Can Navigation Location Negatively Impact Your Blog's SEO?

It's one of the most common questions that I get to see on #AskHassam Facebook group where brothers and sisters ask about how the placement of blog's navigation bar could affect their SEO. What if they place the navigation bar anywhere else apart from the top and how it could affect the blog's search engine optimization. (SEO).

Let's get right into the question.

Placement of Navigation

The placement of blog's navigation bar doesn't need to be at the top, to avoid negative SEO. Though that being said, note that search engine crawlers go through your blog's code from top to bottom and anything that comes first gains attention.

Much like how the header section gains more attention in the eyes of search engines compared to how footer of a blog or a website is tackled.

  • [message]
    •  ##check## Heat Map Tools & Analytics 
      •  Though my advice on this would be to know the power of reading your blog's stats how readers are actually playing with it. If you yet haven't tried a heat map on your blog, you can go check out how 'Crazy Egg' heat map tool could help you out in this regard.

If you're looking forward to replacing the top navigation with a call to action (CTA), like taking your blog's readers towards a landing page that aims to sell a certain product of yours, you can surely do that.

Though keep in mind, that navigation plays a vital role on any website or a blog. Users come by and first look for navigation and get an idea of what the site has to offer.

So my take on that would be to use any navigation design that goes in the sidebar atleast like slideout navigation so that the user gets to see the internal links of your blog in 'above the fold' section of your blog.
Above the fold area is all the section of your blog that shows up to the reader without them doing any scrolling down.

The best way is to test your reader's behavior and how they interact with different UI changes on your blog. You can see how users flow gets effected using Google Analytics too.

Link Juice Distribution

 One of the most important advice I could give is to stop designing your blog's navigation, keeping in mind how it will affect your 'link juice distribution'. Meaning by that how search engine authority of a particular page on your blog would get effected by linking it up on the home page (that has the highest authority generally, in the eyes of the search engines).

  • [message]
    •  ##check## Visualize Your Reader's Behavior
      •  Keep your readers in mind and design your navigation as to what will help them the most. Ask yourself? What if you landed on your blog for the first time? What would you be looking for?

Previously people did all sort of things to manipulate search engine authority of a particular page on their blog or a website, though it's clear that if your content offers the purpose of why it's there in the first place, you'd see how it would rank up in the search results automatically.

Simply focus on what value your blog/website offers to your visitors? Why should they be on your blog? Is your content interesting? Do you publish out fresh content frequently? Is your blog easy to grasp?

Design your blog's UI navigation keep in mind all those questions and you won't have to worry much. Bring out the best of your website/blog in your navigation, even if it's in the slideout style in the sidebar.

Hope that helped you out. If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comment section below.

How to Add a Background Image in Blogger Blog

How to Add a Background image in Blogger Blog
Are you bored with your blog and want to make it look more engaging by adding a Background image to your Blogger site? Background images can be viewed as a valuable aid for making your website look more appealing and pleasing to your users. Today in this article, we will teach how to add a background image to your blogger site easily.
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5 Tips for Entrepreneurs to Make More Money in Less Time

They say success lies in experience, and wisdom lies in the mistakes you�ve made in the past.

For new entrepreneurs who are fresh rookies to the world of business and weighing pros and cons, it may be hard to get accustomed to it.

If you don�t already idealize someone in the business world who has seen failures, downfall and eventually success, fear not.

We�re here to tell you all the things that really matter when it comes to earning more in less time, especially for those who are new to this.

The most important thing is to be tech savvy in today�s world: if your business is not at the top of its game on the internet and all over social media (as most of the literate human population feeds off the internet, and now makes purchases off the internet) the inevitability of success loses its strength, and your business is bound to take a hit, considering the saturation in today�s market, and the competitiveness we all witness, no matter what the nature of your business.
girl half naked, using laptop images, laptop images, girl on laptop stock images, free stock images download, girl using laptop
Get the best internet plans for your business to go digital, that won�t pose hindrances in your heavy internet usage required to stay ahead of competition, and make sure your official website, and social media pages are regularly managed and active � which needs 24/7 high speed connectivity with the digital world.

Getting this first essential out of the way, let�s get down to points that are bound to help new entrepreneurs earn more, and witness success sooner than they imagined.

1. Pen down your vision � Make a plan

Having a vision is as good as dreaming of Narnia � well, almost.

Unless you bring it down on paper, and add the discipline it needs to bring your dreams to reality, and to sell it to others, become famous and successful.

To start and run a steady business, you must make a realistic business plan which will have a proper timeline, resource allocation, funds if required and finances needed, the product descriptions and representations, and your business idea, how to make it unique and different from others.

Do this, and ask someone who�s an expert. Great, now you�re one step closer to success

2. Work Smart

Working night and day with do nothing for you if you�re not thinking smart � except maybe tire you out, which is never a good thing.

Think of the positive shortcuts which will help you achieve your purpose faster, and instead of spending hours doing something, just use the latest technological means to do so in less than half that time; given that it achieves the same result for example, using the best internet plans to market and research, as opposed to all other means of doing so.

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AMP Blogger Templates - Advantages Vs. Disadvantages


Do you want to implement Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in Blogger? Or you would like to know the advantages and serious disadvantages of creating an AMP Blogger Template? If your answer is yes, then you have landed on the right page. Before making your site ready for AMP, please read why major companies have not yet adopted AMP.

IMPORTANT: All AMP Blogger Templates that you find online are not AMP at all!

What are Mobile Accelerated Pages (AMP)?

AMP HTML is an open source project by Google to provide mobile-optimized content that can load instantly everywhere. In short AMP makes your site load faster like a speeding bullet on smart phones but by sacrificing major portion of your advertisement revenue and third-party JavaScript.

Google started this project as competition to Apple News App and Facebook Instant articles.

