What is Guest Posting and How to Get Backlinks from it?

Getting traffic to your website or blog might take many methods; one of these methods is guest blogging.
  • To be clear and simple, what is guest blogging?
Guest blogging is the act of writing on other people�s blog as a guest writer, or at some time as an instructor but who is not actually the owner of the website or blog.

In this way, you are making many things happening by doing something like this, as you are expanding your reach, you are also getting Backlinks for your blog.

But this doesn�t grant you the opportunity to guest post on all kind of blog you find on the web however.
What is Guest Posting and how to get Backlinks from it?
If you do these, it will ruin your reputation you have with people as a blogger; you will be seen as a spammer.

In this article today we shall examine the right way to guest blogging all you need to know the pros and cons.

How to Find Blogs to Submit Guest Posts To

If you really want to guest post, which means you are writing for other blogger, one thing that must be your first priority is that how can I locate the blog where I will guest post. That is, how to find website that has the same topic (theme, niche) as yours.

Finding the perfect blog to guest post is very simple, simply log on to search engine and type something like [Niche topic blogs], and in this case you will replace the topic with the desired topic you are looking for.

For instance, you can search in search engine for �Article writing blogs�, this is when what you are looking for relates to article writing.

After this, you will get a handful of blogs relating to the niche you are looking for. If you want the best result and best outcome for your effort, it�s better to select blogs that are regularly updated. This will even assist your Backlinks status.

After this, take a look at the posts that are already posted and look at the likely post you can write that will win you more readerships from the site and the one that will be interesting.

Doing this before you write your post will give you more chance of acceptance from the owner of the blog.
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