop at this point to ensure that once you launch into that world you will not find yourself needing readjustment too soon due to dismal results.

    Of course, blogging is majorly about writing and it is the biggest determinant of blogging success.
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    Google Adsene In URDU/HINDI, PDF free Download - 2017

    After getting many requests on this topic I am here to teach you all about Google Adsense by giving a PDF book for free.

    As you all know nowadays earning money online is not easy as many newbies think.

    But! Google Adsense made it easy with its best and perfect features. At this time creating an Adsense account in Pakistan and India is though enough.
    • Therefore I decided to share a all in one PDF book with you all.
    Yes! With this free e-book (PDF book) you can learn all about Google Adsense and its features.
    Learn Google Adsene In URDU - Download PDF Book free
    Many peoples are doing well in industry of blogging and making money online also we can do it by using Google Adsense on our blogs.

    But the question is How to make a blog and how to earn money from blog?, we have an perfect and meaningful answer for you all.

    Don't worry about your skills and knowledge just read out PDF book once, I guarantee you that you will definitely start making money shortly.
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