FB instant articles is platform dependent, meaning your website get traffic from Facebook users alone and you can't provide the same bullet speed to your website visitors coming from search engines.

Same is the disadvantage with Apple News App where you can't publish your own content.

But AMP is platform independent, providing publishers to optimize content for mobile and make it accessible for all devices through a web browser. It has some advantages but several cons, which are worth noting before you opt-for AMP.

Following are some of AMP restrictions

  • Allow only asynchronous scripts
  • Size all resources statically
  • Don�t let extension mechanisms block rendering
  • Keep all third-party JavaScript out of the critical path
  • All CSS must be inline and size-bound less than 50,000 bytes
  • Font triggering must be efficient
  • Minimize style recalculations
  • Prioritize resource loading

Can you Implement AMP in Blogger?

Yes you can but partially!

Blogger team has officially not implemented AMP in Blogger blogs. Blogger XHTML templates currently do not support AMP HTML tags.

Designers who are implementing AMP in blogspot are forcibly removing important XML tags from the template which is not recommended and will seriously effect your blog in the long run.

This forcible action of making a blogger template AMP, is same as if you place a Mercedes engine inside a low budget car and expect it to drive fast. Yes the car could be forced to run the Mercedes engine but with no support to its best features. Thus wasting your entire effort!

You can surely create an AMP Blogger Template for your blogspot blog but by sacrificing several important features of Blogger and look of the template. AMP in short will convert your blog into an ugly Flat CSS/HTML design without allowing third-party fancy jQuery and JS effects.


AMP uses just some custom HTML tags that needs to be inserted inside your blogger theme to make it AMP validated. Once validated, Google will add the AMP icon next to your blogspot blog in search results. You can expect better traffic but by sacrificing ad revenue and blog look.

Difference Between AMP and Responsive Templates

AMP = Responsive Template + Custom HTML Tags

Before converting your template to AMP, it must be first made mobile responsive by adding CSS media queries and several breakpoints.

AMP is basically a much simplified/optimized version of your responsive template with addition of some custom HTML tags.

Just like your have a diet Pepsi Cola, you have a Diet HTML page today named as AMP.

Are AMP Templates Faster Than Responsive Templates?

Theoretically AMP Page must load faster than a normal responsive page but if a page is not coded properly than the same AMP page could load slower compared to a mobile responsive page.

Responsive Templates displays both the sidebar, footer and run all third-party JavaScript. Responsive blogger theme is simply a mobile compatible version of your desktop theme with almost the same features, widgets, plugins and other web elements.

In AMP Templates, you can't use a stylesheet greater than 50,000 bytes, you also can not use third-party widgets such as add-to-cart buttons or social media sharing buttons of your choice. AMP will convert your professional looking desktop look into a flat design with just the Logo, Menu, Post Body and footer.

When you sacrifice so much for load time, then of course, such a light weight AMP page will perform and load much faster compared to a responsive page.

Pros and Cons of AMP Blogger Templates

Following are important advantages and disadvantages of using AMP Blogger Templates:

Advantages Disadvantages
1. AMP templates load Faster

AMP pages load much faster compared to a responsive blogger template.
1. AMP Badly Effects Your Ad Revenue.

You won't make as much money as you were making with a full mobile website.
2. AMP templates Improves Ranking

AMP improved SERPs ranking and organic traffic The Washington Post by 23%
2. You Can Not Use JavaScript at all!

All those interactive widgets and plugins that make your blog look cool are not allowed. You have to use an off-the-shelf JavaScript library that Google provides you with.
You can however use the AMP iframe but it will be loaded slowly with a condition that the iframe must be at least 600px or 75% of the first viewport away from the top.
3. Your Blog pageviews would increase.

Blog Pages will load instantly thus providing a better user experience as far as speed is concerned.
3. You Can't use Blogger Comment Form.

You can however use either Facebook/Disqus/Google+ comment plugins instead but since the official comment form by Blogger uses iframe which can't be edited so it's not allowed.
4. AMP templates are best suited for news blogs. 4. You Can't Use Blogger Template Editor

You can't customize your template in Template Editor. <b:skin> tags and <b:template-skin> tags are removed or comment-out.
  5. All Images Posted Must Be Edited

You will need to edit <img> tags of all images inside your blog posts one by one with amp supported tag of <amp-img>. Which of course is time consuming in blogger if you have over 100 posts.
  6. You can't use Widgets in Sidebar

AMP does not allow third-party JavaScript. If you wish to use a widget that runs on JavaScript then you can't use it.
Some widgets available in layout section that uses text+image are supported only after their code is edited inside template section to make it compatible.
  7. You Can't Sell items on your Blog

The Add-to-Cart button is not allowed
  8. All Videos and Audios embedded inside Posts Must Be Edited

You will need to edit all your YouTube/Facebook/Vimeo videos, all your soundcloud audio clips through different embed tags as mentioned on this page.
  9. All iframe tags used inside Posts must be edited

You can display an iframe on your page only through the amp-iframe element.
  10. Email Subscription Form Can't Be Used

onclick, action, onsubmit, onfocus, onblur attributes are not allowed in AMP without which you can't possible create a subscription form for your blog readers unless you use an iframe.
  11. AMP supports limited Ad Networks.

BuySellAds does not currently support AMP. You will suffer greatly in BSA revenue if you go for AMP. At present only AdSense ads are properly supported.
  12. XMLNS attributes must be removed

xmlns attribute are added inside the opening <html> tag if your blog that gives important information to web browser about the web technology being used by your blog.

AMP asks you to remove all such attributes and add only the amp="amp" attribute.
Your blog will not be validated by if the xmlns attribute which specifies the xml namespace for a document is missing.

Do We Recommend AMP?

Honestly speaking AMP is not the best choice of all publishers. Even corporate news blogs like Washington Post and CNN who were using AMP previously and openly supported last year, seems reluctant to support it in 2017. You can clearly see AMP tags removed by these two sites and they no more support it.

AMP does speed up your site but on the expense of your Ad revenue and less freedom on customization. Without freedom of UI customization, no technology can survive.

An article by Wall Street Journal expressed serious concerns of publishers who did not find AMP very helpful in improving their ad revenue. Some even complained that an AMP page view currently generates around half as much revenue as a page view on their full mobile responsive websites.

Some publishers aren�t generating as much ad revenue as they had hoped - The Wall Street Journal

AMP is not a good option for Blogger platform at present because there is no official support present for it currently. Forcibly converting a templates code to AMP will only make it a headache for people not quite well versed with code tweaking.

I will recommend that you wait and let Blogger team provide a CMS support to implement AMP in Blogger themes. Just like Blogger provided support for https when we raised questions on how Blogger blogs will solve absolute image urls issue in https. 

MBT is currently mobile responsive and we won't opt for AMP unless a proper support is given officially by Blogger.

For Wordpress users, there is a plugin called AMP For Wordpress that you can use to convert your WP site into an AMP site, but as I mentioned, yes you will get a fast load time but at the expense of ad revenue and less freedom.

Please share your precious thoughts on this trending topic and let us know whether you like AMP or you would expect more improvement on it. If you are already using an AMP supported blogger theme, please share your experience with us. Peace buddies! =)

Guide For Making Money Online With A Legitimate Workforce

Over the past few years, more and more consumers have looked outside of the box to find ways to generate an income. Some have turned to hobbies, while others have turned to the Internet. There is no doubt that it is possible to make money by relying on both. The Internet offers a rare opportunity for anyone that is interested in starting a business. If you wish to create an Internet-based business, you�re first going to need to assemble a legitimate and highly effective workforce. This is often easier said than done. Use the tips below to ensure your workforce will be able to help you earn money.
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The ABC's Of Blogging - 26 Weird Tips To Inspire You!

Again: I am giving you an exclusive blog post to read.

It is on the basics of blogging and categorized using ABC's method.

You know before reading a English book you have to read ABC and mind it first.

This is what we have to learn before starting a blog.
Learn The ABC's Of Blogging - 26 Weird Tips To Inspire You!
Are you ready to learn ABC's of blogging?

Love to start blogging from scratch?.

Then! Here is a table of A to Z tips to do blogging easily and professionally.

??Tip: Bookmark this blog post for reading it again ;)

A for: A+ Grade

A+ grade is important now. In blogging industry we have to compete with many professionals. Quality is what makes your blog A+ Grade.

If your blog have gigantic quality, than you can easily got this point. Create about us and privacy pages too.

B for: Best In All Ways

Best can work best for you. People want best content on internet.

If you can provide them best, than you will get best in return. Make sure you have fresh and quality content on your blog. Design your blog professionally with responsive looks.

C for: Colossal Words

Colossal words makes good impression on readers. Always write like professional and business bloggers. Don't use article spinners for this work. Learn English language and then try to add colossal words in your blog posts.

D for: Do Dare

Do dare with your readers for creating unique content.

Ask them questions at end of your blog posts. Tell them that you will write on their suggested topics. Do reply to all comments on your blog and try to talk like a human :)

E for: Exclusively Exploit

Exclusively exploit new things in your industry.

Publish news articles on latest happenings in your industry. People will share them and you will get good traffic too.

F for: Free Gifts

Fascinate your blog with freemium content.

People love free tools and other things. Make sure you are not giving garbage for free. Buy products and create giveaways for them. It will increase your subscribing list too.

G for: Grow with Guarantee

Giving guarantee for an tip or product to your readers makes sense. Try to give guarantee on your advices and product reviews.

NOTE: Don't give guarantee on all items. If you are 100% sure then make a statement other vice not needed.

H for: Helpful Articles

Helpful articles can give a boost to your traffic.

You can gain trust of your readers and they will subscribe to your RSS.

Write How-To articles and make guides on your industry related issues. For example: If you are a health blogger than you can make tutorials on fitness and yoga.

I for: Improvement in Blogging

Important improvements can be good fact for your success in blogging world.

Try to add more functionality in your blog. Add latest and fruitful plugins, create a eye-catchy header, use sidebar of your blog for advertising and best posts links. If you have a search box on your blog then it's great.

J for: Just Post It!

Jerk and jolt the with web with searching and researching.

Before writing about any topic make sure you have enough information about that. If you don't then try to search on web using different tools. Use and reddit for viral content.

K for: Kock-out New Content

Knock the door of news websites and get new topics to blog on.

You have to kock-out fresh content on your blog. People love to read about new things. You can write on startups and other viral content. Try to publish a news first then others.

L for: Luxury lines

Lines and luxury?. It means try to add some great to read lines in your blog posts.

For example: A car insurance company will give you a brand new car on your crash. This line is really a luxury line for new car buyers. Hope you got my point.

M for: Mainstream Articles

Magic on your readers with mainstream articles.

Mainstream articles don't need to update. As this article you are reading doesn't need to get an update.

Add a top posts widget in sidebar of your blog. So! People can easily navigate to your mainstream articles. You can add a slider with your great article's link in it.

N for: Noting The Issues

Note issues with new startups and post on your blog.

Give notice to your readers about something new or weird ready to happen on your blog. Write at-least one line starting with NOTE word.

O for: Outstanding Offers

Offer something great as a gift to your readers.

If you have a outstanding thing to giveaway then it will increase your authority in people's minds. If you can't give something really, try to consult newbies for free. This will work 100%.

P for: Power Your Perspective

Professionally give tips on any topic you can write on.

For example: If you are a business blogger then try to stand out as a business person not as a artist.

Q for: Quality Matters

Quickness and quality content will lead you to the best in your niche.

Publish only quality blog posts not bullshits. You know why Google is the #1 in search engine world?. Probably yes! It has those qualities which are needed to have in a search engine.

R for: Rewarding!

Reward your loyal readers. Add a page and write about your rewards.

Start a game with your readers. Tell them, if a reader leaves precious comments for a month.

(more then others in quantity). Then he/she will get a XXX. If he/she submit a guest post that goes viral. He/She will get permanent backlink from your blog etc.

S for: Simplistic Skills

Start making tutorials on simplistic and worthy skills.

Write about how people can do less and earn more online.

Simple guides are easy to write for you and best for your readers. You just have to audit/review about that skills before posting them to your blog.

T for: The Terrific Ways

Teach your readers about terrific ways of doing something.

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Ways to Find Epic Blog Writers for Your Site

Any blog requires a lot of time and effort spent on it to become popular.

However, when a blog becomes popular, this doesn�t mean that you need to work less on it: on the contrary, that�s when a real job begins.

You need to meet the expectations of your audience, offering them interesting and unique content.

You also need to keep in touch with your readers both in the comments to your posts and on social media.

Moreover, at the same time you need to write good emails and provide your email subscribers with some kind of an exclusive content.

And don�t forget about guest posts: if you want the readers to keep coming to your blog, you have to write a lot of them.
Ways to Find Epic Blog Writers for Your Site
All these tasks require a lot of time, and even if your blog turns into your main source of income, the amount of work can still be overwhelming. That is why some bloggers decide to turn to blog writers for help.

A good writer can handle part of your tasks (or even all of them if you want), creating high-quality content of different kinds. They have both leader�s skills and talent and can make your blog even more popular. However, just as with many other professionals, a good blog writer is hard to find (especially if you don�t have any experience with it). That�s why I�m here to help you, offering 5 best ways to find the most epic writers for your blog.

1. Invite guest bloggers

If your blog is already quite popular, you can offer guest post option for other bloggers. Such option benefits both sides: guest bloggers get an opportunity to promote their own blogs and to attract new readers, while you receive interesting well-written content. This doesn�t mean that you have to stop writing your own posts, of course, but your readers will have something else to read your updates.

The important thing here is to write correct guest post guidelines: otherwise, you might find yourself in a situation when you have to spend hours reading and re-reading others� posts, making edits, and so on. Be sure that you mention everything that is important to you: the number and size of images (if they are allowed), whether you allow backlinks or not, what kind of content you accept, etc. This will simplify your work greatly. However, do not forget that you�ll still have to spend some time approving guest posts and answering emails from bloggers who have some questions and offers.

Ways to Find Epic Blog Writers for Your Site

2. Find freelance blog writers.

If you have a certain list of requirements and a certain budget, you can try looking for blog writers on various freelance websites like Upwork, Fiverr, etc. You can even hire a few writers if you want the content to be more varied. What�s even more important is that you should be able to specify the budget along with the requirements when you post a job offer. This can quicken and simplify the whole hiring process greatly as only the writers who agree to what you can offer will reply to your job offer.

3. Look for a blog writer among your readers.

It�s good to hire someone who not only has leader�s skills and a talent but also admires what you do. This way it would be easier for a writer to adapt to your writing style. Moreover, when a person likes what you do and understands your niche, they can come up with new topics for a blog easier as well as suggest new bright ideas too.

Of course, this doesn�t mean that you have to choose the first writer who agrees to create content for you. Make a contest or assign them a test task: this will help you to assess their skills and abilities better. Don�t rush with your choice: after all, this person will be working for you for a while.

4. Think about inviting the niche experts.

While this sounds challenging, it�s actually quite possible: you only have to be persuasive enough. If you manage to persuade a niche expert, you�ll receive high-quality content and will be able to build a useful connection too. However, it�s important not to sound too pushy.

That�s why think well before you make your offer. Try to come up with some arguments about why they should write for your blog, how it would benefit them, and so on. Remember that you are more interested in their services than they are in yours and so try to do your best!

Ways to Find Epic Blog Writers for Your Site

5. Look for writers on social media.

If you already have well-promoted social media accounts, you can use them to find a perfect blog writer who works in your niche or is interested in it. Post a detailed job offer (which has to be just as detailed as the one for freelance website) and encourage your audience to share it. Maybe you�ll be lucky enough to quickly find a writer who likes your blog and can create interesting content for you.
Don�t forget about LinkedIn too: it�s probably the best and the biggest social media for professionals of a different kind. There you can find not only people looking for a job but also the ones who are currently working but are open for proposals. That�s why it�s more convenient than Facebook or Twitter, where a writer�s reply could be seen by others.

And don�t forget: if you want to find the best writer, you have to make the best offer. Make your proposal clear and detailed, prepare a test task beforehand and be ready to spend some time on interviewing your potential candidates, looking through their portfolios, and checking their test articles. Maybe it won�t be easy but it�s a good thing: the more offers you receive, the higher are your chances to find a perfect writer for your blog.

I hope that these tips will help and I wish you good luck with finding the right candidate!

Top Paying Referral Programs for Bloggers in 2017

Hey! Welcome to 2017

Are you a blogger and willing to make money through affiliate marketing and selling products to your audience with custom offers or selected products?

Have faith? and start using some great to use affiliate networks so you can make this job easier in no time.

As you know I am a blogger too and blogging for years, now I found that earning money from doing affiliate marketing is still a best way.
Top Paying Referral Programs for Bloggers in 2017
That's why I am here to provide you a list of best and high paying affiliate networks, so you can start earning money through your blog.

Don't know what is affiliate marketing is? read here:
In affiliate marketing you have to choose a perfect product in your niche and register to its refer and earn program. In which you can start selling other's products and get your commissions.

Now read about top 10 highest paying affiliate networks and start earning money without investments and other things you pay for.

7 best Affiliate/Referral networks for Bloggers

Here's the list of 10 awesome and great affiliate networks for bloggers and online marketers.

Whatever! You can earn money by using some of these programs even without a blog, still we can say these platforms are the best platforms for bloggers.

Because they have all the possibility and tools which can be a need for bloggers to make money online. If you are a blogger you should bookmark this article for later read.

Now skip to the main content (below) and read what I have researched for you.
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SEO is Nothing - It's Just a Starting point for Newbies

Boom Boom SEO!

This is the line you (maybe your SEO boy) say after getting a high spot at serps. I don't.

Because I have the case studies on this matter.

I got many of mine blog posts on first page of Google Search just by content quality.

You know why I don't say Boom Boom SEO? Probably no!
SEO is Nothing - It's Just a Starting point for a Newbie blogger

I am not saying that SEO is dead or other crap words.

I said SEO is just a starting point for a newbie blogger. Don't take it very serious.

Wait and read this article, I will describe it to you.

SEO is basically nothing to cry about. If you do things professionally, you don't need to pay any SEO company. Let's learn how!
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Why On-Page Optimization is the Mystery Meat

Online Marketing.

I remember when those two words caused people to look blankly at you within a crowded room after they had asked something like, �so what do you do for a living?

Seems innocent enough.

Hearing the response, �I�m an Online Marketer� was always something they didn�t anticipate.

Then came the task of trying to explain what those two words meant.
Why On-Page Optimization is the Mystery Meat
Much has changed since those early days.

Changing Tides of SEO

Anyway, where was I?

Oh yes, talking about the web surfing I was doing. That�s when I found The Bottom Line of SEO in 2017 which offered thoughts on where SEO is headed as we move into the year 2017.

There was great stuff in that article. Two key areas of focus included:
  1. The Future of Social Networking
  2. The rage of mobile media
It is recommended reading in my opinion, though I believe there is an area where that article could experience further development.

That area?

On-page optimization.
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What is Guest Posting and How to Get Backlinks from it?

Getting traffic to your website or blog might take many methods; one of these methods is guest blogging.
  • To be clear and simple, what is guest blogging?
Guest blogging is the act of writing on other people�s blog as a guest writer, or at some time as an instructor but who is not actually the owner of the website or blog.

In this way, you are making many things happening by doing something like this, as you are expanding your reach, you are also getting Backlinks for your blog.

But this doesn�t grant you the opportunity to guest post on all kind of blog you find on the web however.
What is Guest Posting and how to get Backlinks from it?
If you do these, it will ruin your reputation you have with people as a blogger; you will be seen as a spammer.

In this article today we shall examine the right way to guest blogging all you need to know the pros and cons.

How to Find Blogs to Submit Guest Posts To

If you really want to guest post, which means you are writing for other blogger, one thing that must be your first priority is that how can I locate the blog where I will guest post. That is, how to find website that has the same topic (theme, niche) as yours.

Finding the perfect blog to guest post is very simple, simply log on to search engine and type something like [Niche topic blogs], and in this case you will replace the topic with the desired topic you are looking for.

For instance, you can search in search engine for �Article writing blogs�, this is when what you are looking for relates to article writing.

After this, you will get a handful of blogs relating to the niche you are looking for. If you want the best result and best outcome for your effort, it�s better to select blogs that are regularly updated. This will even assist your Backlinks status.

After this, take a look at the posts that are already posted and look at the likely post you can write that will win you more readerships from the site and the one that will be interesting.

Doing this before you write your post will give you more chance of acceptance from the owner of the blog.
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How Students Can Make Money Online in Pakistan? (quick guide)

Yup! Students in Pakistan can make money online without investment.

Many Pakistani peoples thought that making money online in Pakistan is not a easy task.

Many consider its a scam for Pakistanis.

But we can see many our Pakistani internet users got success in making money online without any cost.

If you are a student and want to earn some money for school or college time and fees then this article will help you.

Without any investment you can earn money in Pakistan.

I know some questions are coming in your mind that:
  • How Pakistani Students can Make Money ?
  • How Students can Make Money without investment ?
  • How other peoples in Pakistan got success in making money online?
Here I have want to share with you some great methods to earn online for free.

Every student can be a money making machine in Pakistan.

Male and female students can do this job easy as ABC.
How can Students Make Money Online in Pakistan ?
Stay calm and read full article.

One of our loyal readers ask me on Facebook "how can i earn money in Pakistan on internet" so read this and get information about earning money in Pakistan on the internet.
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How Can Students Make Money Online In 2017?

5 ways students can make money online

I was teaching students after university, but that only made me few bucks and caused more stress! Fed up of your part-time jobs after school, college or university? Want to do something exciting plus productive while you study?

If yes, then you have come to the right place!

I built this site when I was a student and so can you. Today you won't just learn basic earning ways but will find platforms to join and tools to use in order to kick start your online dream within a week!

So you have probably started looking into this part of the internet which holds a treasure trove of never-ending wealth. Well, maybe not never-ending, but some tools that can be used in any way you want and anywhere you want to generate money.

With the advent of the internet and the subsequent emergence of the digital era, earning online is not as hard as it may seem. Rather, it has become quite mainstream today.

Furthermore, with large corporations realizing the potential of going digital, it is only natural that today one can find a digital resource for almost anything!

Those who are really keen on earning online, can find a plethora of useful resources and mentors who can guide them in the right track. So let us see how you can earn while you study and not worry about going broke!

We wont talk nonsense! Before we may start please note that we wont be sharing useless ways of making money online. Methods such as filling online surveys, writing reviews, and clicking ads or watching videos, only wastes your time and makes no serious income online. Therefore we will talk only the sensible methods that are proven and recommended by professionals online.

Whether you are a student living in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh or Nigeria. These tips apply to all. Many Pakistani, Indians and Nigerians visit this blog on daily basis and I have crafted the points carfeully so that the payment options could apply to all.

Note: You won't be able to make a sustainable income online without following point number#5.

Following are Five Popular Ways Students Can Make Money Online in 2017 and ahead.

1. Creating Your Own Blog

students can make money by creating a Blog

Most of you might already be familiar with what a blog is. In any case, a blog is simply a dynamic website that contains content related to a certain topic. Such content can include anything from how-to articles to the latest news on tech.

A simple search on any topic will probably show you dozens of blogs that talk about what you are looking for. In fact, large corporations have their own blogs to engage with their customers and get valuable insights regarding the likes and dislikes of their target market.

Further research into blogging will reveal how rewarding running a blog can be. A number of examples exist where simple websites turned into multi-million blogs earning their creators fortunes that are beyond our wildest dreams.

Such blogs include CNET, Techradar, Entrepreneur, BuzzFeed and many more. We may have come across them a number of times but we may have never realized how much these are worth. Just to give you a teaser, BuzzFeed�s revenue in 2015 was around USD 167 million.

So coming down to the point. How can you earn with a blog? Well, there are plenty of ways in which you can do so.

However, one thing that is worth mentioning here is that there is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme. Making money online requires a great deal of patience and determination to provide the highest amount of value to your target audience.

CPC ads

Back to what we were discussing, a blog earns you money according to the amount of traffic that you get. That is, the more the people read your blog, the more you get paid.

In order to understand this, you will need to get a grasp of something called CPC or PPC ads. CPC and PPC stand for cost per click and pay per click respectively. In order to earn from a blog, you may place CPC ads on your website.

These ads are such that each time a reader comes to your blog and clicks on the ad, you get paid.

You may use Google Adsense which provides you the necessary tools and information on creating such ads. Google automatically chooses the ads that are related to your content and as such, you are saved from going through the trouble of contacting advertisers directly.

Making advertisers come to you

As mentioned earlier, almost every organization today knows the significance of digital marketing. Blogs are one of the most important tools that can allow organizations to reach a vast amount of target audience at the lowest of cost.

It therefore goes without saying that with time, you are most likely to get requests from advertisers who would want to place their ad on your blog. This can be in the form of a link to their website or simply a banner ad.

You may charge them a one-time fee or take monthly payments if running a banner ad. You may also charge for sponsoring an ad.

Using the blog for your own business

A blog does not necessarily have to be only a content delivering medium. Rather, it can serve as a great tool for promoting your own business if you already have one.

Furthermore, if you are selling physical products, a blog can go a long way in marketing your product effectively to a large audience.


In order to get a better grasp of how blogs make money, here is a pretty good example of a blog targeted toward the photography niche.

digital photography school

Digital Photography School is a successful blog created by Darren Rowse, widely known as Problogger. The blog has more than 800,000 subscribers and its main sources of income include banner ads, affiliate programs, and e-books.

As an example, you can see the banner ad promoting Segment. Clicking on the ad will earn the creator a certain amount of money accordingly.

The important thing to be noted here is that the blog is operating in a very profitable niche which is photography. As a student, if you have an interest in photography, this blog is a perfect example of how you can also create something as big as this.

Important Tips:

So here are some tips that you need to consider before starting your own blog.

  • Firstly, do as much research as you can. Make yourself aware of the different types of blogs that can be created. Make sure that you know the ins and outs of creating google ads and understand other technical jargon. The best way to learn is nothing but experience.
  • Therefore, if you are serious about earning online through a blog, now is the time to start experimenting and getting as much information as you can.
  • Secondly, like any other product or service, a blog is something that provides value to a certain target audience. The value can be in terms of entertainment, news, politics and much more. In our example above, digital photography provides useful tips and resources to interested photographers.
  • It is always best to start a blog on something that you are most interested in. This makes sure that you are motivated and that you keep improving your blog.
  • Thirdly and most importantly, identify your target audience. Based on your interest, do a bit of research on what do people with similar tastes like to read about. The more you understand your target audience, the better the content you can offer.
  • Lastly, it is crucial that you build your network. Starting a blog is not an easy task. As such, it is never a bad idea to get valuable advice from the experts. There are a number of events and online communities that you can join and get some vital pieces of information and support.

Most importantly, while I was browsing my Facebook timeline, I found a great resource for you if you want to start a blog step by step at wordpress. Although I have always given examples of Bloggers to start with, but I found something great and step by step information to quickly let you understand the process to begin with Wordpress.

2. Freelancing

students can make money doing freelancingFreelancing as you know is the biggest buzzword for all things online. It is one of the most promising industries of the future. Rather, freelancing is what is shaping the workplace of today.

As you may already know, freelancing involves working for on-demand projects online anywhere at any time. There is simply no limit to the amount of work you can take and earn.

Essentially, freelancing is a vast term that involves any sort of work that can be done online or offline without being associated with any sort of official organization. In simple terms, when you are a freelancer, you are your own boss!

How does freelancing work?

Understanding how to freelance is not something difficult. All you need to do is to choose what kind of work you want to do and then sign up on a freelancing platform to get various types of projects related to your profession.

  • So for instance, you can be a freelance writer, writing for web content, scripts, articles, stories etc. There is simply an innumerable amount of niches that you can target for delivering your writing services.
  • You may choose to become a freelance designer in which case you would be selling your services in terms of designing logos, banners and user interfaces for various clients. This can be quite rewarding as good designers are always in high demand.
  • Another way to earn is to become a freelance web developer. This is perhaps the most lucrative way of earning online as the market for web developers seems to be growing exponentially. There are simply millions of people who want compelling websites to be built for their businesses.

In fact, there are entire organizations that offer web development services to clients through the web by working online.

How to get started?

In order to get started, you will firstly need to set up an account on any number of freelancing platforms that you would like to work on. Such platforms allow you to connect to the relevant clients who may be looking for your services.

Some of the platforms include,, fiverr, upwork, ODesk, and many more. is quite a popular website where you can get a number of clients for various types of projects.

Nevertheless, being popular, it should not come as a surprise that will give you a tough competition as there are millions of other freelancers who are competing for jobs.

The problem is, that many platforms work by you setting up an account and putting in your details such as your skills, your payment methods etc. Once that is done, you will then have to bid for projects that you want.

For instance, if you want projects related to writing, you will need to post bids for the various projects that are listed. As such, the best bids are the ones that get selected.

In order to stand out, you will need to start off by charging only a little. This may be quite demotivating; however, with time, as your ratings grow and reviews are built, your profile will become more visible to the clients on whose projects you have placed a bid for.


According to a survey done by The Freelancer, the median amount of income earned by freelancers was between $10,000 - $20,000 annually. The chart below shows the results for all the freelancers surveyed.

Freelance Income

As mentioned earlier, freelancing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Rather, it takes a considerable amount of time to reach to a level where one can do freelancing as a career.

Nevertheless, for a student, freelancing is a great way to earn some extra cash. As an example, one may earn through Fiverr � a well-known freelancing platform where you can offer your services, called gigs, starting from $5.

Freelancing revenue scope

This is a Fiverr Revenues dashboard showing earnings in terms of revenues. As you can see, earnings are quite impressive with $10,340 earned in revenues. This is definitely not a bad gig for a student.

You can check out 20 Fiverr gigs ideas to sell in 2017 and can select the best possible gigs for yourself to get started with Fiverr.

Important tips:

  • Earning from freelance work takes time. There area great deal of freelancers on various platforms who are competing ever more vigorously for projects. However, this does not mean that you cannot make it to the top.
  • Freelancing is the same as running a business. The only difference is that you yourself are the entire company. As such, like any other business, you will need to build your credibility among the freelance community.
  • One thing that needs to be noted here is that most of the work given on freelance is based on a high amount of trust. This is quite obvious since clients from all over the world are hiring freelancers who are in completely different locations.
  • As such, building trust should be your main priority when choosing to freelance. In order to do so, you will need to make sure that you deliver the work on time and with the highest quality. Good quality work never goes underappreciated.
  • Furthermore, no business can survive without a reasonable amount of investment. Therefore, if you choose to freelance, be prepared to make some amount of investment in order to build your repute.
  • Such investments can be in the form of paying for certain aptitude tests available for a certain price. For instance, if you are a freelance web developer, having passed a series of tests related to HTML, CSS and other programming languages will add greatly to your profile.
  • Clients are more willing to give projects to freelancers who have such certifications as it shows that you are credible and can be relied upon.
  • In addition, you need to make sure that you have set up a proper online payment system. Freelance platforms require you to choose a payment method through which you can send and receive payments.

Payment Solutions

Payment methods may include PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill etc. Setting up a verified payment method is the most essential factor in winning the trust of the clients.

Lastly, keep yourself connected with other fellow freelancers. Just like blogging communities, freelance communities can give you some much needed advice and support in your freelancing endeavors.

You may join communities that are related to your own profession. For instance, a number of online forums exist which are solely dedicated to freelance writers. This way you can keep yourself updated with the latest trends going on the industry as well.

Freelancing can be a great career choice. It all depends on how much willing you are to keep on working as a freelancer and continue developing your profile.

Just like a blog, earning from freelance work is time-consuming and can be quite frustrating; however, it is all worth it in the end.

3. Writing EBooks

students can make money by writing ebooksThis option can pay off very well if you have a serious knack for writing. Whether it is a how-to guide, a fictional novel or anything else, the possibilities are endless. However, in order to be successful, you will need to expend a great amount of effort.

Read: Make an eBook: Beginners Guide To PDF eBook Building

For a student, writing an EBook may prove to be a bit difficult since it is hard to spare so much of time while studying. Nevertheless, it is something worth trying while on holidays when students have plenty of time to do whatever they like.

With so many online resources available, publishing EBooks have become incredibly easy. You can sell your EBooks through Amazon�s Kindle Program or through Apple�s iTunes Connect. All you need to do is sign up and publish your book at almost negligible cost.

So how does it work?

Essentially, Amazon has a system through which you earn a specific percentage of the price. That is, if you price your book between US $1.83 and US $8.60, you will get 70% of the price as royalty and 35% for $0.92.

  • To upload your book on Amazon, you will need to write a short description of what the book is about. This is the first thing that your readers will see when looking at your book. As such, make sure your description is compelling enough to make the potential reader buy your book.
  • After uploading your book and publishing it, you will need to wait for 24 hours before your book gets available on the online store for people to buy.


Writing and publishing an EBook may be time-consuming and require a lot of effort. However, it is nothing compared to the time and effort you need to spend on marketing your work. After all, getting your book noticed in a crowd of billions of others is far from easy.

One way to get started with your marketing is to use your social media contacts to spread awareness. You can create a Facebook page to attract the relevant type of target audience. You may use as well which is a website specially dedicated to readers of all kinds.

As with other marketing efforts, knowing your target audience is of utmost importance. You cannot sell a fictional novel to those who like reading about technical topics. As such, you need to strategize your marketing efforts accordingly.

You may do so by having someone create a landing page for your book or you may create one yourself. You can easily create a blog using WordPress for only a little amount of money and use it to provide relevant content to your target audience.


Earnings from e-books can vary significantly. However, below is a real earnings chart for books published on Amazon.

earning charts for books published on amazon


On average, the E-books have made USD 224 just in the month of February. As you can see, this is plenty for a student.

Important Tips:

  • One thing that needs to be kept in mind is that no matter how cheap the book is or how well you market it, it is not going to earn you enough if the content of the book itself is not up to the standards of your target audience.
  • As such, make sure you clearly understand what you write. A good way to start is writing a draft outline of the entire book. You may then split the book into chapters accordingly and build upon your outline.
  • This will make sure that you have a clear idea of what you are going to write. Furthermore, it is essential that you do your research thoroughly. In particular, if you are writing on a technical topic, a good amount of research is necessary in order to build credibility.

4. Affiliate Marketing

students can make money doing Affiliate MarketingIf nothing else works, then affiliate marketing is the way to go. Essentially, as an affiliate marketer, you act as a middleman between the provider of the product and the target audience for that product.

In simple terms, if you sign up as an affiliate for a certain product, you will be selling the product through the web using various marketing techniques. Each time the product is sold, you will get paid a certain amount of commission.

Need Motivation from a developing country like Pakistan?

luqman khan of 10beasts

This talented guy plus student from Lahore, called "Luqman Khan" sitting on my office chair makes on average $40,000 a month in Amazon affiliate sales from his website mashAllah! If he can do that, then why can't you?

People love copying others without putting their own efforts. Yes some succeed in copying copyrights of others but neither do they succeed in their long term goals nor receives respect in the eyes of internet community.

Be unique and creative always. No one has equal thinking abilities. Everyone is unique and creative based on his God gifted potentials. So utilize your God gifted skills, polish them and present to the world something that you could solely own at the end of the day. Become the first You!

How does it work?

Affiliate marketing works by online sellers allowing you to sell their products through their affiliate program. how affiliate marketing works

For instance, Amazon has its own affiliate program that allows people to register as affiliate marketers to sell any type of product they like.

  • When you sign up for an affiliate program, you are given an affiliate code that can be used to bring traffic to your website that you are using to sell the product.
  • Usually, the provider will give you the necessary banners, sales copies and other marketing materials which you can simply place on your website.
  • The providers can monitor the progress of the website through the affiliate ID that they provided. You too can check your commissions and other relevant statistics.

Example runs one of the most well-known affiliate programs in the market.

amazon associates account

All you need to do is join through the link and choose a product you want to advertise. You can then earn up to 10% advertising fee.

The best part is that you do not have to sell the product. Rather, you earn based on whether a customer has clicked on an ad linking to Amazon�s website. That is, the more clicks you get, the more you earn.

In the start, earnings can be quite low. However, with time, you can earn up $1000 per month. This can grow with experience and contacts.

amazon affiliate earning chart

The picture shows the amount of fees earned through Amazon�s affiliate program.

As you can see the conversion rate is 11.14%. This is the part that needs to grow in order to increase earnings through the program.

Amazon provides a number of useful tools and resources to increase your conversion rates effectively.

Important Tips:

  • Affiliate marketing is far from a get-rich-quick scheme. Since affiliate marketing requires minimal investment and resources, the barriers to entry are extremely low. As much as this is a benefit, it is also a cause of intense competition and hence standing out of the crowd can take some time.
  • In order to get a head start in the affiliate marketing industry, the first thing you need to consider is the type of products you want to sell. It is recommended to select a couple of good products that have a high demand in the market.
  • There is no point in taking on more than you can handle. Consequently, in order to determine what products sell well, you will need to do a lot of research on different markets.
  • Secondly, make use of different channels to promote the product. Simply using your website for promotion may not take you very far in terms of selling the product. Google and Facebook ads can be a great source for attracting the relevant type of traffic.
  • Golden Tip: Even if you don't own a website or youtube channel, you can send your affiliate link via email or social media to friends and family members who often ask you "Hey Mike! Do you know where can I buy a good laptop?" Just send him an email by adding your affiliate link! ;)

5. Build a Skill Set First!

students can make money by building a skill set

This point is added by the editorial board of MBT.

No one values your time online unless you have acquired a skill set. Please note down the following important points to ensure a successful career online, with both inflow of a handsome income as well as respect in the eye of the internet community.

Ready? Let's discuss it on fingertips:

  1. [Must] Learn Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator: Love those InfoGraphics and awesome Image graphics that you see on the Web? Then learn the art of photo editing and excell in this skill. Thousands of tutorials are available online on youTube or simply download a course from You can start selling graphics online just within a month of learning Ps and Ai.
  2. Learn Adobe After Effects: Love those exciting YouTube videos or Hollywood trailers with that awesome text animation and graphic effects? Then learn Ae right today by watching videos on YouTube or downloading a course from You can start making money online by uploading awesome videos on YouTube after learning Ae within a month! You could become the next great YouTuber/vLogger.
  3. [Must] Learn CSS & HTML: A person who don't know these basic UI languages used to build and style a webpage equals one who writes an English essay without knowing the grammar. You can become a web designer by simply excelling in these basic languages by reading free tutorials on

Excelling in these three skills is no less than a weapon that can help you succeed at a much faster speed online.

If you are really serious about making a six figure income online then read the following article:

The Internet is a place for people with creative skills, and it feeds only those who first learns, then practice it and finally shares his knowledge!


Earning money online is a great way to get some extra cash while you are a student. In fact, if you continue to work online, it is highly likely that you become an online professional by the time you finish studies.

If you are confused and still need help, do not hesitate and just post your query in the comment box below. I would love to answer all your queries and help you to the best of my ability. :)

A Guest Post Contributed by Umer Iftikhar, edited and designed by MBT.